Tag Archives: Flash: Rebirth

Flash: Rebirth Finishes at #9 Spot

ICv2 has released February 2010 sales estimates, and both Flash: Rebirth #6 and Blackest Night: Flash finish close to the previous issues of the respective series. Rebirth is ranked #9 for the month, while the Blackest Night tie-in comes in at #12 — again, the highest-rated of the three spin-off miniseries.

Issue Rank Month Units Sold Change
Flash: Rebirth #1 2 April 102,429 +286.6%
Flash: Rebirth #2 4 May 86,183 -15.9%
Flash: Rebirth #3 10 June 83,086 -3.6%
Flash: Rebirth #4 14 Aug. 78,107 -6.0%
Flash: Rebirth #5 9 Nov. 73,875 -5.4%
Blackest Night: The Flash #1 5 Dec. 80,313 +8.7%
Blackest Night: The Flash #2 9 Jan. 69,381 -13.6%
Blackest Night: The Flash #3 12 Feb. 65,348 -5.8%
Flash: Rebirth #6 9 Feb. 70,824 -4.1%*

*Compared to the previous issue of Flash: Rebirth

In the end, about two-thirds of those who started Flash: Rebirth finished it, though most readers who were still on board by #5 stuck it through to the end. I have no idea what typical drop-off is for a six-issue miniseries, so this could be good, bad, or standard.

The rankings are quite positive, though: Of the nine issues between the two miniseries, seven were in the top 10 for the month. The two that dropped below the top 10 were still in the top 15.

I’d guess we’ll see a drop for this month’s Flash Secret Files and then another jump up for The Flash #1. It’s a major relaunch of one of DC’s top 6 characters, it’s a #1, it’s tied into Brightest Day, and it’s a new series by Geoff Johns. Plus even many readers who were disappointed by Flash: Rebirth have expressed optimism about the new series. It will be interesting to see how well it succeeds.

Rebirth 6 Review Round-Up

Some reviews of Flash: Rebirth #6 that I’ve found around the internet:

Multiversity Comics – “very well illustrated one by Van Sciver…but I’m not going to lie, I found Barry Allen’s overall return and the expansion of his relationship with the Speed Force to not be a very satisfactory story overall. ”

Robot 6: Grumpy Old Fan – “Flash: Rebirth may read better as the first installment in an extended saga, but it risks alienating readers expecting a little more immediate follow-through.”

Comic Book Revolution – “I am just glad that this story is over so we can move onto the new Flash monthly title. Despite all the problems with Flash: Rebirth, I still remain extremely confident that Johns is going to crank out a quality read with the new Flash monthly titles.”

IGN – “The final issue, despite its flaws, provided a fitting close to the character’s journey here while still teasing at what’s to come.”

Newsarama Best Shots Rapid Reviews – “a lackluster final issue that comes off as more lightswitch rave than lightning storm”

Airship Over Water – “if you’ve been reading this series thus far, you really should pick up this issue to complete the story. It’s worth it.”

X-Man’s Comic Blog – “With the exception of the Final Crisis debacle, I’ve never been more disappointed in DC.”

Every Day Is Like Wednesday – “If you’re reading this series just to see how Barry Allen returns or to keep abreast of the big events in the DCU, this issue is surprisingly, entirely skip-able.”

Comicsbulletin – “The story and ideas presented throughout the first five issues of Flash: Rebirth were all over the place, so it should come as no surprise that the sixth and final chapter is the same way.”

Comic Reviews by Walt – “As a whole, this issue’s quite a disappointment, a lukewarm ending to what should’ve been a hot series.”

Pai Wings – “So after reading this, I feel ready for a Flash book dedicated to Barry.”

Flash-Back Podcast (audio)

ComicVine (video)

And of course there’s Speed Force’s review as well.

Review: Flash: Rebirth #6 — “Fastest Man Alive”

Well, it’s finished. And oddly enough, that’s the strongest thing I can say about the conclusion of the Geoff Johns/Ethan Van Sciver miniseries. The main story wraps up rather abruptly, taking up about half of the issue (13 pages out of 22), with the rest devoted to character bits and foreshadowing. There’s certainly nothing wrong with character bits — they’re actually some of my favorite parts of this issue — but instead of a tour de force, Flash: Rebirth #6 wraps up with a resounding…well…it wraps up.

I don’t know if I’d feel differently about this if I’d read it before Blackest Night: The Flash, or before DC canceled their plans for the Kid Flash comic book and the backup stories featuring Wally West. I’m sure it didn’t help.

The best thing about the issue is that I can actually recognize Barry Allen as Barry Allen, not as some guy who has the same name and haircut. That’s one of the problems I had with the series up to this point: why go to the effort to bring back Barry Allen if you’re going to give him a personality transplant?





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Flash: Rebirth #6 Preview!

DC has posted a four-page preview of next week’s Flash: Rebirth #6.

Can you believe we’re only a few days away from the conclusion?

Update: As Esteban points out in the comments, there’s a third credit on this cover: Scott Hanna. @SpeedsterSite quotes Ethan Van Sciver confirming (on Facebook), “Those are inked by the great Scott Hanna, who was kind enough to do 5 or 6 pages for me.”

Flash: Rebirth #6 Final Cover Revealed

Way back when DC first solicited Flash: Rebirth #6, they used a placeholder cover: Barry Allen in costume, taking his mask off, on a background of swirly colors. Artist Ethan Van Sciver mentioned around that time that all of the covers in solicitations for issues #4–6 had been altered to hide spoilers, and fans speculated that he would be surrounded by other speedsters in the final version.

DC has updated the listing for the issue with the final cover, and it’s completely different:

The variant cover was revealed two weeks ago. Flash: Rebirth #6 arrives in stores next week.

Flash: Rebirth Original Art on eBay

Do you want to own a piece of Flash: Rebirth? Now’s your chance. Ethan Van Sciver has posted two pieces of original art from the miniseries on eBay: the Flash: Rebirth #2 Cover and a Flash: Rebirth #4 splash page featuring Jay Garrick and Bart Allen smacking down the Reverse Flash.

Both auctions end on Thursday, February 18. So far the cover is up to $267.00, and the splash page is up to $108.50.

Lia Brown reports that this isn’t the first time original art from the series has made it to the online auction site, though this appears to be the first time the artist has put it up for auction there himself.

Update (Friday): The cover sold for $2,310 and the splash page went for $1,152.