Tag Archives: Linkblogging

Speed Reading: Creator Catch-Up

Speed Reading: Art Round-Up

Speed Reading

Sorry I missed the usual weekend linkblogging post. The time I would have spent on it, I used to build a pinhole camera to watch Sunday’s solar eclipse. In case you’re interested, I’ve put together a photo essay of the eclipse and the impromptu viewing party that sprung up when dozens of people went to the same park with everything from holes punched in cards to welding masks and telescopes.

Flashy Links

Writer/Artist Catch-Up

More comics

Speed Reading

Weekend linkblogging…

Flashy links

Digital Comics

Creators’ Rights

More comics links

Speed Reading

And of course be sure to check in with The Fastest Fan Alive for Flash collectibles and The Rogues Kick Ass for the Rogues.

Collected Editions Reviews Flashpoint

The Collected Editions blog has been reviewing the Flashpoint trades over the past week. The tie-ins were collected in five trade paperbacks, grouped around one of DC’s big five characters, titled The World of Flashpoint Featuring…

The miniseries less directly related to the major characters were spread around the other books, some thematically and some apparently at random, but the Flash collection is actually filled with stories focusing on Flash characters: Citizen Cold, Kid Flash Lost, Reverse-Flash, Legion of Doom (starring Heat Wave) and Grodd of War.

The site has also put together a Flashpoint trade reading order.