Some art-related linkblogging…
Yildiray Cinar draws an impressive Reverse Flash (via @SpeedsterSite)
There’s a new Rogue in town…a new Rogues blog, that is: The Rogues Kick Ass (via @liabrown1). So far, it’s mostly comedic scans from published comics. (Context? What context?)
This is Knutz presents: The Rogues as kittens. (via @SpeedsterSite) Hilarious!
The Best Comic Covers looks back on the 9 Best Superman vs Flash Covers.
Various people at DC Comics weigh in on their favorite DC covers. Dan Didio’s is Michael Turner’s Flash #207 (via @SpeedsterSite).
Last week, Once Upon a Geek posted a series of poster galleries, including the JSA, Flash, Green Lantern, Sandman, Crisis on Infinite Earths, and more.
Behind the Scenes
Francis Manapul has been posting a lot of Flash art on Twitter lately: the uncolored art for the Flash #5 cover and five pages from Flash #2.
Val Victory’s review of the Flash: Rebirth hardcover includes scans of Ethan Van Sciver’s discarded designs for Wally West’s new costume.
Lots of places have been posting about Wednesday Comics with the release of the hardcover this week. The Source has some of the extras, including art from Karl Kerschl’s Flash strip.
Comic Strips
OK, none of these strips are Flash-related… but I had to share them anyway.
Comic Critics points out that Gotham City is a bad place to open themed businesses.
Creebobby presents Batman after a bad night on patrol: Bat-Fail.