- Interesting: next week’s comics include 1st issues of Unwritten, Unknown, and Unthinkable.
- Grumpy Old Fan of @robot6 wonders: was it really necessary to kill Bart Allen and X just to bring them back in LO3W?
- Utter horror: just realized I actually remember bits of the Star Wars: Droids cartoon theme song from the 1980s.
- Amazon’s new Kindle DX: at 9.7″ it could handle B&W comics just fine (but the $490 price is a bit steep)
- This week’s haul: Flash:Rebirth, Buffy, Astro City & 2 Farscape issues
- Yeah, the Secret Origin of Barry Allen’s Bow Tie was unnecessary.
- Major speedster color schemes: Red&Gold (Flash, Kid Flash, Johnny Quick) or Blue&White (Quicksilver, XS, Max Mercury, Savitar).
- WTF? They’re remaking Clash of the Titans?
- *sigh* why do new comics have to come out the same day as LOST?
- RT @weeklycrisis: Discussing Grant Morrison’s Multiversity with new details from yesterday’s @CBR interview
- Funny RT @jordachewee: Will Jay Garrick, Wally West or Barry Allen be able to help me with Adobe Flash?
- Impulse/Bart Allen returns to Smallville for next week’s season finale. Photo w/ Black Canary
- Some #comics blogger types for #followfriday – @weeklycrisis, @collectededitions, @comicbooklegacy, @johannadc, @comixace
- Linda Park-West is #8 on Newsarama’s Top 10 Best Moms in Comics for #MothersDay (they have a Top 10 Worst Moms too)
- Saw Wolverine. Was OK. Felt more like an episode of Heroes than any of the X-Men movies.
- Every time I hear an ad for “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” It sounds like “Keeping Up With the Cardassians” #startrek
- Comic fan dislikes movies b/c art created mainly for money is corrupt. What do they think motivated comics to start with?
- Things to consider when running a “save our show” campaign & what NOT to do: (via @johannadc and @mikesterling)
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