Tag Archives: Flashpoint

Toronto Comicon (Fan Appreciation 2011) Photos

On April 9, I attended the first day of the free “Fan Appreciation” show in Toronto. This is the first year it’s been held for the entire weekend, but unfortunately real life got in the way and the spouse and I were only able to go for one day.

It was a pretty good show, with some great guests (including Flash artists Francis Manapul and Ethan Van Sciver) and quite a few vendors selling comics and action figures. I managed to get a couple of Professor Zoom figures and a Flash figurine, and commissioned Red Robin artist Marcus To for a drawing of Captain Boomerang.

Captain Boomerang, by Marcus To

The woman waiting in line behind me for Marcus To got this Impulse sketch from him, which she let me photograph.

Impulse sketch

Here’s Francis Manapul working on a Wonder Woman picture for a fan. I also saw him drawing several Flash pieces, and he drew the Flash on a t-shirt which was later given away in a contest. I didn’t take any photos of the shirt, but the gentleman who won it did!

 Wonder Woman in progress, by Francis Manapul

Alas, we ran out of money quickly (part of that real-life thing I mentioned earlier), and eventually left the show early. After leaving the convention, we went for lunch and wandered around some of the nearby streets before heading back to the car. And stumbled across this: the dressing rooms, washrooms, and hair/makeup trailers for the television show Flashpoint! The series is filmed in Toronto, of course. It was fun to see it given the name of DC’s imminent crossover.

The makeup trailer for Flashpoint

Spike's dressing room trailer

And then we walked by Piper Street, so I had to take photos of that too.

Piper St in Toronto 

Piper's Gastropub

All in all, it was a pretty good day for a Flash fan!

Flashpoint Rogues by Scott Kolins

DC has been posting questions and answers from the writers of the various Flashpoint tie-ins today, including this piece of art depicting Mirror Master, Fallout(?), Tar Pit, Trickster (Axel Walker), Weather Wizard, and Pied Piper.

It seems appropriate that someone would have a goatee.

Kolins says of his miniseries:

There’s bunch of stuff in my CITIZEN COLD 3-parter that’s has never been done for [Captain] Cold or the Rogues. Can you imagine Cold being the hero of Central City? What kind of hero would he be? Plus there’s the whole Iris angle – that’s new and soooo much fun.

Click through to the article for more Q&A and a larger image. And don’t miss the first article in the series, either. Update: Part three is up. They’ve got quite a bit of unfinished art and logo designs on the these articles.

Flashpoint #3 Release Date

FLASH QUESTION: Will The Flash and his new allies be able to fix the world?

Written by GEOFF JOHNS
1:25 Black and white variant cover A by ANDY KUBERT
Variant cover B by IVAN REIS and GEORGE PEREZ
On sale JULY 6 • 3 of 5, 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US • RATED T

Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost – Where is he…and when? (Cover)

FLASH QUESTION: Where is he? And when? Can Hot Pursuit save him in time for Bart to help Barry?

On sale JULY 27 • 2 of 3, 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

The cover motif continues from the first issue, with Bart Allen falling toward a cityscape.

Flashpoint: Can Citizen Cold stand against the Rogues? (Cover)

DC has started posting covers for July’s Flashpoint comics at The Source, each one with a “Flash Question” (as opposed to a Flash Fact.)

FLASH QUESTION: Will Central City’s greatest hero be able to stand against the Rogues?

Art and cover by SCOTT KOLINS
On sale JULY 13 • 2 of 3, 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

I guess this cover answers one question from the teaser for issue #1. Iris doesn’t exactly look too thrilled, does she?

Nice to see Piper back.

The closer we get to Flashpoint, the more overwhelming it gets trying to cover it. You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been sticking with the directly Flash-related and Rogues-related announcements lately. Partly it’s keeping the site focused, but a lot of it is just time.

The Second Rule of Flashpoint

If the first rule of Flashpoint is “Don’t talk about what happens after Flashpoint,” the second rule must be “Don’t talk about Wally West.”

At least, that’s the impression I get from the way they deflect any questions about him at conventions. At C2E2 DC Nation, they even started referring to other questions they weren’t going to answer as being “Wally West territory.” If they aren’t going to do anything with the character, why can’t they just say so? And if they are, why go to such effort to hide it?

Not that much Flashpoint news came out of WonderCon in the first place. Between DC Icons, DC Nation, and DC Universe, pretty much all they revealed is that Rocket Red is not in the event. But for the most part, Didio and co. seem to be a lot less snotty when not answering questions about other characters. The “Who was that again?” treatment seems to be reserved for Wally West and Cassandra Cain.