Fellow Flash blog Crimson Lightning has returned to a regular update schedule, including the latest in its series reviewing each episode of the 1990 Flash TV Series: “Fast Forward.”
Newsarama’s Grumpy Old Fan contemplates what “the most definitive” version of a character means.
More Mortal Kombat vs DCU trailers, including video of Flash vs. Scorpion. Something must be funky about the player CBR uses, because this is the second time they’ve posted video clips on MKvDC that I couldn’t get to play. YMMV.
This Week in Geek interviews Brea Grant (via @breagrant)
And speeking of geeks, check out the 56 Geeks Project (via Once Upon a Geek)
Interesting. Some items that stood out to me:
1) Visible signs of damage.
2) Fighting while you fall.
3) Flash’s yellow gloves and boots.’
Btw, I can view the trailers. They just stutter a lot. I use Firefox 3.0.3, iirc.
.-= West’s latest blog post: It Ain’t Over =-.
Am I the only one who gets really aggravated that almost every DC Character’s costume has been altered in some way? Why can they not make them look correct?
@West: I discovered that I actually can view them on my notebook, which means it’s just not compatible with the Linux version of Flash for some reason (which makes no sense, because it’s theoretically the same plugin).
@Damon Ryan: Probably not, but it doesn’t bug me.
Damon: I kinda wish they wouldn’t change them but most of the changes work pretty well in that medium – including GL’s uniform.
I’m sorry but every time I see Wally’s yellow gloves, I flashback to some BAD Superfriends Episode! I am guesstimating that is supposed to be Wally.
My comment was eaten the first time.
Anyway, I was saying that I wouldn’t assume the Flash is Wally. After all, Green Lantern is certainly not Kyle.
.-= West’s latest blog post: It Ain’t Over =-.