Category Archives: Media

Flash Seeks New Love Interest for Season 2

According to TV Line, The Flash is casting a cop named Wendy for season two.

TVLine has learned that for Season 2, the CW hit is casting the major recurring role of Wendy, a “spunky, fun and funny” romantic interest for one Barry Allen.

A cop for the Central City PD, Wendy is described as bright and scientific-minded — more specifically, “Think ‘Felicity Smoak’ from Arrow,” the casting call reads.

Wendy doesn’t have a direct source in the comics. Barry’s love life is pretty simple, as he’s solidly with Iris West when he first appears in the Silver Age, and solidly with fellow CSI Patty Spivot in the New 52. There’s his childhood crush Daphne Dean, now a famous actress, and there’s Fiona Webb, whom he started dating and nearly married after Iris’ death.

Waitaminute….anyone want to bet Wendy has a brother named Marvin?

Season Finale Clip

The CW has released a clip from this week’s episode of The Flash, titled “Fast Enough”. It’s also the season finale, so we’ll have a few months of waiting until the next episode. As you might imagine, this clip is somewhat spoilery, although not overly so.

What do you think? Are you looking forward to the finale?

Season Finale Extended Trailer

Here’s the one-minute trailer for The Flash‘s season finale. The episode will air next week, and is titled “Fast Enough”. The promo’s obviously full of spoilers, so be warned.

Looks like it’ll be pretty intense (and more than a bit sad). What do you think?

First Look At Legends of Tomorrow

Today we got our first trailer for the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow series, which will have 13 episodes and air in 2016. The promo does a pretty good job of introducing the characters and the premise, but it includes Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and Heat Wave (Dominic Purcell) among its cast, and will have at least a cameo from the Flash (Grant Gustin) and other Flashverse characters. One’s a surprise and you’ll see him in the trailer, but he’s still an obvious choice to appear. And we finally learn who the main villain will be. also has a behind-the-scenes featurette for the series, showing some of the stunts and including commentary from the showrunners. It’s made by the same creative team as The Flash and Arrow.

What do you think of the videos and premise? Are you thinking of checking out the show when it debuts?

Flash Season Finale Promo

It all happens next week: the season finale of The Flash. Here’s the thirty-second trailer for next week’s episode, titled “Fast Enough”, and naturally there are major spoilers within.

Pretty intense! You can definitely see traces of a particular story from the comics. Are you looking forward to the finale?

Free Fall In Scarlet or You Will Believe A Flash Can Fall! (Skydiving 04/27/2015)

“Free Fall In Scarlet” or “You Will Believe A Flash Can Fall!”

Hey Speed Readers/Viewers

So a few weeks back I celebrated my 30th birthday and to mark the special occasion I decided to try my hand at skydiving. Of course being Flash Johnson I couldn’t simply jump out of a plane…I had to do it in style! So to that end I decided to rock my brand new, CW Flash suit 2.0, with my favorite
Flashy footwear, my Adidas Wings 2.0. I figured they were more than appropriate for what I was doing and I didn’t want to ruin my slick new Flash boots.

Why skydiving? Well, after reading the William Messner-Loebs penned The Flash v2 #54, “Nobody Dies” (aka “Free Fall in Scarlet!”) many, many years ago I got it in my head that I needed to jump out of a plane in a frackin’ Flash suit.

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