Tag Archives: Speed Force

“Cause and XS” Review of S5 E14 of THE FLASH!

Any fans of “Groundhog Day” the movie out there? It’s one of those movies that I somehow have to stop and watch whenever it shows up on TV. Tonight’s episode is the superhero version of that plot, and it works brilliantly here. Watch Nora as she tries to save everyone, and tries again, and again, and…you get the idea. It’s “Cause and XS” on THE FLASH! Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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Force Quest Part Three! Review of THE FLASH #60

Barry and Iris are on a world tour…scratch that, Force Quest…okay, pretty much the same thing, but still a great adventure. When we left them in the last issue, Barry had just met the newest avatar of the Strength Force, Fuerza! It’s speed versus strength in an epic battle – and they aren’t the only ones involved in the fight! Want to know more? Just follow us after the jump!


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“Negative” Part One – Review of THE FLASH #28

Barry’s battle with Eobard Thawne had its mind-shattering conclusion last issue, when [REDACTED] killed Thawne. But, if you thought things were going back to the status quo, you really didn’t catch the ending of that issue. Barry was trapped in Thawne’s Negative Speed Force, and came out of that…changed. We now see a Flash powered by that Negative Speed Force, with everything else in his life also turned upside down. This looks like the start of a great arc for THE FLASH – want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Into The Speed Force” Review of S3 Ep16 of THE FLASH

Wally West has been drawn into the Speed Force by Savitar, who is now free to pursue his evil plans on our Earth…including the future murder of Iris West! Wally was Barry’s best hope for defeating Savitar, so what now? Barry has one hope of making this right…going into the Speed Force again! In this series, any trip to the Speed Force appears to be tied to some serious life’s lesson. This time, Barry needs to learn something important…but what? Want to know how this winds up? Just follow us after the jump!


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“The Runaway Dinosaur” Review of THE FLASH Ep 2.21

Okay let’s deal with the BIG question….was there a Jason Mewes cameo? Yes, and it was excellent. But, you probably already guessed that would happen with Kevin Smith directing this episode of THE FLASH. This was an episode heavy on emotion and not-so-much action sequences.  But, as a “calm before the storm” of the last two episodes of Season 2, this was an excellent show. Want to know more? Like, what WAS “The Runaway Dinosaur” that was the title of this episode? Just follow us after the jump!


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SPEED FORCE (the comic) #2 – Review

Convergence: Speed Force #2This tie-in to CONVERGENCE moves to issue , with one more look at the Wally West pre-FLASHPOINT fans know and love. This was actually a stronger issue than , with a conclusion as good as one could hope for in this CONVERGENCE battle-world setting. Just how does Wally fare against the FLASHPOINT Wonder Woman?


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