Free Fall In Scarlet or You Will Believe A Flash Can Fall! (Skydiving 04/27/2015)

“Free Fall In Scarlet” or “You Will Believe A Flash Can Fall!”

Hey Speed Readers/Viewers

So a few weeks back I celebrated my 30th birthday and to mark the special occasion I decided to try my hand at skydiving. Of course being Flash Johnson I couldn’t simply jump out of a plane…I had to do it in style! So to that end I decided to rock my brand new, CW Flash suit 2.0, with my favorite
Flashy footwear, my Adidas Wings 2.0. I figured they were more than appropriate for what I was doing and I didn’t want to ruin my slick new Flash boots.

Why skydiving? Well, after reading the William Messner-Loebs penned The Flash v2 #54, “Nobody Dies” (aka “Free Fall in Scarlet!”) many, many years ago I got it in my head that I needed to jump out of a plane in a frackin’ Flash suit.

Flash #54: Free-Fall in Scarlet!

The aforementioned issue features Wally West early on in his career as The Flash, foiling skyjackers but failing to prevent a nice flight attendant he met earlier from flying out of a breach in the pressurized cabin. Despite not being able to fly at all (in fact the aura that surrounds him and protects him from environmental damage actually works against him), Wally dives out of the plane after her. After a couple of misses Wally manages to catch the flight attendant and then proceeds to break their fall by pumping his legs as fast as super-humanly possible to create a cushion of air in a successful attempt to slow their descent.

This issue was what really made me stand up and take notice, and ever since I’ve wanted to jump out of a plane in a frackin’ Flash costume.

So without any further ado I present to you my skydiving adventure while wearing my brand new CW Flash suit. Falling at over 120 mph from 20,000 feet is about the closest I’m going to get to feeling like The Flash without rocket boots and absolutely NOTHING compares to the experience. Well at least nothing I’ve done so far…

Why anyone would go skydiving without a super suit I will never know but after seeing this you will believe a Flash can fall…mostly elegantly.

Awesomeness is present throughout the entire video (Hey Awesomeness, glad you could make it) but hilarity interjects from 2:26 to around 2:39. I’m expecting gifs galore!

The song is one of my favorites, “The Ballad of Barry Allen” by Jim’s Big Ego.

Flash Fact: Jim Infantino, the lead singer, is the nephew of legendary Flash co-creator, Carmine Infantino.

You can find me at, here at, and on the podcast, just about every Tuesday after The Flash on CW airs.

Also be sure to Like me on Facebook and Follow me on Twitter.

Thanks for watching,

Stay Flashy, y’all

Flash Johnson


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