DC Comics has announced a new Earth 2 weekly series over at Nerdist: World’s End. Set in the present-day DC Universe (or multiverse, more precisely), it will also relate to the five-years-later events of Future’s End. The series will be written by Daniel H. Wilson, Tom Taylor, Paul Levitz, Marguerite Bennet, and Mike Johnson, with art by Eddy Barrows, Jorge Jimenez, Stephen Segovia, Paulo Siqeira, and Tyler Kirkham.
As Earth 2 burns under the fires and fury of Apokolips, the planet’s few heroes unite to wage a futile war for survival against a dark god of unimaginable and unmatched power.
No word yet on whether the monthly Earth 2 series will end to make way for World’s End, but it seems likely.
Head over to Nerdist for a more detailed view of the preview art by Ben Oliver. Even if a certain modern-day Mercury seems to be missing…