Tag Archives: T-shirts

T-Shirt: Apple vs. the Flash

Today’s Shirt Woot features yet another visual pun linking Apple’s war on the Flash animation format to the super-hero.

The T-shirts, designed by Lim Heng Swee, are already sold out at the $10 debut price, but they’ll be back tomorrow at $15.

As always, the write-up is worth checking out for gems like this:

Listen, Adobe. I come to you under a white flag to try and warn you: a little collateral damage like a dead JLA member isn’t going to stop this guy. He’s put out an iFatwa on all things Flash, and he doesn’t let a failed launch set him back.

(Tip of the hat to @ElfGrove for the news, and @ryanoneil for pointing out that they’ll be back tomorrow!)

Speed Reading

Two weeks’ worth of linkblogging, so you’ll probably have seen a lot of these by now…


Multiversity Comics presents A Crisis of Chronology: The Flash, as well as thoughts on early solicitations in a digital age.

Silver Age Gold presents: I Hate the Flash’s Girlfriend, all about Iris West! Silver Age Comics responds: Ending with Iris.


slaterman23 has a Flickr set featuring vintage-style DC Comics posters (via The Nerdy Bird).

Paxton Holley has found a comic in which Superman Becomes the Flash (Action Comics #314, 1964)

Chris Samnee sketches Flash vs. Captain Cold at C2E2.

Mr. Maczaps presents Death in the form of the Black Flash.

Bobby Timony draws Jay Garrick (also at C2E2).

By now you’ve probably all seen this visual pun on Flash and the iPad using Alex Ross’ art.

The Top Cow Panel at C2E2 has some incredible samples of Kenneth Rocafort’s art from the upcoming Velocity miniseries.

Karl Kerschl’s webcomic, The Abominable Charles Christopher, is coming to print.

The webcomic Comic Critics tackles Greg Rucka leaving DC.


Comic Book Resources has put together a Comics Twitter Directory [dead link]

Cinema Spy considers how the new status quo seen in Flash might influence the Flash movie. [dead link]

Speed Reading: Justice League Re-Covered, Flash Humor, Blackest Night and More

Some Friday morning linkblogging…

Once Upon a Geek presents the Justice League cover redone with action figures

Newsarama writes about the Secret Origins of Geoff Johns and Kevin Feige in the office of Richard Donner.


Abbracadabbling looks at the long road to a Flash movie.

Comics Should Be Good contends that Kurt Buseik unwittingly ruined DC/Marvel super-hero comics.

Living Between Wednesdays is annoyed by a revelation in Green Lantern #52 that doesn’t line up with current scientific cosmology…or even the rest of DC’s space mythology.

Top Cow’s Filip Sablik talks about Information Overload at Newsarama — a topic which Geoff Johns has brought up on several occasions when talking about his new approach to the Flash.


This noscans_daily Macro Monday thread includes some funny Flash Rogues captions. (For those who aren’t on LiveJournal, the “Adult Content Warning” is a blanket one for the group. Last I looked, this thread was still work-safe.)

Despair, Inc. has a new Flash shirt (link via @SpeedsterSite) that reminds me of a certain Fred Hembeck comic strip from a while back.

And on a similar, but more canon note, What Were They Thinking?! presents the Flash vs. Captain Pantsless.

Update: An April Fool’s joke from Screen Rant: Michael Cera cast as the Flash.