Category Archives: Collectibles

T-Shirt: Flash Drive (No Longer Available)

It’s been a while since we wrote about TeeFury, but they’ve got another Flash-themed shirt available for one day only.

The design by Wenceslao A Romero is only available until midnight EST, so if you want one, buy it today.

On a related note, while Mimobot has the current license for actual DC Comics-inspired flash drives, they’ve been sticking with the Batman and Green Lantern characters for now. You’d think someone over there would see the inherent appeal of a Flash flash drive.

Bootleg Flash fan

The story behind this little oddity is actually my husband’s — he bought two small bootleg fans from somebody on Ebay in 2007. He’s a Transformers geek, so he got Optimus Prime and Megatron for kicks. However, the cardboard packaging shows the other available fans, and one is the Flash! Because this is a foreign bootleg it has to have a bit of semi-sensical Engrish, and thus Flash cheerfully chirps “I’M HERO” while Spidey declares “Show Time!”

The obverse touchingly states “This summer is a little bit cooler than last summer because you are with me! I am so happy!” and always makes me smile. Anyway, unfortunately we didn’t buy the Flash one, which I rather regret now; the Optimus and Megatron fans are actually fairly decent quality.

NYCC 2011 Flash Action Figure News and Pics

Salutations Speed Readers,

For those that haven’t heard yet there were some pics shown off at New York Comic Con this past weekend of the “New 52” action figures coming up from DC Direct next year. As expected there were a few pictures shown of the new Flash action figure; TNI and Toy Ark have the goods:

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Reminder: JLU Jay Garrick on Sale Tomorrow at

Salutations Speed Readers,

Just a quick reminder for those anxiously awaiting for the last major Flash-related offering from Mattel’s Justice League Unlimited line. Jay Garrick, the Golden Age Flash will be on sale tomorrow in a three pack along with Alan Scott (the Golden Age Green Lantern) and the Golden Age Hawkman:


The three pack will officially go on sale at 9 a.m. Pacific (12 noon Eastern) time and will set you back around 20 dollars for all three. Not a bad deal at all, especially considering some prices for JLU at retail. Not to mention you get three all new action figures as opposed to the previous JLU three packs where we were lucky in some cases to get one (I’m looking at you Heatwave pack).

I personally had planned on getting two packs in order to support DC and the JLU line but this will probably be one of my last major Flash purchases for a while and I think I will only be getting one initially. I already purchased a prototype of the Jay Garrick Flash a few months ago and having three of the same figure would be overkill.

You can purchase the set tomorrow by following this link.

In any case happy hunting! I hope everyone gets a chance to grab one!

Thanks for reading,

Devin Johnson





Custom Gold Flash Ring

Roberto Vindell sent in pictures of his custom gold Flash ring.

Roberto explains:

I’m a huge flash fan, and I’ve always wanted a ring like Barry’s. So I collected all my old gold, and my mom took it to Nicaragua along with my plastic flash ring that I got with issue 1 of Barry’s relaunch. The jeweler did an amazing job duplicating it for me. It came out awesome and I never take it off! I feel like the Flash now!

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