Tag Archives: Stormwatch

Quick Hits on the New 52: Demon Knights, Stormwatch, Justice League and Frankenstein

Halfway through DC’s New 52 debut month, here’s what I think of the comics I’ve tried so far.

Justice League

Looked at on its own, this wasn’t a Justice League story so much as it was a Batman/Green Lantern team-up. That’s OK for a team-up book, or the first chapter of a graphic novel, but not exactly ideal for a high-profile launch that’s billed as an introduction to the League (not to mention an introduction to the new setting for the DCU).

I’m going to call it now: just like Final Crisis, this first Justice League arc should have been presented from the beginning as a graphic novel, not as a serialized story. You only get one chance to make a first impression.

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Thoughts on the New DCU – Part 6: The Edge

Our series reacting to DC’s September relaunch is almost complete. So far we’ve covered the Justice League, Green Lantern, Batman, Dark and Teen books. This time around we’re looking at the “edge” series.

Stormwatch · Blackhawks · Sgt. Rock and the Men of War · All-Star Western · Deathstroke · Grifter · OMAC · Suicide Squad · Blue Beetle

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