Category Archives: Fandom

It’s WALLY WEST in Superhero March Madness! Vote Now!

Thanks in no small measure to the followers here at Speedforce, Barry Allen not only defeated Nightcrawler in SUPERHERO MARCH MADNESS, but did so with the largest vote total to date!  Now, another Flash steps into the spotlight as WALLY WEST faces-off with AQUAMAN today!

DC MARVEL SUPERHERO MARCH MADNESS is set up with four regions – in two of the regions there are direct DC vs Marvel matchups from Day 1.  The other two regions are “in-house” battles (DC vs DC, and Marvel vs Marvel), to assure that at least one representative of each publisher arrives safely in the final four.  That’s why we find Wally going against another DC hero here.  YOUR VOTES can help Wally over the top…and we may even see both Barry and Wally make it to the Final Four with your help!

While you are there, you may be interested in some of the other battles, including Hawkeye versus Green Arrow!  But for now, here’s the link directly to the face-off that includes Wally:

Thanks to all who dropped by to support Barry!  If we see that again from Flash fans, then Wally has a really good chance of finding his way into the second round.  Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell EVERYONE to drop by and VOTE!

Barry Allen in DC vs Marvel Superhero March Madness!

As previously reported, there is a DC vs Marvel Superhero March Madness bracket challenge going on at, and now it is Barry Allen’s turn…and he needs your votes!  Barry is facing off with Nightcrawler of the X-Men in Day 5 of the contest, which has already seen some major upsets including Batman’s defeat in Day 1 by Power Girl!  There have already been a lot of followers showing up to vote in Superhero March Madness, and this vote is a big one for Flash fans!  You can check out the brackets at, or follow the link below to go straight to Barry versus Nightcrawler:

And, stay tuned for Saturday’s Day 6 competition, which will include Wally West!  For today though, Barry Allen is looking to YOU for help – be sure to tell your friends and VOTE!

DC vs Marvel Superhero March Madness!

superhero march madnessSuperman vs. Thor!  Wonder Woman vs. Jean Grey! Hal Jordan vs. Tony Stark! You’ll find Barry Allen AND Wally West in the brackets as well…DC vs Marvel Superhero March Madness has begun at!

All the battles are decided by YOU!  Voting has begun on Day 1, which ends tonight (March 17) at 11 PM Eastern Time USA.  There will be battles every day (usually 4 battles per day) through April 6th (with a couple of Sundays off to prepare podcast wrap-ups).  There are four regions, each named after a prominent writer for either DC or Marvel – two of the regions feature “in-house” battles (all DC or all Marvel), which assure that at least one character from each publisher will make the final four.  The other two regions are featuring head-to-head DC/Marvel battles from Day 1!

The champion will be revealed on a LIVE STREAMING podcast April 6th!  To find out more, here is a link to the entire bracket:


And, here is a link that will direct you to all four Day 1 matchups – vote NOW…and just be warned that there are already UPSET ALERTS going out on a couple of those face-offs!


As of this writing, Thor is actually leading Superman…and there is almost a dead heat between Batman & Power Girl, as well as between Captain Marvel & Nova!  YOUR VOTES will matter!



Nick Kuilder’s Adventures of Barry Allen Part One


Hey Speed Readers,

You all may remember Nick Kuilder from our Fifth Anniversary Contest we held back in June. We asked everyone “Why They Loved The Flash” and we all found Nick’s answer to be both inspiring and heartwarming.  Now Nick is back with a fun little piece of work we like to call,  Nick Kuilder’s Adventures of Barry Allen Part One featuring DC Collectibles New 52 Flash! Check it out after the break!

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The Flash Podcast Launches

The Flash PodcastJust in time for Barry Allen to make his first appearance on “Arrow” (tomorrow), The Flash Podcast has launched to focus on the new TV version of the character as played by Grant Gustin (and other media). Head over to soundcloud for the first episode and listen to host Andy Behbakht talk about what you can expect from the show!