Category Archives: Round-Ups

Speed Reading

Some links from the past week:


Speed Reading: Art

Some more weekend linkblogging…

Philip Tan posts an image of Flash and Batman, saying, “What’s This? What’s THIS?! All will be made known soon… Very soon…” (via @SpeedsterSite).

Animation Designer Phillip Bourassa describes JL: Crisis on Two Earths models (via @SpeedsterSite)

That F’ing Monkey shows off a custom Captain Cold Munny figure.

Comics Cosplay Brasil: So that’s where the Flash gets his energy!

The Nerdy Bird shows us some super-hero watercolors.

Speed Reading

Some weekend linkblogging…

Once Upon a Geek can’t wait for the upcoming DC Adventures RPG.

Multiversity Comics casts the Teen Titans

The Beat finds that Comic-Con brings money into San Diego after all. Who knew? Oh, right, we did: the ones spending it!

4thletter! looks at Flash and Batman in Final Crisis: “Everything about the Flash, any of them, in Final Crisis is dead on…”

Flash Week Concludes

Flash Week at Collected Editions concludes with a review of Flash: Rebirth!

Here’s a full list of the Flash trade paperback and hardcover reviews posted this week:

If you’ve been following along, you already know that I contributed the reviews of the Morrison/Millar books, Emergency Stop and The Human Race. I forgot to mention it earlier, but this is actually the second set of guest reviews I’ve done for the site: I reviewed Perhapanauts: First Blood for them last year.

When you visit Collected Editions, be sure to check out the huge collection of reviews (including more Flash trades) and the DC Trade Paperback Timeline.

Flash Week at Collected Editions

The Collected Editions blog has just started Flash Week, a whole week of reviews of Flash trade paperbacks and hardcovers, leading up to a review of Flash: Rebirth. First up: a review of The Return of Barry Allen.

Along the way, I’ll be contributing a couple of guest reviews covering the Grant Morrison/Mark Millar collections, Emergency Stop and The Human Race.

Collected Editions is a great site for news about upcoming DC Comics (and sometimes other) collections as well as reviews. The site also maintains the DC Trade Paperback Timeline. Last year they put together a Top Flash Trade Paperbacks list.

Speed Reading: Spotlight, Uni-Formz, Gratuitous Storytelling and More

More weekend linkblogging!

Crimson Lightning has finished the month-long Rogue Spotlight on Abra Kadabra.

That F—ing Monkey reviews the Flash Uni-Formz action figures in great detail.

At Newsarama, Jill Pantozzi considers possible super-hero dads. Her favorite pick? A certain redheaded speedster who might be familiar to readers of this blog.

Other Comics

Collected Editions looks into the question: will the Young Justice cartoon series bring us any new YJ collections? They’ve also updated the DC Trade Paperback Timeline.

Multiversity Comics discusses gratuitous storytelling in recent comics, particularly DC and Marvel. *cough*Rise of Arsenal*cough*

Comics Should Be Good compares various artists’ approach to super-heroic posture.

Comics Nexus notes a trend in current DC Comics and concludes that Geoff Johns must be stopped. Is the tendency to tie everything together good for comics…or is it hurting them in favor of media adaptations? There’s a follow-up post, too, which amounts to, we really don’t think he’s the problem, honest!

Speaking of Geoff Johns, IGN interviews DC’s Chief Creative Officer about Brightest Day and the Rebirth of the DC Universe.