Tag Archives: Wally West

This Week: Flash #5 & Digital Wally West

The Flash #5

Written by FRANCIS MANAPUL and BRIAN BUCCELLATO; Art and cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL; Variant cover by GARY FRANK; 1:200 B&W Variant cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL

Central City in chaos! Iris West captive in Iron Heights prison! And as Flash tries to deal with all of it, he must also try to save the life of his old friend Manuel Lago from Mob Rule, DC Comics’ hottest new Super Villain!

DC Universe 32pg. Color $2.99 US

Preview at IGN.

DC is beginning to roll out digital copies of the Mike Baron run on Wally West’s Flash series through ComiXology. Issue #1 was released during the Flash 101 sale, and issues #2-6 will be available today. Issues #1-6 feature three stories, each a two parter, with Wally West facing off against Vandal Savage, the Kilg%re, and Speed Demon, and introducing Dr. Tina McGee to the supporting cast.

»Flash comics at ComiXology.

More thoughts on this in the next post

Also this week: Teen Titans #5, featuring Kid Flash vs. Superboy on the cover.

Edit: And Justice League #5, with the Flash featured heavily in the preview.

Media Blitz!: Flash Team Talks to io9, Comic Impact

The New 52 Flash creative duo of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato maintained their recent level of visibility, already talking to both io9 and Comic Impact this week.

Both sites touch on the status of the Rogues Gallery, the much-lauded artwork and both feature a mention of Wally West.  The two had this to say, regarding the revamped Rogues, to i09:

Will there be any new Rogues or have any been radically redesigned?

FM: I’m still basing it on past continuity, but we’re evolving them. When you read the first arc, it’s about The Flash trying to evolve. You realize in the second arc, that that’s what the Rogues have been doing this entire time.

BB: Trying to keep up with the Joneses.

FM: But obviously it went wrong and they’re not together. We’re going to see what that’s all about and how they came across the powers that they now have.

The Comic Impact interview, from the Long Beach Comic Con, can be seen below:

Media Blitz!: Manapul and Buccellato Talk Flash at CBR

On the same day as the posting of part two of Newsarama’s interview with the Flash creative team, Comic Book Resources has posted their own conversation with the dynamic duo of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato.

While it covers some of the same ground as the Newsarama articles, the CBR interview does delve further into a few items including the art process, something that has gathered a lot of interest amongst fans drawn to Manapul and Buccellato’s unique style.  Manapul even mentions the color chart, something he first talked about in our interview with him earlier this year.

The article also includes an exclusive look at a page from Flash #3.  Follow the jump for more…

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Flash by Geoff Johns Omnibus: Vol.2 – Contents & Release Date

DC’s full January solicitations include the official announcement of The Flash Omnibus by Geoff Johns Vol. 2…and its contents. It clocks in at a massive 648 pages, covering two years’ worth of the Wally West Flash series, including Rogues, Crossfire, Run Riot and Blitz. Volume One was considerably shorter, covering Wonderland and Blood Will Run, including Iron Heights and The Flash Secret Files #3.

I believe this is the first time the DC 1st: Flash/Superman one-shot has been collected.

Personally, I think this is the best of Geoff Johns’ run on the book. Everything built toward first Crossfire and then Blitz as he built up a fantastic supporting cast, revitalized the Rogues, and introduced a bunch of new villains. (IMO it lost direction after Ignition, but sales went up from #200 to 225, so the overall audience seems to have liked the second half of Johns’ run better.)

My guess as to the future of this series: DC will release one more volume from the Wally West series covering #201-225 (Ignition through Rogue War). Then Volume 4 will consist of Johns’ Barry Allen run: Flash: Rebirth, Blackest Night: The Flash, Flash vol.3 and Flashpoint.

Written by GEOFF JOHNS
On sale MARCH 28 • 648 pg, FC, $75.00 US

It’s the second hardcover volume collecting all the issues of THE FLASH written by comics superstar Geoff Johns! In this massive collection featuring issues #177-200 and DC FIRST: FLASH/SUPERMAN #1, an old friend of Wally West becomes the portal to another universe and Gorilla Grodd goes wild in Keystone City! Plus, don’t miss the Fastest Man Alive’s clashes with members of his infamous rogues gallery, including Captain Cold, The Trickster, the Pied Piper and more!

» Pre-order from Amazon

Interview: Teen Titans Artist Brett Booth on Wally West

As an artist working on DC Comics’ New 52, Brett Booth regularly deals with speed in the form of Kid Flash in Teen Titans.  Written by Scott Lobdell, Titans features Booth on both covers and interiors. as well as character designs.  The veteran artist is next featured in issue #2, due October 26th.

Booth has also received attention recently for his unofficial portrayals of Wally West, the third and now erstwhile Flash, as posted on his blog.  Starting with a post on August 24th, Booth has given his fans a couple of different looks at his redesign of West as Flash, including finished versions with colors by Andrew Dalhouse.

We caught up with Booth via email and talked about what makes a Flash costume, his take on Wally West and his favorite Flash stories.

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Wally West the #6 DC Character – Flashes in the Top 50, Final Rankings

We’ve been following Comics Should Be Good as they count down the results of their Top 50 DC & Marvel Characters survey. Wally West ranks #6 on the DC list. He hasn’t been seen much since DC decided to re-focus The Flash on Barry Allen a few years back, but Wally remains a popular character — more popular among the survey respondents than the current headliner, though as we saw a few days ago, Barry made the top 10 as well.

I hope DC considers this when the time comes around for mid-season replacements or expanding the New 52. If there’s room for 12(?) Bat-books including spots for current and past Robins Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian… If there’s room for four Lantern books including spots for all four human Green Lanterns… If there’s room for four Super-books… Then surely there’s room for a second Flash series featuring Wally West, or at the very least a spot on a team book. Barry’s got the main Flash series, Bart’s in Teen Titans, and presumably Jay will be showing up in the Earth-2-set Justice Society of America series when it launches.

Here are the final rankings of the Flashes for this survey and the previous one in 2007.

Character 2011 Rank  2007 Rank  Points  1st Place Votes 
Jay Garrick (Flash) #45 #41 374 0
Bart Allen (Impulse/Kid Flash) #36 #42 545 6
Barry Allen (Flash) #9 #29 1604 27
Wally West (Flash/Kid Flash) #6 #3 2471 67

About the points: The way voting worked was that you listed your top 10 favorite characters, in order. Your first-place choice got 10 points, your second-place choice got 9 points, etc. According to CSBG, more than 1400 people voted in the survey.

Keep an eye on Comics Should Be Good as they count down the top five!