Tag Archives: Ethan van Sciver

More on Flash: Rebirth from Fan Expo 2008

From CBR’s write-up of Saturday’s DC: A Guide to Your Universe panel at Fan Expo, here’s some more commentary on the future of the Flash.

[Dan] Didio said, “I don’t think I ever said Bart Allen was dead. I am serious.”

“We all wish it,” added Giffen to a chorus laughs.

“There were changes that were going to be made,” continued Didio. “There were stories that were going to be told and there were definite crossovers taking place at the moment of the death of Bart Allen. So there is a good chance there is going to be more resolutions to that character and what happened to him in the very near future or the very far future.”

Well, we already knew that Bart’s death was one of the major kick-offs for Salvation Run and all the threads in Countdown, Justice League, Checkmate, etc. that tied into it. But I’m not convinced that Dan Didio never said Bart was dead.

Ethan Van Sciver went into more detail on the future of the Flash franchise: Continue reading

Talking Flash: Rebirth at Fan Expo 2008

CBR has posted a writeup of yesterday’s DC Nation panel at Fan Expo in Toronto, including this segment on Flash: Rebirth.

One series [Ethan] Van Sciver will be working on that could be talked about was the upcoming “Flash: Rebirth” series. When a fan asked why they would replace Wally West with Barry Allen when the former was the far more popular and successful version of the character, the artist said, “We have not said that Wally West will not be the Flash.”

When the conversation came to a chicken or the egg type of debate between the panelists and the audience about the scarlet speedster, [Dan] Didio explained, “Some of the more recognizable Wally West stories deal with the Barry Allen lore and what his legacy is. A lot of Wally can’t be explained without Barry, so therefore it was essential, we thought, for Barry to come back. And at that point, we’d undone so much of what Crisis On Infinite Earths was ” Supergirl was back, the multiverse was back ” there was only one last piece to decide upon, and it was Barry. And at that point, it didn’t make sense not to do it.”

“I used to be in taxi cabs with Dan and just say, ‘We have to bring Barry Allen back,’” Van Sciver explained finally. “Now is the time for this character. Flash is a CSI scientist. It’s a whole new avenue for Flash stories, and these are stories Geoff and I want to tell. And you have to give us the room now. This isn’t a reboot. We are going to make this part of one long continuous story. Just like with Hal Jordan…everything that was done even before us was part of a much larger picture. We’re going to do the same thing with Barry Allen and the entire Flash legacy.”

Also interesting, and relevant to the Flash, is the earlier section in which Dan Didio talks about realizing that repeated reboots and changes of direction are actually alienating readers, rather than bringing them in: Continue reading

Word Balloon interviews EVS on Flash: Rebirth

The latest Word Balloon podcast interviews artist Ethan Van Sciver on his role in Flash: Rebirth. Newsarama has posted selected quotes, including this:

I’ve been talking about bring Barry back for years. He’s been dead for 23 years I think we’ve paid sufficient homage to the greatness of the original Crisis…you know there’s still great stories to tell about this character let’s bring him back NOW. He’s a crime scene investigator, and we can tell stories in a pg-13 way that couldn’t be done in the silver age.

People are going to focus on Barry Allen being back …but really what Flash Rebirth is about is restoring the entire Flash mythos. We want to realign everything up again, have it all make sense, and make it more palatable for every Flash fan. The Flash mythos is only partly understood now…There’s going to be a big map that explains concepts that people already kind of have an inkling about, will be totally explained therein.

I’m going to have to listen to this later.

Linkage: Ethan Van Sciver on the Future of Wally West

CBR reports on last week’s Spotlight on Ethan Van Sciver at Comic-Con. Among other things, he talked about redesigning Wally West’s costume and how he sees the personalities of Barry Allen and Wally West.

“I’m redesigning Wally West’s costume right now, and it’s terrifying.” While Sinestro’s costume, with its seemingly random blue color and “jester collar,” was ready for a redesign in Van Sciver’s eyes, “Wally West is the most perfectly designed costume ever, aside from Green Lantern’s costume, in my opinion.” Van Sciver said the challenge was to redo the costume without either making it less cool or more cool than Barry Allen’s and thus implying that one character is better than the other.

“I want Barry to come back and be King Arthur. He’s the most straight-laced, perfect Flash, rigid in his morality and his ethics,” making the looser, cooler, more laid-back Wally a Lancelot figure. Van Sciver told the audience “Kick me in the ass if I fail.”

So there’s at least some hope for Wally fans that he won’t be totally shoved off to the side. Maybe.

On the other hand, he also confirmed that the monthly Flash series will “stop” for Flash: Rebirth. How it will be relaunched afterward — picking up where it left off, or where Barry’s series left off — or with a new — he wouldn’t say.

Johns & Van Sciver on Flash: Rebirth

DC has announced that Geoff Johns and Ethan van Sciver are working on Flash: Rebirth, starring Barry Allen. It’s a 5-issue miniseries starting in January. Some quick linkblogging:

Speed Force: LiveBlogging DC Nation (where the announcement was made).

Newsarama: SDCC ’08 – Johns & Van Sciver Talk Flash: Rebirth.

CBR: CCI: Johns and Van Sciver Team Up for “The Flash: Rebirth”.

Flash @ DC Nation (San Diego) — Barry Allen: Rebirth

I’m in the DC Nation panel, and it looks like wifi is working. Dan Didio just walked up on stage and walked back off.

I won’t be trying to post everything as it happens, but any Flash-related stuff will go up as quickly as I can type it.

Dan Didio, Judd Winick, Keith Giffen.

It just hit me that I’m liveblogging something.

Geoff Johns & Ethan Van Sciver are working on Barry Allen: Rebirth. Bunch of applause.

More people on stage.

Talking about Trinity.

Someone in the audience said something like “Thanks for bringing back the best Flash.” So Didio responded, let’s settle this, and had the audience vote. About equal applause for Barry, Wally, Bart. Almost as much for Jay. Someone shouted out, “Flash Thompson!”

Polling panelists:

  • Bill Willingham – “The guy in the flower delivery hat”
  • Peter Tomasi – Flash Gordon
  • Barry
  • Greg Rucka? – Pass
  • Jay Garrick
  • Jann Jones – “I’m the coordinating editor, not the story editor”
  • Bob Wayne – Jay
  • Mike Carlin – Flash Flood
  • Keith Giffen – (didn’t catch his answer)
  • Judd Winick – Quicksilver
  • Johns & Van Sciver: All of them!

Barry Allen: Rebirth or Flash: Rebirth is due in January. [Note: Final Crisis and Alan Burnett’s arc on Flash, “This Was Your Life, Wally West,” both end in December.]

Talk about Batman: RIP.

Kevin Smith walks in — huge audience reaction. Doing a Batman mini, Cacophony. Joking about how it’ll take 6 years.

Turning over to questions.

“Does that mean ‘Crisis’ is done?…are we going to use ‘calamity’ next?”

Fan to GJ: Just read RR, loved it. “When are you and Kolins coming back? It’s been a mess.” GJ: “Ethan and I are doing Flash: Rebirth. So we are coming back.” [Note: This doesn’t say anything about whether they’re staying after Rebirth, or just coming in to fix it.]

Fan asks what went wrong with Countdown. DD wants to know what we thought was broken about it. “If we don’t know what the problems are, we can’t address them. We can’t fix them.”

DD: “One of the things we wanted to do with Countdown was to try to be completely different from 52. Obviously we succeeded.”

Elseworlds: Mike (Carlin?) & Cary Bates on one project.

Fan: “If I’m allowed one man-crush on a team, Geoff & Ethan.”

DD re: Justice League movie: “No plans at this time.”

Fan: Crisis books keep scaring people off by killing characters off. Will you bring Rainbow Raider back? Geoff: “Sure, I’ll bring him back.” (Not clear how serious.)

Fan: Really excited about Barry — how will you distinguish them? Geoff: Read the book. (Longer, but that’s basically what he said.)

Geoff JOhns will be staying on GL after “Blackest Night.”

OK, I’m off to dinner.

Related: Vaneta Rogers at Newsarama interviewed Johns & Van Sciver about Flash: Rebirth. (Thanks to Stormking at Comic Bloc.)