Category Archives: Creators

Speed Reading: Old Favorites and the Unknown

Catching up on some linkblogging from the past two weeks.

Crimson Lightning posts the results of the leading lady poll, and starts the next one: what’s your favorite arc from Wally West’s run as the Flash?

At Fraggmented, John Seavey describes a personal favorite: Flash vol.2 #50, the conclusion of William Messner-Loebs’ arc with Vandal Savage.

Comic Coverage looks into the Flash’s worst retcon, the Silver Age “real origin of the Flash” that introduced the much-reviled Mopee — including contemporary fan response from the letters column! For a character whom readers and writers alike wanted to forget, he’s certainly getting a lot of attention lately.

The latest Random Dive into the Deep End of the Long Box features Flash vol.2 #220, the opening chapter of “Rogue War.”

Robot 6’s Grumpy Old Fan ponders the emphasis on “important” events instead of just telling stories.

More Flash in last week’s 20 Questions with Dan Didio. Nothing really new, though, just the same old statements.

Newsarama interviews Mark Waid on his upcoming miniseries, The Unknown.

Jesse Blaze Snider (Dead Romeo) tells Fangoria that he’d love to write the Flash (among other super-heroes).

Speed Reading: Casting, Powers, Moose and Waid

Winged Lions Quiver looks at Flash casting rumors. Kneel Before Zod casts the Flash’s Rogues.

Nwego’s Dirty Mind looks at the Barry vs. Wally debate.

Lordportico ponders the nature of the Flash’s super-speed [Edit: the author moved this to a new blog in April] [Edit 2: The author seems to have removed the article entirely. I wish I’d been a little more descriptive in this link, since I don’t remember what the approach was.]

Flash-back podcast has a new installment focusing on the Speed Force (not this blog, of course, but the concept it was named after).

Major Spoilers has a sneak peek at Mark Waid’s Irredeemable, while the writer himself has launched a podcast, 15 Minutes With Waid, starting with Inside Potter’s Field. (I quite liked the first two issues of the Potter’s Field miniseries that came out last(?) year, and would definitely be interested in more.)

A Comic Bloc discussion over why Moose Baumann is no longer the colorist on Flash: Rebirth has made it to Lying in the Gutters.

Speed Reading: Rogues, Waid, Crossovers

Mark Waid talks to Newsarma about Batman in Barcelona: Dragon’s Knight #1 includes the Flash’s Rogues in their Top 10 Costume-Dependent Comic Book Characters.

Seduction of the Indifferent is starting a feature on Pied Piper covers, and the first installment highlights Flash Comics #59. A decade before the Rogue of the same name first appeared, this other villain based on the Piper of legend fought Hawkman and Hawkgirl.

Robot 6’s Grumpy Old Fan looks into “Flash of Two Worlds” and its influences on later comics as part of his “Towards A Modern Superhero Canon” series.

Creator Catch-Up: Waid, Guggenheim, Van Sciver, Acuña, Infantino

Mark Waid‘s all over the place. CBR has two interviews: First he talks about Irredeemable, then at NYCC he unveils The Unknown, a 4-issue miniseries described as “What if Doc Savage were written by David Lynch?” and adds more details on Irredeemable. There’s also a bit about his Spider-Man arc, “24/7” with Mike McKone, and Newsarama writes about Irredeemable

Geoff Johns was all over New York Comic-Con, but the biggest announcement was the confirmation that he’ll write Adventure Comics with Francis Manapul on art. (Johns’ role in the book has been suspected since the new series was announced, given that he’s spent the last year and a half re-establishing the pre-Crisis version of the Legion of Super-Heroes in Justice Society of America, Action Comics, and Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds.)

SILive’s article on New york Comic-Con profiles Silver-Age Flash co-creator Carmine Infantino.

IGN interviews Marc Guggenheim about his Green Lantern movie script.

Newsarama interviews Daniel Acuña.

Ethan Van Sciver explains his theory linking US political shifts to the popularity of Werewolves and Zombies vs. Vampires and Aliens in pop culture.

Speed Reading: Super-Friends, Secret Identities, and More

Logan Mo Mott continues his Reviews of Flash vol.2, with issues and , introducing the Kilg%re.

Comics Worth Reading reviews the All-New Super-Friends Hour.

CBR talks with Marc Guggenheim about “Character Assassination” in Spider-Man

The Comics Journal reprints an angry letter from Carmine Infantino regarding payments for some use of Black Canary. (via The Beat)

Comics in Crisis discusses the Worst-Kept Secret Identities, including Flash Wally West.

Comic Book Kingdom quotes a scene from Middleman in which the two leads discuss comic books, in particular the Flash.

And a bit off-topic, this list of Geek Gods tries to re-imagine the Greek/Roman pantheon with geek icons of today, with Stan Lee as Zeus, Majel Barret Roddenberry as Hera, Wil Wheaton as Hemes, and so forth.

Mark Waid: Incredible or Irredeemable?

IrredeemableMark Waid has been in the comics news a lot this week, with two upcoming series.

Newsarama Interviews Mark Waid about his Incredibles comic, launching in March. (Coincidentally, I re-watched the film this weekend, and it definitely holds up.)

Then there’s the website and T-shirts proclaiming that Mark Waid is Evil (a sentiment with which certain *ahem* posters on the DC Message Boards would seem to agree). Robot 6 breaks the news that it’s a promo for a new ongoing series called Irredeemable, about what happens when the world’s greatest super-hero turns into the world’s greatest super-villain.

This has a “Look out, Jimmy! Superman’s turned EVIL!” rating of 10/10.