- RT @Robot6: SDCC ’09 | Mark Waid takes a turn as radio DJ on KCRW
- In San Diego, checked into hotel. Free wifi = yay!
- Hotel room has great view of…the roof. Whee.
- Serious fans! RT @Robot6: SDCC ’09 | Behold the power of Twilight: More than 100 Twilight fans already are lined up.
At the Con
- Badge pick-up took 5 minutes from arival at con. And hey, I have ANOTHER copy of Blackest Night #0!
- Wed night: the only time you’ll see the Mrs Fields carts without a line.
Simple costume: walking bulletin board.
Huge line at Graphitti T-shirt booth for Green Lantern figures.
- First person in Twilight line has a dome tent.
- Not many costumes at preview night, but a few. Sitting on shuttle behind Wonder Girl & (I think) Ravager.
- Uploading first batch of photos to Flickr account over slow hotel wifi
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