Tag Archives: Barry Allen

Trickster Returns in Flash #18 (March 2013) – Solicitation & Cover

The Justice League Group solicitations are up at CBR, including…

1:25 B&W Variant cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
On sale MARCH 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for more information.

  • The Trickster is accused of murder! Can The Flash help solve his case?
  • Plus, a surprising twist ending that will rock the world of…DIAL H?

This is the first of two stand-alone issues between Gorilla Warfare and the upcoming Reverse-Flash storyline during which Francis Manapul is taking a break. He’ll be back as co-writer and artist with #20.

Hey, waitaminute, is that Turbine in a new T-themed costume?

Annotations: The Trial of the Flash, #335 – “How to Trash a Flash!”

Welcome to the latest installment in our annotations of the collected edition of The Trial of the Flash!  We analyzed related stories leading up to the release of Showcase Presents: The Trial of the Flash.  In addition, we interviewed author Cary Bates about the buildup and the Trial itself, plus showed you what wasn’t included in the collection.

IN THIS ISSUE:  Central City’s TV media market ranking….revealed!

Links to original artwork, scans and research are included throughout this post.  For definitive legal analysis of the story by Bob Ingersoll, go here.  Tom vs. Flash took on this issue here.  See you after the jump!

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This Week: Flash #14 and Impulse vs. Grim ‘n’ Gritty


This week sees the release of The Flash , part two of Gorilla Warfare, by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato. Preview at CBR.

Gorilla Grodd’s more powerful than ever, and the Flash is completely outmatched! Who will give their life defending Central City against the ape invasion?

ComiXology’s digital backissues have paused in releasing the early 1990s Flash, but Impulse is still going, with issues #37-38 by William Messner-Loebs and Craig Rousseau.

Impulse #37 parodies the grim-and-gritty 90s excess as Bart encounters the Glory Shredder, a vigilante who takes his anti-crime crusade too far.

In Impulse #38, a rising river threatens to flood Manchester, Alabama. Can two speedsters and a handful of quirky villains make the difference as the townspeople struggle to save their home?

Flash #17 Solicitation: Gorilla Warfare Concludes!

Today sees the release of DC’s Justice League solicitations for February.  The cover for Flash #17 was revealed late last week as part of an interview with Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato over at Comic Book Resources, which also announced that the debut of the new Reverse-Flash would also be a part of issue #17.


Art and cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
1:25 B&W Variant cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
On sale FEBRUARY 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

• The finale of “GORILLA WARFARE” as Barry’s battle with Grodd comes to its bone-crunching conclusion!

• Don’t miss the introduction of one of The Flash’s greatest foes!

In the CBR interview, it is also mentioned that Manapul will be taking a two-issue break from Flash following “Gorilla Warfare.”  Buccellato will handle writing duties on his own for #s 18 and 19, and he mentioned Marcio Takara as a possible artist on Twitter.  [UPDATE: Manapul confirmed this on Twitter on Saturday].  Follow the jump for a sketch of Flash by Takara!

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High Speed Hauntings: 4 Ghost Stories Featuring the Flash

Flash Annual #11: Ghosts - Cover

Ghost stories seem a natural fit with some superheroes. Not so with the Flash. An origin based in science, scientifically trained alter-egos, villains who use technology. Even the “magician” villain, Abra Kadabra, is more of a techno-mage, using highly advanced future technology to carry out transformations that seem like magic to our experience. The closest the Flash mythos gets to the supernatural is the metaphysical nature of the speed force, and even that is described in terms of energy and the nature of space-time.

So it makes sense that for 1998’s “Ghosts” annuals, the Flash story would feature not a traditional ghost, but one tied to the speed force: Johnny Quick, who had vanished into the speed force two years earlier during Dead Heat.

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Annotations: The Trial of the Flash, #334 – “Flash Freak-Out!”

Welcome to the latest installment in our annotations of the collected edition of The Trial of the Flash!  We analyzed related stories leading up to the release of Showcase Presents: The Trial of the Flash.  In addition, we interviewed author Cary Bates about the buildup and the Trial itself, plus showed you what wasn’t included in the collection.

IN THIS ISSUE: What are the secret properties of the mysterious “Vitamin F”?  Then, meet the cat who found out Flash’s secret identity!

Links to artwork, scans and research are included throughout this post.  I scoured the web but could not find any scans of original artwork for this issue.  For definitive legal analysis of the story by Bob Ingersoll, go here.  Tom vs. Flash took on this issue here.  See you after the jump!

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