Weekend linkblogging!
Flashy links
- Super Adventures in Gaming: The Flash (GB).
- Eyz reviews the same game, and adds fan art.
- Flash shot glasses spotted by @TheFlashReborn (twitter.com) & (twitter.com)
- How a Flash vs. Batman fight would end – Conventionless Convention Sketch by Gene Gonzales
- Custom Mini-mates Rogues by Boyd at TRKA
- There’s a ton of new Rogues stuff at The Rogues Kick Ass, including a series of comic panels converted to look like the style of that old 1990 video game.
Captain Cold vs. the Mole Man by Mark Engblom, from the Profiles in Villainy series at Comic Coverage
More comics
- Doctor Doom vs. Santa Claus by Ty Templeton
- Recommended webcomic: Real Life by Greg Dean. A mix of observational humor, geek humor, and the occasional scifi adventure
- Lady Sabre & The Pirates of the Ineffable Aether by Rucka & Burchett – Steampunk/Western/Pirates adventure
- How Soon is Too Soon to Judge a Serialized Story? – This week’s Wayback Wednesday feature here at Speed Force
- If Hollywood controlled the web
- Justice League of the Internet – major websites as super-heroes (Caldwell Tanner at CollegeHumor)
More stuff.
- The 20 Unhappiest People You Meet In The Comments Sections Of Year-End Lists. If you’ve ever read the comments on best-of lists, you’ve seen these. (via @Ragnell)