Category Archives: Fun

WWWW: Contest Winner, Week Four!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s installation of our “Where Was Wally West?” contest here at Speed Force!

We posted a panel from a classic Flash comic, featuring Wally West in an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Correct answers were put into a raffle, and a winner was drawn at random.  To refresh your memory, here is the latest subject:

Where's Wally?

With clasps of solid lightning, the Box of Speed holds the key to some of the deepest secrets and darkest corners of Flash contests…

…and the winner is…


Congrats to Esteban!  This week’s answer was Flash V. 2 #169, art by Angel Unzueta and Doug Hazlewood.  In Geoff Johns’ first Flash story, Wally struggles to overcome the challenges of being powerless a mirror world, rife with haunting alternate versions of his friends and enemies…

Esteban has had a big week when it comes to Flash.  He is the man who got the low-down on the lack of Mark Waid on the DC: Retroactive 90’s Flash story, and now he is this week’s WWWW winner!  His site, Comic Verso, is a great source for Spanish-language comic book news, reviews and features.

See you on Wednesday for the next installment in “Where Was Wally West?”!

Two Flashes in IGN’s Top 100 Heroes

IGN has put together a list of their Top 100 Comic Book Heroes, and two Flashes make the cut! It’s a very well-rounded list, featuring not just the major Marvel and DC super-heroes, but non-superheroes like Dream of the Endless and Spider Jerusalem, and indie characters like Hellboy, Scott Pilgrim, and even Groo the Wanderer.

The two Flashes on the list are Barry Allen at #49 and Wally West at #8.

Recent Acquisitions 7: Hot Pursuit? *Image Intensive*

What if instead of a motorcycle, Hot Pursuit used oh I don’t know, roller blades? Yes, Cosmic Roller Blades. That seems to be the concept behind the very, very hard to find Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Rocket Zoom Flash that I recently procured. Take a look:

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McDonald’s Batman: Brave and The Bold Round Two

Salutations Speed Readers,

Last Saturday McDonald’s started it’s second Batman: Brave and the Bold Happy Meal promotion! Just like the Young Justice Happy Meal promotion from a couple months ago this set will feature two Flash-related characters: Barry Allen’s version of The Flash and Gorilla Grodd, one of the Scarlet Speedster’s greatest villains. Unlike the Young Justice promotion I didn’t feel like dealing with McDonald’s at all. So I went the evilBay route. Unfortunately when I wanted them no one was selling just Grodd and Flash (Since they come in two different sets) so I just went ahead and purchased all eight of the sets. I’m only going to show the Flash-related ones right now but if enough of you want to see the rest I may post them at a future time. Check ’em out:

The seller was kind enough to include the Happy Meal box along with the sets.

And a couple more pics of Barry and Grodd:

As you can see they didn’t really fill in the details. Flash’s wings on his cowl are just blotches of paint and although they included the lightning details on his forearms and belt they neglected to fill them in with paint. Grodd isn’t that big of a deal, he is just missing some minor details on the helmet which I wouldn’t realistically expect anyway. Also whereas the initial Brave and the Bold line and even the Young Justice line from a couple months ago were fairly large and featured some decent details where it counted, it looks like they opted for quantity over quality this time around and released 24 different toys. Kids get more bang for their buck with three smaller toys in one package instead of just the standard one.

Just for comparison:

Yep, pretty tiny. Still not bad figures, and it is always good to see some more mainstream Flash love.

Anyone else gotten their hands on these guys yet?

Thanks for reading,

Devin “Flash” Johnson

Where’s Wally, Week Four

It is convention season, and Flash fans across the country have been asking the same question: “Where is Wally West?”

While we do not know where Wally is now, where he will be, or how long it will be until he is anywhere, we certainly know where he was! With that knowledge, we introduce our new ongoing contest feature, “Where Was Wally West?”

On Wednesdays, we will post a panel or sequence from a classic comic featuring Wally West visiting an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”. Every fan who can tell us the issue, writer, artist(s) and a reasonable description of the locale/era, by Friday, will be entered into a raffle for a cool Flash prize! Just send your responses to whereswally – at –, and we’ll announce the winner next week!

So check out the image below and ask yourself, WWWW?

Where's Wally?

This week’s prize is the Final Crisis: Rogues Revenge hardcover by Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins. Winners must live in the continental US or Canada.

UPDATE: Because the contest was posted later than usual, we’ve extended the deadline to Saturday!

WWWW: Contest Winner, Week Three!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the third week of our “Where Was Wally West?” contest here at Speed Force!

We posted a panel from a classic Flash comic, featuring Wally West in an alternate reality, the past or a “possible future”.  Correct answers were put into a raffle, and a winner was drawn at random.  To refresh your memory, here is the latest subject:


Made from pure Speed Force energy and wood, the Box of Speed enlightens all who dare to look within:

…and the winner is…


Congrats to David!  This week’s answer was Flash Annual 13, by Chuck Dixon and Enrique Alcatena.  Wally teams up with Argentina’s greatest heroes!  David wins a JG Jones Final Crisis Flash poster.

Check back here on Wednesday for the next installment in WWWW!