Tag Archives: Gorilla Grodd

“Attack On Central City” Review of S3 Ep14 of THE FLASH

“There’s always another way.” That theme keeps coming through in this episode, and it makes “Attack on Central City” much more than just a battle with Grodd…even though the battle WAS fantastic! Grodd has used Gypsy’s abilities to bring an entire gorilla army to Earth One, with the singular goal of turning Central City into a wasteland! Can Barry find “another way” to defeat Grodd? Want to know more? Just follow us after the jump!


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For New Readers: A Guide To Other Flash Villains

new rogues Hello new Flash fans and curious readers! Welcome to Flash fandom, and I hope you enjoy your stay 🙂

Part One of this piece covers the Reverse Flashes and major Rogues (the more popular ones). This part covers Gorilla Grodd, as well as some more minor villains who may appear in the television series –­ many of these characters were co-created by the show’s producer/writer Geoff Johns, and he’ll probably revisit them at some point. It’s already known that Girder will appear.

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Batman & The Flash: Hero Run Mobile Game Out For Android and iOS!


Batman & The Flash: Hero Run Mobile Game Out For Android and iOS!

Hey Speed Readers,

So a few days back I got a phone call from a friend informing me of a new Flash and Batman-related mobile game. At first I dismissed the news as one of those lame unlicensed mobile apps that lets you fly a reasonable facsimile of your favorite character against generic enemies (especially because of the odd pairing of Batman and The Flash). But nope, sure enough there is a new mobile game available for the Android and iOS featuring Batman, The Flash and a couple of surprise characters.

More info and pics after the jump

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Flash #30 MAD Variant Cover (and extended preview)

Flash #30 MAD Cover Variant

BuzzFeed has more preview pages for this week’s Flash , plus the MAD variant cover featuring mascot Alfred E. Neuman as Gorilla Grodd (shown above). This is the second MAD-themed variant for The Flash, after last April’s issue. Newsarama has combined both sets of previews for the issue, now up to 8 pages out of 20.

Art and cover by BRETT BOOTH and NORM RAPMUND
1:25 MAD Variant cover
On sale APRIIL 23 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

An all-new creative team makes its debut to show the deadly consequences of The Flash’s speed powers. During the traumatic events of FOREVER EVIL, Central City suffered the worst that the Crime Syndicate could dish out. Now The Flash has returned to make things right, but there are limits to what even the Fastest Man Alive can do!

Welcome to Centr…GORILLA City! (Review of Flash 23.1 aka Grodd #1)

Villains Month Grodd CoverAs Villains Month begins, we see a newly returned Gorilla Grodd…and he is not only out of the Speed Force, but he’s learned a thing or two during his stay.  Grodd is more dangerous than ever – and with no Flash to stop him what is he capable of doing?  Central City is about to find out in The Flash #23.1 (aka Grodd ).


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Five Years Ago in The Flash…Review of Flash #241

flash 241As part of our SpeedForce.org celebration, we’re taking a look back to the issue of The Flash that came out the same month that this site started. Back in 2008, we were right in the middle of the “Fast Money” story arc. Wally West has seen the people of Keystone City turn against him, pushed by the villain Spin, who has brought Grodd in to help him in the battle. As for the kids…Iris and Jai have been taken captive by people working for “Boss Dark Side”. That brings us to issue #241 of The Flash, with an August cover date but released June 18th, 2008. (NOTE: Thanks to John at Capitol Comics in Raleigh NC for helping me find a spare copy of this issue for the review when I could not find my own copy in my back issues).


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