Category Archives: Reviews

“Cause and XS” Review of S5 E14 of THE FLASH!

Any fans of “Groundhog Day” the movie out there? It’s one of those movies that I somehow have to stop and watch whenever it shows up on TV. Tonight’s episode is the superhero version of that plot, and it works brilliantly here. Watch Nora as she tries to save everyone, and tries again, and again, and…you get the idea. It’s “Cause and XS” on THE FLASH! Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“The Price” Part One – Review of BATMAN #64

Batman and the Flash share a great sense of loss…and guilt. Batman was one of the architects of Sanctuary, the healing place for heroes where Wally and so many others died in HEROES IN CRISIS. Barry Allen carries guilt for sending Wally there. Now, can they work together…or will they tear themselves apart for good? We begin with “The Price of Justice”, the first of four crossover issues with Batman and The Flash. Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Goldfaced” Review S5 E13 of THE FLASH!

The official description of this episode (from the CW Network) is, “Barry and Ralph must go undercover as criminals in an illegal black market to purchase a device that could help them stop Cicada.” What could POSSIBLY go wrong? Meanwhile, is Sherloque looking for love in all the wrong places…again? And why is Nora helping him? Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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A Double Dose of Speed Force – Review THE FLASH #63 and THE FLASH ANNUAL #2!

This week brought us not one, but TWO books featuring the Scarlet Speedster! In THE FLASH #63 we continue Force Quest, while in THE FLASH ANNUAL we witness the return of Godspeed…along with a VERY special guest star! Both are well worth the read for any Flash fan, though you may need a box of tissues handy for part of the stories. Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!

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“Memorabilia” Review of S5 E12 of THE FLASH

What if you could go back into your memories and live them again? What if, instead, you could go into someone else’s memories? And, how dangerous could that be for them…and you? That’s what we find out in this episode of THE FLASH! As a bonus, we learn a lot more about Grace, the young girl that Cicada is trying to avenge. And, what about that metahuman cure? Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Seeing Red” S5 E11 of THE FLASH (Review)

After a lot of very interesting non-Cicada threads, we return tonight to the big bad of the season. Cicada is back in business in a very big way, and he has intel that could lead to a LOT of carnage. Cicada is in this because of what happened to his daughter, and he carries the anger a father might feel in that situation to an extreme. What if someone else went through that? We get the answer to that…and more on the research for the “metahuman cure” in tonight’s episode of THE FLASH! Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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