- Ethan Van Sciver spotlight panel at Phoenix Comic-Con, reported by The Outhousers. Plus an audio clip of EVS talking about Flash: Rebirth and the original plans for the launch.
- Francis Manapul talks Flash on the latest Fredcast!
- “Young Justice: Bloodlines” discussion on writer Peter David’s blog
- The campaign to help artist Oliver Nome (Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost, Fathom: Kiana) pay for his brain tumor surgery has raised $16K! Help him reach $20K! (On a related note, Supergirl Comic Box Commentary points out an homage in a Kid Flash Lost panel.)
- Bleeding Cool interviews Brian Buccellato about Foster, Flash and fatherhood
Tag Archives: Linkblogging
Speed Reading: Art Round-Up
- Jay Garrick by Dale Eaglesham done at Montreal Comic Con 2011
- Ben Franklin as Jay Garrick, the Golden Age Flash (via @USS_Stalwart & paper.li)
- Flash by Keron Grant (via thehappysorceress)
- Crocheted Flash Hat by Squirrel Productions (via Retcon Punch)
- Fan art: Cross-Company Team-Ups at CSBG: 70s TV Wonder Woman/Hulk, Alan Scott/Northstar, Snake Eyes/Stormshadow/Deadpool, Archie/Vampirella and more.
- Speed lines! The Flash gets his New 52 costume in Little League #43 by Yale Stewart
Speed Reading
Sorry I missed the usual weekend linkblogging post. The time I would have spent on it, I used to build a pinhole camera to watch Sunday’s solar eclipse. In case you’re interested, I’ve put together a photo essay of the eclipse and the impromptu viewing party that sprung up when dozens of people went to the same park with everything from holes punched in cards to welding masks and telescopes.
Flashy Links
- Fastest Fan Alive: Contest Results
- Random Flash round-up from That F'ing Monkey Random Flash Round Up and Flash Cereal from That F’ing Monkey
- Superhero Origins: The Flash at WatchMojo
- Q&A: What do The Flash’s earpiece emblems do? – StackExchange
- Be sure to check out Fastest Fan Alive and The Rogues Kick Ass for collectibles & Rogues posts.
Writer/Artist Catch-Up
- Mark Waid’s free digital comic “Insufferable” is up to three installments at Thrillbent.
- Bleeding Cool interviews Brian Augustyn, Mark Waid’s editor and later co-writer on The Flash.
- CBR TV: Jay Faerber On "Near Death," Creator-Owned Comics plus Ringer and that infamous Titans run.
- The Very End of Empire – PopMatters interviews “The Shade’s” James Robinson
- Geoff Johns & Jim Lee spotlight guests at NYCC
- Brian Buccellato’s Foster Anthology, a one-shot collection of short stories set in the same world as his creator-owned horror/crime comic, met its funding goal and then some.
More comics
- Marvel’s “Avengers” Success: What Can DC Comics Learn From It? – MTV
- Five Years Later: The Oral History of Countdown to Final Crisis – Funnybook Babylon pieces together the background of the series from old interviews. (via The Beat)
- Hotels for San Diego / Comic-Con have opened up again now that the deadline has passed for cancellation with full refund. (via The Beat)
Speed Reading
Weekend linkblogging…
Flashy links
- Francis Manapul’s Flash Annual cover process
- IGN reviews The Flash #8
- Comics And Movie Reviews: Flash #8
- Truxillogical rants about the current state of the Flash
- Origin of the Flash’s earpieces at StackExchange
- Francis Manapul shares a Mother’s Day story
Digital Comics
- A new chapter of long-term Flash writer Mark Waid’s digital comic “Insufferable” is up at Thrillbent.
- Indie creators to launch digital comics imprint at Heroes Con: Artist Alley Comics features Michael May, Jason Copland, Rich Woodall, Craig Rousseau (Impulse), and Kelly Yates.
Creators’ Rights
- Stan Lee on comic creators’ rights. The Beat excerpts the relevant quotes, but if you have time, the full interview and article at Grantland is fascinating.
- Interesting: an episode of the TV show Fairly Legal tackles comic creator’s rights – Comics Worth Reading
More comics links
- CSBG considers: What should we call this age of comics?
- The Beat reviews (almost) all of Free Comic Book Day 2012
- Robot 6 rounds up New 52 Wave 2 reviews
- Fan art mash-up: Super-powers switcheroo at CSBG
Speed Reading
- Reddit has a new new subreddit dedicated to the Scarlet Speedster at r/theflash.
- Geeky Home Decor You WISH Was on Etsy at Comediva. @luisn1 says: “I wish Sears sold Cosmic Treadmills! Too much time-space liability, I guess.”
- Stack Exchange considers what the Flash’s tracks look like in damp sand
- Mark Waid’s new webcomic initiative, Thrillbent, is live with the first installment of “Insufferable.” He posts what they learned from the first 24 hours.
- Flash writer Brian Buccellato has upped the page count for his Kickstarter-funded FOSTER ANTHOLOGY and raised the goal.
- Star Wars Speedster: That F’ing Monkey manages to combine Flash Friday & May the Fourth, and not with “force speed.” Beware: He had to go to Ewoks: The Battle for Endor to do it.
- Collected Editions reviews Justice League: Origin.
And of course be sure to check in with The Fastest Fan Alive for Flash collectibles and The Rogues Kick Ass for the Rogues.
Collected Editions Reviews Flashpoint
The Collected Editions blog has been reviewing the Flashpoint trades over the past week. The tie-ins were collected in five trade paperbacks, grouped around one of DC’s big five characters, titled The World of Flashpoint Featuring…
The miniseries less directly related to the major characters were spread around the other books, some thematically and some apparently at random, but the Flash collection is actually filled with stories focusing on Flash characters: Citizen Cold, Kid Flash Lost, Reverse-Flash, Legion of Doom (starring Heat Wave) and Grodd of War.
The site has also put together a Flashpoint trade reading order.