Tag Archives: Green Lantern

Quick Hits: Flash Actors in Dallas, Help Moose Baumann & More

Some items of Flash-related news.

Colorist Moose Baumann, whose work can be seen on the iconic cover for The Flash: Rebirth #1, is is selling prints of his work to raise money to cover medical expenses for his wife’s cancer treatments. (via That F’ing Monkey and Comics Alliance)

Actors John Wesley Shipp (Barry Allen) and Amanda Pays (Tina McGee) from the 1990 Flash TV series will be appearing at Dallas Comic Con this weekend.

Comic Book Movie reports that the Flash’s home town of Central City will be mentioned in the Green Lantern movie. (via @johnnywellens)

More Flashpoint Creative Teams Announced (Updated!)

DC is announcing the remaining Flashpoint creative teams today at The Source. They describe it as the eight remaining miniseries and four one-shots, so it sounds like they expanded the line from 15 to 16 miniseries, and the two new series announced last week don’t replace anything previously announced.

Just like last week, I’ll put the Flash-related titles at the top, and update this post throughout the day. Click on the covers to jump to the original posts at the Source.

Flash-Related Titles

Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost Starring Bart Allen

Covers: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sterling Gates
Art: Oliver Nome

“Where is he? Or should we say when?”

Perfect: We’re finally getting a Kid Flash/Bart Allen story by Sterling Gates! I kind of hope the full title is just “Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost,” though, because the “starring…” part gets kind of unwieldy. (Not that it comes close to “Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer: Yet Another Subtitle.”)

Flashpoint: Grodd of War (one-shot)

Cover: Francis Manapul
Writer: Sean Ryan
Art: Ig Guara

“Africa belongs to him!”

Flashpoint: Reverse Flash (one-shot)

Cover: Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes
Writer: Scott Kolins
Art: Joel Gomez

“He’s more powerful than ever!”

Kolins really has cemented himself as the go-to guy for Flash villains, hasn’t he?

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New Flashpoint Creative Teams & Covers Announced (UPDATED)

DC is announcing the creative teams and first covers for eight of the fifteen Flashpoint miniseries today. Each announcement comes along with yet another teaser.

DC seems to be announcing them alphabetically, but I’m moving the Flash-related ones up to the top because, well, this is a Flash site! So far we’ve got Citizen Cold, Batman: Knight of Vengeance, Deathstroke and the Curse of the Ravager, Deadman and the Flying Graysons, Hal Jordan (a new one), World of Flashpoint, Emperor Aquaman, and finally…Legion of Doom.

Click on the covers to read the original announcements.

Flashpoint: Citizen Cold

Covers: Scott Kolins
Writer: Scott Kolins
Art: Scott Kolins

“He loves someone he shouldn’t.”

I was fully expecting Scott Kolins as the artist on this book — his style is perfect for the modern take on the Rogues. But I wasn’t expecting a one-man show. I really figured Geoff Johns would want to write the Captain Cold mini himself.

Going by the weapons and gloves, those hands look like the Weather Wizard, Tar Pit, Fallout, the Trickster and the Mirror Master…opposed to Captain Citizen Cold. Update: I have some more commentary on this one.

Flashpoint: Legion of Doom

Covers: Miguel Sepulveda
Writer: Adam Glass
Art: Rodeny Buchemi & Jose Marzan

“Whatever Happened to the World’s Greatest Super Villains?”

You know, I thought it was odd that Heat Wave wasn’t on that Citizen Cold cover…

Also, this makes one more book that I’m going to have to check out. Not because of Super Friends nostalgia, but because of Heat Wave.

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Green Lantern/Flashpoint for Free Comic Book Day

Well, that was fast. Just yesterday I pondered the likelihood of DC releasing a Flashpoint prelude for Free Comic Book Day, and today they announced a Green Lantern/Flashpoint special for the event.

This is the perfect jumping-on point for new readers who can’t wait to see the “Green Lantern” major motion picture from Warner Bros.! Discover how and why Hal received the power ring that changed his life forever with this reprinting of GREEN LANTERN #30, a pivotal chapter of the Green Lantern: Secret Origin graphic novel. No comic fan can afford to miss this exclusive first sneak peek of FLASHPOINT, DC’s blockbuster event of 2011, by the all-star team of Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert.

So instead of a lead-in, we’re getting a preview, and it’s playing backup to a Green Lantern movie tie-in.

Free Comic Book Day is held the first Saturday of May.

This Week: Zoom in Time Masters, Flash in Green Lantern, Velocity

This week sees the release of two Flash guest spots and a new installment of Velocity. Time Masters: Vanishing Point #5, guest-stars the Reverse Flash and leads into Flashpoint, while Green Lantern #60 guest-stars Barry Allen in a follow-up to last month’s cliffhanger.

Time Masters: Vanishing Point #5 (of 6)

Written by DAN JURGENS

None of the Time Masters’ problems in the time continuum compares with what’s in store for them when they cross paths with the Reverse Flash! In fact, nothing will be the same for the entire universe after this fateful meeting!

Don’t miss this companion series to the best-selling “Return of Bruce Wayne” storyline!

Green Lantern #60

Written by GEOFF JOHNS; Art and cover by DOUG MAHNKE & CHRISTIAN ALAMY; 1:10 “DC 75th Anniversary” Variant cover by FRANK QUITELY

BRIGHTEST DAY continues as the truth about the Indigo Tribe members is revealed along with their Entity: the enigmatic Proselyte.

Plus, don’t miss a special Green Lantern movie image!

Velocity #3 (of 4)

Story: Ron Marz
Art & Cover: Kenneth Rocafort

The Pilot Season Winner is Back!

The clock is literally ticking on the life of Carin Taylor, the hero known as Velocity. The fastest girl in the world must race around the globe in an attempt to save her Cyberforce teammates. If Carin can’t beat the clock, she and her friends will succumb to a techno-virus and give Cyberforce’s greatest foe his greatest victory. The issue continues the creative collaboration of writer Ron Marz (Witchblade, Angelus) and artist Kenneth Rocafort (Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer).

4-page preview at Newsarama.