Category Archives: Covers

Flash in DC’s Most Iconic Covers

Comics Should Be Good has completed their list of the Top 75 Most Iconic DC Covers as voted on by the site’s readers, and the Flash has made a solid showing!

#73. Flash Comics #1

Flash Comics #1
1940. The first-ever appearance of the Flash, starring Jay Garrick. Also, the first time the Flash catches a bullet. Homaged by Impulse #84.

(Tied with Green Lantern #73.)

Read on to see 8 more covers. Continue reading

Sonic of Two Worlds

Ralbalboa sent in this scan of a cover from an early Sonic the Hedgehog comic book:

Sonic #9: Seeing Double

(Click to enlarge)

It’s Sonic the Hedgehog #9, cover-dated April, probably from 1994 (GCD says the series started in 1993). And as regular readers here will no doubt notice, it’s a reference to the classic Flash of Two Worlds cover from Flash vol.1 #123 (1961). Continue reading

Flash Football

The Beat writes about three promotional comics from Adidas featuring star soccer athletes (or, as the rest of the world calls it, football). The first cover, featuring a Jae Lee depiction of Emmanuel Adebayor, looked oddly familiar (and it seems I’m not the only one who sees a resemblance).

Cover: The Lightning Strika Blackest Night: The Flash

Okay, it’s nowhere near an exact match, but seeing it a matter of days after the Blackest Night: Flash #1 image was revealed made it hard for this Flash fan to miss the similarities. There’s even a lightning theme to it!

You can read the full comic on Adidas’ website.

Dead Flash Covers

Looking back at the cover for Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13, it wasn’t promising for Bart Allen, especially with the Flashes’ history of death. We know now that it ended badly for him (though he got better).

Crisis on Infinite Earths #8Countdown: Flash: The Fastest Man...Flash: The Fastest Man Alive #13

Of course, there’s also a history of Flashes (and supporting cast) appearing dead on the cover, but still making it through. More than 25 examples of dead Flash covers appear below. Continue reading