Tag Archives: Justice League

Media Blitz!: Booth on Wally, Johns on Cold (via Newsarama)

Newsarama has been busy with Flash-related news and interviews over the past few days, and you can find links and relevant snippets here (read the articles for the full details).  Some of this information should be considered spoilers, so proceed with caution.


First, they talked to Brett Booth about how Wally West will be handled in the New 52.

Nrama: Let’s talk about what you guys are facing now. We’ve had two and a half years of the New 52 with no Flash except Barry Allen. What’s the biggest challenge about introducing Wally West at this time, with Barry already established?

Booth: I think it will be getting people to accept this version. I know what some people are expecting, I know what I’d want. He will be different, for one thing, in the old DCU he was Iris’s sister’s kid. She has a brother now, so things won’t be exactly the same. The original Wally was from a different time, a very Norman Rockwell sort of place. That is no longer the case for anyone in the New 52. He will reflect that, I’m sure.

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Trinity War Ends (?) With Justice League #23 (Review)

IMG_0925Trinity War comes to a high point in this issue of Justice League…but to say that the war “ends” is a bit inaccurate as this leads directly into the upcoming Forever Evil storyline (and all those Villains Month issues coming up).  By now, there have been enough interviews with huge spoilers that most fans know how this ends, and who shows up at the end…but in this case it’s “all about the journey”, so let’s pick back up in the midst of that huge battle over Pandora’s Box.


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Trinity War Update! (Review of JLA #7 and JL Dark #23)

JLA 7 cover JL Dark 23 cover Time to catch up on Trinity War!  There are a few things becoming clear in this story arc that spans all the Justice League titles – most especially that there will be long-standing effects on the entire DC Universe from this series.  This tale is picking up speed as it goes along, and it is actually improving in quality as it picks up the pace.  Let’s start with JLA , and then we’ll take a quick jump to JL Dark #23 (Note how the covers are matching up, just as the first three installments made one picture…wonder what the last part of THIS picture will be):


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Trinity War Picks Up Steam in Justice League Dark (review of Issue #22)

JL_DARK_22_r1_xxx580bfg5_This is my favorite issue of the Trinity War arc so far – heroes are choosing sides left and right, plans of action are being made and changed all over the place, and the machinations of the big bad behind all this are just beginning to be revealed.  It is an exciting issue full of action and intrigue, and the potential scope of it’s impact on the DC Universe is just beginning to be seen.


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