Tag Archives: Tweets

Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-03-15

  • ABC’s video player: nice picture, but a FRIGGING PAIN to use. I shouldn’t have to go up to the comp & click a button after each commercial.
  • Watched the premiere of Castle. Could definitely watch more of this. Yeah, it’s Murder He Wrote as a cop-buddy show, but it’s fun so far.
  • Trying to decide whether to hit the comic store today, tomorrow, or just let it slide until next week
  • Logged into Comicon.com for first time since redesign. Couldn’t think of anything to say. Still have only one post. Must lurk for a bit.
  • WWLA would have started tomorrow if it hadn’t been canceled. Might have gone if they had guests who skipped WonderCon for MegaCon.
  • Getting hits from a site called halforum. Turns out it’s named for HAL 9000, not Hal Jordan. Or Half-O-Rum.
  • More thorough write-up of WonderCon Friday at my other blog
  • Best thing about Snakes on a Plane was the Cobra Starship song at the end. Thank you, #iPod for reminding me!
  • Cool! RT @iversecomics: Dynamo 5 #1 and #2 are available on iPhone and Android right now! Dynamo 5 #1 is FREE — GO GET IT!
  • Post of the day: “if comic book fans aren’t complaining…the universe will explode. Do you want the universe to explode?”

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Tweeting WonderCon 2009


  • Waiting in line to get into WonderCon…
  • Almost ready to go in, all I can see of the main floor is the giant T-shirt booth.
  • Waiting for DC Nation to start. Batman across the aisle, Green Lantern a few rows up. Techs getting slideshow ready.
  • Realized I’m right next to audience Q&A mike. Might want to move….
  • Ian Sattler: This is a really long story – ina good way
  • 8 Bat books in June, & Paul Dini is on both Batman: Streets of Gotham & Gotham City Sirens.
  • Catwoman,Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn as a serious teamup? (Sirens)
  • Sattler to yawning GL cosplayer: Have the willpower to stay awake during our presentation!
  • Wonder Woman movie is phenomenal.
  • GL trailer looked very impressive. Really going scifi cosmic, w/ the corps, Sinestro (in his modern uniform) etc.
  • Uploading WonderCon (and vacation) pics to Flickr
  • *sigh* Flickr Uploadr got stuck. Retrying now.. then sleep.


  • Wow… WonderCon is a LOT more crowded than yesterday
  • Spotted 3 Rorschachs so far. And a zillion Wonder Woman tiaras. (I think they’re today’s DC giveaway)
  • Autograph area is PACKED
  • A balloon just went racing across the hall until it ran out of air.
  • At DC Universe panel…
  • Judd Winnick reads Top 10 Things You Expect From Judd Winnick Writing Batman
  • Ian Sattler on Flash:Rebirth: everything you want in a Flash Book x10
  • And yes, Wally will keep playing a role in the DCU
  • James Robinson: goal is to make books so good that you CAN’T wait for the trade
  • Arg! Final Crisis IS linear, except the final issue, and that’s a straight framing+flashback parallel structure.
  • People leaving after Star Trek panel at WonderCon
  • Crowd Control: “There’s plenty of room, they all left after Star Trek because they’re crazy.”
  • More WonderCon photos up at Flickr

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Note: Somehow when I added the headings, I added the wrong days of the week. This was Friday and Saturday, not Saturday and Sunday.

Six-Word Stories

Last month, Secret Six and Wonder Woman writer Gail Simone posted a few fiction challenges on Twitter. I responded with some Flash-related micro-stories:

Condense the plot of a comic, six words or less. #.

Barry’s back! Wait, it’s not him. (This being the plot to The Flash: The Return of Barry Allen)

Seven word story, describing the the last minute of a comic character’s life #

Slipped on banana peel at Mach 23.

How are comics characters spending the holidays? #

Christmas. Wish I could slow down.