Category Archives: Covers

Gone Fishin’

That’s some impressive depth of field Wonder Woman is setting up in that shot. No wonder she needs a tripod! (Actually, that would be a seriously old camera for 1947, wouldn’t it?)

Instead of crime-fighting action, Comic Cavalcade‘s covers in the 1940s featured Wonder Woman, the Flash and Green Lantern hanging out together and having fun. Or occasionally doing something more serious, like collecting papers for a wartime recycling drive.

(Comic Cavalcade #21 cover from the Grand Comics Database.)

Flash #6 Variant Cover by Ale Garza

DC has posted four variant covers on The Source, including Ale Garza’s cover for The Flash #6. Edit: The solicitation credits Ale Garza and Sandra Hope. I can’t read the signatures, so I’m guessing she’s the inker.

The first four issues of the series featured alternate covers that had little to do with the story: the Flash running, or changing into his costume. The fifth (coming late September) will be part of the massive 12-part White Lantern image for Brightest Day. This is the first one to relate directly to the story, featuring the Flash vs. the Renegades.

The Flash is currently scheduled for October 27.

EVS Draws JLA #50: JLA vs. the Crime Syndicate

Over at The Source, DC has posted Flash: Rebirth artist Ethan Van Sciver’s cover for Justice League of America #50.

I assume it’s either a wraparound or a pair of 50/50 variant covers.

The Donna Troy vs. Superwoman and Supergirl vs. Ultra-Man battles dominate the image, but there’s also Power Ring vs. Jade, Batman vs. Owlman, and (way in the background) Jesse Quick vs. Johnny Quick.

Ever since James Robinson mentioned that the JLA would be going up against the Crime Syndicate, I’d wondered which version of the villainous team they’d be facing. The original version? The Crime Society on Earth-3? Between this and Syndicate Rules in the previous series, it looks like the Morrison/Quitely version from JLA: Earth-2 has been established as the primary version of the team, though they have gone back to the Kyle Rayner analog for Power Ring.

Update: Here’s a close-up (loosely speaking) of part of the Jesse Quick/Johnny Quick battle.

White Lantern Captain Boomerang and Brightest Day Variant Covers

DC has posted Ryan Sook [edit], Fernando Pasarin and Joel Gomez’ full Brightest Day image, featuring the twelve resurrected characters as White Lanterns. It’s made up of variant covers appearing on the Brightest Day-related comics this month and next, all aligned to create one complete picture.

There are two Flash-related characters in this set. Professor Zoom appears on the alternate cover for Green Lantern Corps #51 (posted here last night). Chances are that this Captain Boomerang will be the varaint cover for The Flash #5, currently due September 15.

Click through either image for the Source article, which includes a much larger version of the combined image. You really do have to see this thing full-sized.

Update: The Beat points out that the piece is inspired by Michelangelo’s famous painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Also, I forgot to include Fernando Pasarin, Joel Gomez, and Jim Lee in the credits. If I’m reading the Source post correctly, Lee did the overall design, Sook did the figures, and Pasarin and Gomez did the cosmic scene in the center (and possibly the thrones).

Update 2: Comics Alliance has an analysis of the image.

GLC #51 Variant: White Lantern Zoom

I guess they must have been out of this when I hit the comic store last week, because I have been keeping an eye out for the White Lantern variant covers featuring the Brightest Day resurrections. Giant Size Geek spotlights the Green Lantern Corps #51 cover, which features a White Lantern Professor Zoom:

Click through to the original post for a larger view of this impressive Ryan Sook [edit: and Fernando Pasarin and Joel Gomez] piece.

With two Flash-related characters resurrected at the end of Blackest Night, I’ve been wondering which would appear on the next Flash variant cover…and where the other would appear. Presumably, this means a White Lantern version of Captain Boomerang will appear on the alternate cover for Flash #5 next month. It’s an appropriate choice, considering that Boomerang is involved in the current storyline in The Flash, but the Reverse-Flash is not.

Ivan Reis Draws a Superman/Flash Race

DC has posted six new variant covers at The Source, including this Ivan Reis cover for Action Comics #892. Part of DC’s 75th Anniversary series, it homages the cover to the very first Superman/Flash race in Superman #199 by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson.

Superman #199 (1967)

As shown here, the cover has been referenced at least once before, for the first race between Superman and Wally West in The Adventures of Superman #463 (1990) by Dan Jurgens and Brett Breeding.

It’s interesting to look at the three covers together and see just how comic book art styles have changed over the past four decades.