Category Archives: Reviews

The Trickster Front and Center – Review of THE FLASH #66

The Trickster – the original James Jesse Trickster – recently returned to Central City. He seems more dangerous than ever…but isn’t he supposed to be dead? I mean, I know “dead” is a relative term in comics, but what happened here? How does his story fit into canon now? Don’t worry, all questions will be answered as we bring the Trickster front and center in the latest issue of THE FLASH! Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“Failure is an Orphan” Review of S5 E16 of THE FLASH

The meta-cure is ready, and we know that it works. Now, how to get Cicada to take that cure? Will he do so willingly? Probably not, so where do we go from here? We have come a long way in the fight against Cicada, so this may be time to see something big happen. That is, if Cicada isn’t really the big bad of the season (a personal theory here). The Flash may well have his hands full with this episode. So…wanna know more about “Failure is an Orphan”? Follow us after the jump!


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“King Shark vs Gorilla Grodd” S5 E15 of THE FLASH!

You’ve seen Godzilla versus King Kong…and Mothra, and…you get the idea. But did you ever envision THIS kaiju battle? It’s King Shark vs. Gorilla Grodd, in Season 5 Episode 15 of THE FLASH! Who would win that battle, and why would they fight in the first place? It’s not as simple as you may think. And, you may never look at this version of King Shark the same way again. Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“The Price” Finale – Review of THE FLASH #65

What is the price of being a hero? What do you risk? What do you give up? How great IS the cost of being a superhero? All along we’ve seen the fraying of the relationship between Barry Allen and Bruce Wayne…but is that the only price to be paid in this final chapter of the crossover? To find out more, follow us after the jump!


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“The Price” Part 3 – Review of BATMAN #65

The epic team-up (or tear-apart) continues as Batman and the Flash fight off a horde of Gotham and Gotham Girl clones. Can they defeat them in time to save Central City from the real Gotham Girl’s next attack? And, will this crisis bring Bruce and Barry back together…or split them apart for good? Wanna know more? Follow us after the jump!


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“The Price” Part 2 – Review of THE FLASH #64

Batman and Flash have several things in common – a nose for detective work, a desire to right the wrongs that bad people do…and a single-mindedness that at times blinds them to the feelings of others. What is…the price of that? We are finding some of those answers right here, and they aren’t pleasant. That’s where we stand in Part 2 of “The Price”, in THE FLASH #64. Want to know more? Follow us after the jump!


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