Tag Archives: Tweets

Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-02-22

  • Is BlogExplosion worth 42 cents?
  • Just read Hexed on my #Android based G1 phone. Filmstrip format works surprisingly well. 1 app per comic could get cluttered, though.
  • *sigh* FC: Legion of 3 Worlds pushed back 2 more weeks to April 8. L3W 5 still set for May 13, at least.
  • First impression of reading digital comics on G1 Android phone via @iversecomics and @boomstudios’ Hexed
  • Bought this week: Tangent: Superman’s Reign, Noble Causes, Dynamo 5, Mysterius the Unfathomable. Still have to read LAST week’s comics!
  • Finally read part 1 of Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader.

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Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-02-01 (Final Crisis Finale)

  • Sheesh, Dark Knight was nominated for EIGHT Oscars. That’s not a snub. Not having a celeb face doesn’t make FX, editing, etc unimportant.
  • What if the Flash ran into a wall of Oobleck? [edit: link to forum post is dead]
  • Comic book science that Just Bugs Me(tm): evolution as a deterministic ladder instead of an environment-influenced tree.
  • What if…Obama kept a mini-statue of Spider-Man on his desk to remind him that with great power comes great responsibility?
  • What I Bought: Final Crisis and Mysterius the Unfathomable (heard a lot of buzz on this over the past week)
  • Not reading this review of Scott Pilgrim Book 5 because I’m buying it anyway, but nice to know it’s getting good reviews
  • WB Producer Charles Roven: The Flash movie is “shrouded in mystery” but not yet dead
  • *sigh* EVS says that getting Wally out of “Barry’s suit” means he can “be his own Flash again.” So he WASN’T for the last 20 years?
  • It seems like every time someone at DC talks about Flash:Rebirth, they chip away a little more of my interest in it.
  • The whole thing reminds me of shipper feuds spilling from fans into canon as fans turn pro. Like Nightwing and Dick/Babs vs. Dick/Kory.

Focus on Final Crisis

  • Final Crisis had so much story that IT should have been the 52-long weekly series. Just as long as DC got it in the can first.
  • BREAKING NEWS! Giant Multiverse-spanning epic turns out NOT to be ALL about Barry Allen! How can we forgive this SNUB!?!? *headdesk*
  • Lots of Final Crisis search terms today. My favorite: “final crisis seven is awful” – I guess someone only wants to read bad reviews.
  • More snarky searches: “final crisis 7 plot” and “final crisis 7 explained”
  • Also: “captain carrot” showing up surprisingly often
  • More searches: “what happened in final crisis?” “final crisis sucked” “did anyone like final crisis?” To answer the last one: Yes. Mostly.
  • Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds preview at Newsarama

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Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-01-25

  • Wow: In 6 months, Speed Force has passed K-Squared Ramblings in Technorati Authority. My other blog has been up 6 YEARS
  • Diamond actually expects to ship Final Crisis next week. It’ll be done in January.
  • Interesting: Ethan Van Sciver did FOUR covers for Flash: Rebirth issue 1, though they’re only using two.
  • According to Google, Phoenix Comicon is a shorter drive than WonderCon. Filed for future reference.
  • Grumpy Old Fan predicts the dead speedster in Flash:Rebirth is a member of Blue Trinity
  • Something’s missing from this press release
  • Wait, people are finding this Dilbert cartoon controversial? [edit: it was the dilbertfiles.com plug]
  • What I bought this week: Fallen Angel, Tangent: Superman’s Reign, Superman: Beyond. Two last issues & a next-to-last. Such is my pull list.
  • Retweeting @neilhimself: New trailer for the Coraline movie
  • The current Super-Friends book is the kind of series where Lex Luthor WOULD steal forty cakes.
  • Weird: Visits to SF blog dropped by a factor of 10 this weekend, but my other site on the same server stayed constant.
  • Reading some of the stories from Adventure Comics when Flash was a regular feature (c. 1980). Trippy stuff.

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Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-01-11


  • 2 weeks until DC’s solicitations for April, and we get to see whether Flash:Rebirth will launch on schedule.
  • Interesting take: Jay Faerber on how the Image Universe works (CBR Forums).

    The way I approach it is that each book in the Image “universe” takes priority over the universe as a whole. At Marvel and DC, it’s the opposite. The writers of Batman can’t establish that Barack Obama is the President while the writers of Superman are establishing that Lex Luthor is President. The universe has to be consistent.

    Whereas at Image, we’re not bound by that sort of thing. I know that in Savage Dragon, Barack Obama is President. In Noble Causes, we’re going to see in issue #40 that someone else is President.

    I know it can be frustrating to people who like the whole “shared universe” approach to comics, but speaking as a creator, this is the way to go. We get all the benefits of a shared universe (I can have Invincible or Savage Dragon drop by, as long as Robert and Erik say it’s okay), but I’m not bound by what they do.

  • Wow…Final Crisis is actually on Diamond’s shipping list for next week.
  • Seeing a surge in traffic on last year’s post on getting a hotel at Comic-Con. Prob. because they haven’t announced when hotel reg opens.
  • Wow. someone actually selected the “Dread” option in the Facebook poll for Flash:Rebirth.
  • Whoa! Review of Flash 247 has surged ahead and become the first post to break 1000 views according to WP Stats

Twitter Movies

A meme running around to retitle movies with a Twitter theme, tagged #movietwitter.

  • I don’t think anyone’s done this one: Mariah Carey in Twitter.
  • Or maybe Tweet Home Alabama
  • Or even La Dolce Tweeta?

Tacky Movies

  • Wondering if I should dig up Super Friends on Netflix or if it would be too painful.
  • Finally watching Superman: Doomsday.
  • Wasn’t tacky enough, so I’m watching Ice Pirates. You find the weirdest things on Netflix instant.
  • Oh, wow… this is REALLY tacky. Sad thing is, the broken robot jokes look like they got recycled in Attack of the Clones.

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Six-Word Stories

Last month, Secret Six and Wonder Woman writer Gail Simone posted a few fiction challenges on Twitter. I responded with some Flash-related micro-stories:

Condense the plot of a comic, six words or less. #.

Barry’s back! Wait, it’s not him. (This being the plot to The Flash: The Return of Barry Allen)

Seven word story, describing the the last minute of a comic character’s life #

Slipped on banana peel at Mach 23.

How are comics characters spending the holidays? #

Christmas. Wish I could slow down.

Quick Thoughts: Twitter Through 2009-01-04

  • If you’re ONLY reading a comic so you can understand ANOTHER comic…DON’T READ IT. Just read the comics you like.
  • Question: Is Speedy the only character to appear in both the Timmverse Justice League and Teen Titans? (Except MAYBE Flash/Kid Flash?)
  • Working through email backlog. Again. Got it down below 300, amazingly.
  • Gleep! Found 2-year-old email from Wallyoeste with Youtube links to clips from the Filmation Flash episodes. *oops*
  • Cool short movie: Mac vs. PC – Transformers style!
  • Just picked up a bunch of Bronze Age backissues on eBay with Flash in Adventure Comics. And Hostess ads.
  • Halo and Sprocket is all over the “best of” lists for 2008 comics. I have to agree: both GNs are highly recommended!
  • Weird Al’s “You’re Pitiful” – is a homemade Trek uniform intrinsically pathetic, or is he talking about one that’s really badly done?
  • Beginning to think I’m the only person on my blogroll or Twitter list who doesn’t care about the new Doctor Who lead.
  • Misread “Wolverine: Blood Debt” as “Wolverine: Blood Dept.”

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