Tag Archives: Linkblogging

Speed Reading

Weekend linkblogging!

Flashy links

More comics

More stuff.

Flashpoint Week at Collected Editions

The Collected Editions blog is focusing on Flashpoint this week with reviews of two Flashpoint collections from the perspective of a trade-waiter. For those of us who read new comics on a month-to-month basis, it’s worth stepping back and considering how differently these read when you read a series in the form of one or two collections a year.

Speed Reading

Your regularly scheduled weekend linkblogging…

First the Flash & Speedster stuff

More comics-related stuff

And beyond comics.

  • Yes, I actually found one: Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart (Photo) – Check the sporting goods department and ask for Ash. See if they have any specials on boom sticks.
  • Lunar Eclipse photos – I woke up early Saturday morning to watch the eclipse, then stayed out to watch the sunrise.

Speed Reading

Weekend linkblogging…

Speed Reading

Some weekend linkblogging.

Speed Reading

You get a giant-sized linkblogging post this weekend, since I was out of town last week.

Flash links

More comics

More stuff

  • Francis Manapul is growing a mustache for Movember (not a typo) to raise money to fight prostate cancer. Help sponsor him today!
  • US readers: Congress is still debating a bill that would open the door to censoring the internet. Speed Force participated in American Censorship Day this past Wednesday to highlight the cause. Read about the Stop Online Piracy Act (which won’t do anything of the sort) and Protect-IP Act, then write!
  • Lots of people want to write a novel. National Novel Writing Month helps them do it. I’ve participated in the event twice, and actually finished a 50,000 page word novel one year (though it’s a long way from being polished enough to share with anyone.) Help keep the program going by donating today!
  • The Spam Primer (run by the author of This Is True) is worth a look. It’s a quick run-down of how spammers operate, how spam-fighting works, and what you can do to keep junk out of your mailbox.

Also, remember that Speed Force is now on Google Plus.