Tag Archives: Barry Allen

Speed Reading: Rebirth Tuesday Two

Barry Allen is back and it's the worst thing that could ever happen To himBuzz on Flash: Rebirth is reaching a fever pitch in the last day before release! I usually do one of these link posts each week, and here I am at three in the space of two days!

Geoff Johns has posted a new promo poster (right) for Flash: Rebirth.

Wally West has defeated Superman in the CSBG character poll, moving him into the Final Four. (Hey, better than being a Cylon!)

Somehow I forgot to link to Crimson Lightning’s cover of the week last Friday, featuring another Return of Barry Allen.

IO9 contrasts Flash: Rebirth with Irredeemable, with Barry Allen and Irredeemable‘s lead representing opposite ends of the superhero spectrum.

Green Lantern Spotlight profiles Barry Allen to kick off Flash Month.

Great Caesar’s Post wants to see more Flashes coming out of Flash: Rebirth.

Monty’s Mix Tape at iFanboy has a round-up of the Rogues’ latest adventures on Twitter (CaptainCold, WeatherWizard, MirrorMaster, and HeatWaveMick).

Blog@Newsarama’s J. Caleb Mozzocco, in the latest ‘Twas the Night Before Wednesday, isn’t impressed with the concept behind Flash: Rebirth, saying that the solicitation’s promise of a dead speedster “reinforc[es] [his] belief that all DC comics are either about 1) Continuity futzing, 2) Dead characters coming back to life, or 3) Live characters dying.” Of course, Flash: Rebirth looks to be about all three.

On the other hand, (the) David Press lists Flash: Rebirth #1 among this week’s Must-Have Comics.

Download Squad considers: If Web Browsers Were Super Friends, concluding that the Flash would be Chrome. (via noscans_daily) “Chrome is getting faster all the time. Gadgets aren’t required when you can zip through labyrinthine web page code at mind-blowing speeds…. Some people don’t like what’s going on with his costume, what with the little tabs right at the top of his head.”

Flash: Rebirth #1 Variant Covers Revealed

Midtown Comics has posted images of the covers for Flash: Rebirth #1, shipping next week!

Flash: Rebirth (Standard) via Midtown Comics Flash: Rebirth #1 Variant from Midtown Comics

On the left is the standard cover, using the now-familiar image of the Flash putting on his boots. On the right is the retailer incentive variant, showing Barry Allen as he ejects his costume from his ring. Both are by series artist Ethan Van Sciver.

The Midtown Comics website does point out that these aren’t necessarily scans of the actual comics, and could be stock images.

Found via this ComicBloc thread.

Gazette on Flash: Rebirth

The Colorado Springs Gazette has an article on Flash: Rebirth. There’s not a whole lot new in it, but it’s a good round-up of what we know so far.

There are also a couple of quotes from Geoff Johns that I don’t recognize:

He’s [Barry Allen] been dead for so long, he’s viewed as kind of a saint. Imagine coming back and everyone saying you’re a saint, and having to live up to that.

We will be getting into a lot of his back story: a lot of why he is the way he is, why he has an interest in forensic science, why he has such a strong sense of justice.

This Week (March 25): Archives, Justice League

Just one week to Flash: Rebirth

The Flash Archives Vol.5

Flash Archives vol.5Written by John Broome and Gardner Fox
Art by Carmine Infantino, Joe Giella and Murphy Anderson
Cover by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella

The Fastest Man Alive takes on some of his greatest foes in this new Archive, including Captain Cold, Abra-Kadabra, Mirror Master, Pied Piper, Heat Wave and The Reverse Flash! Collecting The Flash #133–#141 from 1962–1963.

248 pg, FC, $49.99 US.

Notes: See a write-up of the contents. Also: Amazon only wants $31.50 for pre-orders.

Justice League of America #31

Justice League of America #31Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Ed Benes & Sandra Hope
Cover by Ed Benes

Death, destruction and betrayal! The fallout from Final Crisis leaves the Justice League of America on the brink of dissolution. Black Canary faces her greatest test as she tries to hold her devastated team together. Will those who remain be enough to save the world?

32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

The Brave and the Bold Vol.3: Demons and Dragons (HC)

Written by Mark Waid and Alan Brennert
Art by Scott Kolins, Jerry Ordway, Jim Aparo, Humberto Ramos, Oscar Jimenez and others
Cover by Scott Kolins

Superstar writer Mark Waid rounds out his run on The Brave and the Bold with this new hardcover! Collecting The Brave and the Bold #13-16 along with extra tales including The Brave and the Bold (Vol. 1) #181, The Flash (Vol.2) #107 and Impulse #17!

168 pg, FC, $24.99 US

Notes: This includes the Jay Garrick/Batman team-up against the Samuroids from The Brave and the Bold #13. Interesting choices for the additional stories. Flash #107 was an “Underworld Unleashed” tie-in that had Wally West teaming up with Captain Marvel against the Shadow Thief. Impulse #17 was a fun team-up with Zatanna.

Flash: Rebirth #3 Solicit

Newsarama has a preview of DC’s June Solicitations, featuring The Flash: Rebirth #3.

The Flash: Rebirth #3

Flash: Rebirth #3Written by Geoff Johns
Art and covers by Ethan Van Sciver

At last, the answer to the question that’s plagued DC fans for decades: Who’s faster, Superman or The Flash? Call your bookie and bet the farm, because you’ve never seen a run like this – and if speedsters keep dying at the pace they’re going, you might never see another one again!

Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Ethan Van Sciver), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Ethan Van Sciver). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.

On sale June 10 • 3 of 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

Comment #1. That question of who’s faster? It’s been answered many times over. It’s always close, and if there’s a winner, it’s always the Flash.

Comment #2. Nothing says “Bringing back Flash from the dead” like “Killing off a bunch of Flashes.” I swear DC is trying to kill my interest in this book a little more every time they release new information about it.

Flash Chronicles and Wednesday Comics

Nerdage confirms that Flash Chronicles will feature Barry Allen. Since the Chronicles line of trade paperbacks is supposed to start at the beginning and run through chronologically, I can only assume that DC considers Barry Allen to be the “original” and not that Jay Garrick guy who inconveniently appeared 16 years earlier. *sigh*

Newsarama has more on Wednesday Comics, which will include a weekly Flash feature, including some promo art. (via SpeedsterSite)