A quick round-up of Flash news from this week:

November’s Flash #25 will tie into Batman: Year Zero, with a pre-Flash Barry Allen traveling to Gotham City. Chris Sprouse and Karl Story provide art for the Francis Manapul/Brian Buccellato story. MTV Geek has the details and interviews Manapul and Buccellato.
CBR talks to Brian Buccellato about the three Flash “Villains Month” issues featuring Grodd, Reverse Flash and the Rogues.
DC has preview pages of Villains Month Week 1 including Grodd and Villains Month Week 2 including the Reverse Flash.
DC has decided to retool Justice League 3000 before launch. Kevin Maguire has been replaced after drawing an entire first issue that won’t be published, and Howard Porter will take over art on the series, which will be pushed back to a December launch.
Finally, Geoff Johns reveals the real premise behind Forever Evil: Earth’s Villains aren’t just taking over in the absence of the heroes, they’re fighting against someone worse: the Crime Syndicate, alternate-reality evil versions of the Justice League, back on Earth 3 in the New 52 multiverse. The article at IGN includes a promotional piece featuring new designs for the villains including the Crime Syndicate’s speedster, Johnny Quick.