Linkblogging catch-up continues!
Art and comic strips
- Flash cake
- Rogues in art for a canceled Justice League game (via @Speedstersite)
- Comic Book Hollywood Casting
- You should really check out this XKCD comic in a couple of different web browsers to experience the full effect. Some of them change when you resize the window, too.
- Schrödinger’s comic by Comic Critics
Comics industry
- Origins of the Speech Balloon – Lew Stringer via The Beat
- End of the Thought Balloon – Joe Hill (Robot6)
- Mark Waid on print vs. digital (Robot6), and the cold math about print comics (
- Reading Comics and the Stickiness Factor (Westfield Comics, via Comics Worth Reading)
- When comic shops don’t carry non-superhero books that their customers want. (Every Day is Like Wednesday, via Comics Worth Reading)
- Paul Duffield tries to put numbers to gender imbalance in the comics industry.
- March comics sales ranks. Looks like AvX finally pushed Flash out of the top 10
Other Stuff
- For the Doctor Who fans: The Hipster Companion by The Nerdy Bird
- Do dead links matter? (me at Hyperborea)
- DC/Marvel Characters Tournament Winner at CSBG
- Need Coffee writes about Animated Anthem Day, the crossover we participated in on Tuesday.
- Digital comic: Division 18: The Union of Novelty Costumed Performers
- The Juggernaut almost flattens Harry Potter and other comic book Easter eggs at CSBG