Tag Archives: Impulse

A Double Dose of Speed Force – Review THE FLASH #63 and THE FLASH ANNUAL #2!

This week brought us not one, but TWO books featuring the Scarlet Speedster! In THE FLASH #63 we continue Force Quest, while in THE FLASH ANNUAL we witness the return of Godspeed…along with a VERY special guest star! Both are well worth the read for any Flash fan, though you may need a box of tissues handy for part of the stories. Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!

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New Impulse Art From Young Justice

DC still hasn’t told us much about the upcoming Young Justice title for DC’s new ‘Wonder Comics’ imprint, but they’ve released some neat new art of Bart Allen and his teammates. The series will be written by Brian Michael Bendis and illustrated by Patrick Gleason, and will debut in January 2019.

I’m glad to see Bart looking happy and carefree again. What do you guys think of the promo art and costume designs?

Frozen Impulse

Anna from Frozen: Impulse costume design

I finally found this picture again so I could scan it: Costume design for Princess Anna of Arrendelle, aka Impulse.

Background: The four-year-old was watching Frozen for the 538th time, and I found myself thinking of Paul Hostetler’s Disney Princess Justice League from The Line is is Drawn.

Disney Princess Justice League

Watching Anna go from half-asleep to fully dressed and running around the castle in two seconds, I remarked, “You know, they should have made Anna the Flash instead of Rapunzel.”

Katie and I looked at each other, and she replied, “No…Impulse!” A few viewings later, she drew a costume design.

Digital Backlist: Impulse vs. the Vid-Masters of Korpor!

Sorry I missed the regular “Out This Week” column, on a week that actually featured a new Flash issue no less. Since that’s already covered (and reviewed!), I’ll just focus on the digital backlist: Impulse #88 by Todd Dezago, Carlo Barberi and Terry Austin.

Reality has been restored to normal, but one thing remains from the time when Impulse held the cosmic powers of Bedlam: He knows where (and when) his mother and his best friend Carol went after the events of Dark Tomorrow. He speeds into the 63rd century to find they’re playing the most dangerous game show on an alien world…but the ringmasters have decided a speedster would be an even better star for this deadly reality series!

This is the second to last issue of Impulse. Within a few weeks, the entire series (minus annuals) will be available digitally.

Impulse #88