Tag Archives: Impulse

Impulse and Jay Garrick in Smallville Season 11 #11

Smallville Season 11 #11

DC’s “Beyond the New 52” solicitations for March 2013 are up at Newsarama.

Written by BRYAN Q. MILLER
On sale MARCH 6 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US • RATED T

  • All-new digital adventures in print for the first time!
  • In order to face Bart’s demons, Superman and Impulse confront a reluctant ally: the JSA’s Jay Garrick!
  • Lois’s investigation into Lex takes a surprising turn.
  • Chloe’s journey through her doppelgänger’s memories turns dangerous.

This marks the third print issue in a row to feature Impulse. I’m not 100% certain, but I believe the digital issues that will be collected in #9 should be hitting ComiXology this month.

This Week’s Digital Flashbacks: Flash vs. Razer & Impulse with the Trickster

Flash #84

ComiXology has made another change in their Flash/Impulse re-issue schedule. For a while they were releasing three issues of the 1987 series starring Wally West each week, then two issues of that series and two of Impulse. Recently, they caught up to where the comics released for the Flash 101 sale left off, and pause the Flash but kept Impulse going. This week, Flash is back, but they’re releasing just one issue of each 1990s speedster series: Flash #84 and Impulse #39.

Flash #84: Fresh out of the dual wringers of “The Return of Barry Allen” and “Back on Track,” Wally West carries on protecting Keystone City, this time going up against a blade-armored mercenary known as Razer.

Impulse #39: The Trickster returns, pulling in threads from the organized crime, toxic dumping and flood storylines.

Update: Here’s the Impulse summary from ComiXology (I can’t believe I forgot this one): “The Trickster is back in town. And you can bet he’s got something up his sleeve when, working with Impulse, he tricks Manchester’s rival crime families into believing the toxic waste they’ve been dumping in town is actually a formula that can turn metal into gold!”

Impulse #39

This Week: Flash #14 and Impulse vs. Grim ‘n’ Gritty


This week sees the release of The Flash #14, part two of Gorilla Warfare, by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato. Preview at CBR.

Gorilla Grodd’s more powerful than ever, and the Flash is completely outmatched! Who will give their life defending Central City against the ape invasion?

ComiXology’s digital backissues have paused in releasing the early 1990s Flash, but Impulse is still going, with issues #37-38 by William Messner-Loebs and Craig Rousseau.

Impulse #37 parodies the grim-and-gritty 90s excess as Bart encounters the Glory Shredder, a vigilante who takes his anti-crime crusade too far.

In Impulse #38, a rising river threatens to flood Manchester, Alabama. Can two speedsters and a handful of quirky villains make the difference as the townspeople struggle to save their home?

This Week: Impulse vs. History

Impulse #36

ComiXology has paused in its digital Flash reprints (last week their library caught up with a large chunk of previously-released issues), but Impulse is still going.

Impulse #35: Part 2 of The Devonian Age, in which a villain alters history to make himself ruler of the world…but the timeline isn’t exactly stable, as Impulse and Max Mercury find out.

Impulse #36: Bart and his friends testify in court about the events a few issues back when they caught a group of criminals dumping toxic waste outside town. Also: Impulse shaves his head, because, y’know, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

This Week’s Digital Flash(back)s: Gold and Alchemy

Flash #72: Solid Gold

This week’s ComiXology back-issues include Flash #72-73 and Impulse #33-34.

Flash #72 concludes the two-parter with The Alchemist, a short-lived successor to Dr. Alchemy, and is also the issue in which Wally West and Linda Park start dating. Flash #73 features the return of Jay Garrick to the title after the Justice Society’s years in limbo, and what was at the time a shocking last page that led directly in to “The Return of Barry Allen.”

The Return of Barry Allen itself is already available, launched during the Flash 101 sale last year, as is the following storyline, “Back on Track,” in which Wally teams up with Nightwing and Starfire. That means that as of this week, the first 83 issues of Wally West’s Flash series are all available online. No doubt next week ComiXology will jump ahead to #84.

Impulse #33: Thanksgiving

I don’t remember anything about Impulse #33, and as fun as the cover is, it doesn’t jog my memory of the contents. The title is “Time Out,” so it might be the one where Bart’s school’s new guidance counselor calls Max and Helen in to go over Bart Allen’s guardianship. (It’s funnier than it sounds.) ComiXology describes it as featuring the return of White Lightning, and the kids dealing with the missteps of the school’s new social worker.

Impulse #34 is the first half of “The Devonian Age,” a story in which Bart and Max Mercury get caught up in a time travel experiment gone wrong (don’t they always?) and have to try to repair history from the butterfly effect.

A Glimpse of Impulse in Smallville: Season 11 #10

Impulse on the cover of Smallville Season 11 #10 by Scott KolinsWho’s that speedster on the cover of Smallville: Season 11 #10? Last month we got a hint that the Flash/Impulse would be returning to Smallville in January’s print issues (which I think line up with December’s digital issues). The text about an “old friend” was vague, and the figure running past Superman was blacked out so that we couldn’t see who he was, but the implication is clear.

DC’s February solicitations are out, teasing a story about “speed storms,” with a cover full of lightning and…what’s that? Someone moving at super-speed behind Clark!

Here’s a glimpse of Bart Allen’s new look for the Smallville digital-first comic book. What we can see of the outfit looks to be inspired more by Impulse than the Flash, though for some reason he seems to have died his hair blond.

Smallville Season 11 #10 Cover by Scott Kolins

Written by BRYAN Q. MILLER
On sale FEBRUARY 6 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US • RATED T

  • The first time in print for these digital-first adventures!
  • Superman races to find answers as mysterious “speed storms” begin to break out across the globe.
  • Lex hands Tess an ultimatum: Reveal everything she knows about the Man of Steel, or face oblivion.