Tag Archives: Road to Flashpoint

Road to Flashpoint Hardcover in October

Collected Editions spotted a number of late-2011 DC collections last week, including Flash Vol. 2: The Road to Flashpoint, on Amazon’s schedule for November 1. Since Amazon gets its books on Tuesdays, that means the collection is likely to hit comic shops on the previous Wednesday, October 26.

Vol. 1: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues contained issues -7 (and the story from The Flash Secret Files 2010). DC has stated that they’re ending The Flash at #12, though they’ve solicited #13 as the conclusion of “The Road to Flashpoint,” and it’s still on their website. It looks like this volume will cover either Flash #8-12 or Flash #8-13. If the latter, the main story will be bracketed by two Reverse-Flash specials.

Flash #10 Cover Revised

Over at The Source, DC unveiled five new covers, mostly variants, plus the main cover for The Flash . Not surprisingly, it’s the Francis Manapul piece originally scheduled for Flash #9 before they moved up the theme cover originally planned for .

DC posted Yildiray Cinar’s Flash #10 variant earlier this month. The issue is currently scheduled for March 23.

Flash #9 Preview & New Covers

DC has posted a preview of Flash #9 (out next week), along with the final covers.

FLASH issue nine, on sale next Wednesday, kicks off the much anticipated Prelude to FLASHPOINT storyline. Writer Geoff Johns and artist Francis Manapul are crafting a murder mystery with a heck of a twist. Who dies? We won’t say here (yet), but we’ll let this question linger: “You recognize the costume?”

Interestingly, it seems they’ve swapped the primary covers for Flash #9 and Flash to keep the “character-focused” theme running through January’s books as close to January as possible. And while the book was originally solicited with a Scott Kolins variant cover, it’s being shipped with one by Tyler Kirkham.

They’ve also replaced the “Brightest Day” banner with “The Road to Flashpoint.”

Read the preview at The Source or at CBR.

Update: Francis Manapul has been posting scans of the uncolored interior artwork on his DeviantArt page: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 5, and Page 6.