Tag Archives: Barry Allen

Review: Blackest Night: The Flash #3

The conclusion of this miniseries — to the extent that it concludes, anyway — is more satisfying than the middle chapter. The story is more solid, and it’s visually more varied as characters with colors beyond black and blue join Blue Lantern Barry Allen onstage.

Speaking of color schemes, I noticed something interesting about the covers: they get progressively brighter. The first issue is mostly black and silver, with a dark blue logo outline. The second issue adds some color by putting Captain Cold in the center, and has a brighter logo outline. By the third issue, Blue Lantern Barry takes up the entire cover, and the logo is again a tiny bit brighter. I don’t know whether it’s intentional, but it’s certainly thematic.

The story follows three main threads: The Rogues in Iron Heights; Captain Boomerang; and the Flashes.

The Rogues’ story gets the least attention this time around. Once again it picks up right where they left off, but instead of focusing on emotional manipulation, it’s basically a dungeon crawl as they try to work out something that will shut down the Black Lantern Rogues. It does, however, give away a little more about the resolution of Flash: Rebirth

Captain Boomerang’s story is a sad one, and while moving, I’m afraid it significantly damages the character for future use. More on this in the spoiler section.

This time around the Flashes’ story works best. Barry Allen is still dealing with an unfamiliar power set, but by this time he’s gotten accustomed to it, rather than spending the entire issue learning how to use the blue ring…plus there are other speedsters around to keep the “Fastest Man Alive” theme on track. There’s also a solid resolution to one of the major story elements from last month.

Of course, since this is a side story to a larger event, it ends — or rather stops — with a big “To be continued” sign as several characters head back into the main Blackest Night story, and the big question from issue #1 is left unanswered.

Spoilers below!

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Custom Blue Lantern Barry Allen Figure on eBay!

As a Flash collector I spend a lot of my time on eBay. Whether it’s looking for good deals on action figures or hunting for some rare gem of a collectible, I spend a lot of time on the site. This afternoon I came across a pretty sweet custom of Blue Lantern Barry Allen up for auction. Interesting to note that the custom is astonishingly pretty accurate to the official action figure of Blue Lantern Flash by DC Direct design wise.

I actually think I dig the custom on eBay a little more though. Especially the way the belt is worked right into the Blue Lantern chest design as opposed to being awkwardly painted over it. The previous design may work in the comic but on an action figure it stands out a lot more than it should. This custom is being brought to us by nissan_nx2004 and Black Lanterns Green Arrow and Hawkman are also included in the auction.

Pretty nice huh? The auction is currently at $75.00 with 2 days and 21 hours left in the auction and you can view it here. The listing also has some additional pics of Blue Lantern Flash and Black Lanterns Green Arrow and Hawkman.

Devin “The Flash” Johnson

Blackest Night: Blue Lantern Barry Allen Action Figure Announced

Toy Fair 2010 is upon us and with that comes some awesome DC Comics toy news. IGN.com reports that DC Direct will have at least four new Blackest Night Action Figures on display at Toy Fair including Blue Lantern Barry Allen! I knew they would eventually get to him but I never thought it would be this soon. Color this toy collector extremely excited for the possibility of more Flash-oriented collectibles. And with The Flash series finally getting back on track, and with Barry being a key player in the upcoming Brightest Day there is a possibility of more fun stuff being rolled out before the end. IGN has the first pics including this one of Barry as a Blue Lantern:

This is probably the cleanest image we have of Barry in the Blue Lantern gear so far and I’m definitely digging the design. Here is hoping for more great Flash stuff.

-Devin “The Flash” Johnson

More Figures: Zoom, Streak, Chronicles

Matty Collector: The Streak (Justice Guild) action figure.Matty Collector is selling a set of Justice Guild figures, featuring the Justice Society stand-ins Green Guardsman (Green Lantern), The Streak (Flash), Black Siren (Black Canary) and Tom Turbine from the Justice League animated episode, “Legends” (via JSA Round Table).

Professor Zoom (The Reverse Flash) - JLA Classified Series 3 DC Direct Action Figure.Newsarama has pictures of DC Direct’s JLA Classified Series 3, featuring such classics as Professor Zoom (more or less; the design is sort of a hybrid between Eobard Thawne and Hunter Zolomon), Superman Red (not to be confused with Superman Blue), the Atom, and Hal Jordan (special extra-grumpy edition).

Techland has a first look at the DC Chronicles: The Flash statue. This series is “created to capture the original depictions of DC Comics’ most renowned heroes” according to the DC Direct website. So far they’ve announced Golden Age Superman, Golden Age Batman, Golden Age Wonder Woman, and Golden Age Aquaman. Naturally, the next statue is Silver Age Flash.

It’s a great statue of Barry Allen, but shouldn’t a line designed around the original versions of DC’s characters feature, well, the original version of the character?

Blue Lantern Flash HeroClix

HeroClix is working on a Blackest Night starter set featuring the heroes and villains deputized in Blackest Night #6, and has been releasing photos and descriptions over at the WizKids Games blog. Today’s entry isn’t up yet…but ICv2 has the Blue Lantern Barry Allen figure.

I think this is the clearest depiction I’ve seen of Barry Allen’s Blue Lantern costume. The BN:Flash #3 cover comes close, but parts of the design are still obscured by lightning.

Click over to ICv2 for the description, card and dial.

TWO Flash References on TV This Week!

Absolute Justice, the Geoff Johns-penned two-hour Smallville episode featuring the Justice Society of America, airs this Friday at 8:00 PM on the CW. The Flash doesn’t appear himself, but we’ve seen screencaps with Jay Garrick’s helmet and a painting featuring the classic JSA.

But Smallville isn’t the only show that references the Flash this week. Canadian viewers have already seen this week’s episode of Human Target, “Sanctuary.” @hastily spotted a character trying to explain what the Anti-Monitor did to Barry Allen in Crisis on Infinite Earths. The episode airs in the US on Wednesday at 8:00 PM on Fox.