Category Archives: Site News

State of the Blog

Quick note – you may have noticed that the last few days have been guest posts and reposts. That’s because late Sunday night, my first son was born! I haven’t exactly had much time on the computer (other than transferring photos!), but I did schedule out 2 weeks of posts before we went into the hospital, so Speed Force will still be active while my wife and I are getting to know the baby. We’re all new at this!

Thanks to everyone who’s sent in a guest post so far, and to anyone still thinking of writing one, please submit it! I can definitely find room for it over the next few weeks!

Weekend Update: Renegades, Hot Pursuit, Variant Covers

I decided to take a little time this weekend (while I still had some!) to update a few items on Flash: Those Who Ride the Lightning. I’ve finally posted an article on the Renegades (a.k.a. the Reverse-Flash Task Force), and put up a placeholder for Hot Pursuit even though the story arc dealing with him won’t launch until at least January. I also updated the cover variants list with Flash #6 and the preview art we’ve seen for Flash #7 & #8.

I wasn’t really sure where to file the Renegades. They play the role of villains, or at least antagonists, in “The Dastardly Death of the Rogues,” but from what we can see, they do appear to be the “good guys” of their era, acting on what they thought was solid information. I finally ended up putting them in the Heroes category, figuring that if they show up again, they’re more likely to play that role.

Status Update

There’s been a delay in the server move, and I’m kind of reluctant to add anything substantial until that’s resolved. Soon, I hope.

Meanwhile, my commute is such that I can’t get to the comic store until the weekend, so it’ll be a couple of days (at least) before I can pick up The Flash #6. It’s weird: I mostly don’t mind not being part of the Wednesday crowd anymore, but this is one case where it is kind of frustrating.

I guess at some point I’m going to have to find a new store and move my pull list.

State of the Blog: Fall 2010 – Guest Bloggers Wanted!

There are a couple of changes coming up that are going to impact my blogging activity.

The first is that I’m starting a new job on Monday. I’ll be focused on getting up to speed (pun not intended), and the longer commute will leave me with less free time. And depending on their policy on personal internet use, I probably won’t be checking comics news on my breaks.

As for the second change, I’ve mentioned my wife from time to time, such as our Comic-Con costumes, her homemade Flash cupcakes, etc. I’ve been keeping quiet about something…well, here’s a recent photo: Continue reading

Weekend Updates: Zoom & Captain Boomerang

I’ve updated two entries over at my Flash reference site, Flash: Those Who Ride the Lightning.

First, I’ve posted an updated image of Captain Boomerang. After updating his biography last month, I realized I needed to add an image of his new costume. While I was at it, I also added images of him as a Black Lantern and White Lantern.

Something I’ve been thinking about off and on has been how best to present the Blackest Night Lantern Corps costumes. I finally decided the best choice was to just post them in each character’s profile, though I may do a round-up at some point.

Then I decided that if I was posting Digger’s Black and White Lantern looks, I’d take care of the Reverse-Flash as well. That was when I realized that I hadn’t updated his entry since before Flash: Rebirth. Oops!

So I filled in some more detail on what I had already, then wrote up the key elements that have changed: His resurrection in Blackest Night, his transformation in Flash: Rebirth, and his time-travel campaign against Barry Allen.

Both articles are up to date with the Brightest Day status quo…though I’m sure there will be some new wrinkles coming up in their Rogue Profile issues this fall.

Reader Survey Results: How Did You Discover Speed Force?

Thanks to everyone who responded to my poll on how you discovered this site. It’s an interesting picture of how (one corner of) the comics Internet works.

More than half of you came over from my longer-established site, Flash: Those Who Ride the Lightning, and just over a fifth of you discovered this blog through some sort of search. Another 10% learned about the site through another blog, either through an article or through a sidebar link.

A handful or respondents found out about the site through forums and social networks (Twitter, Facebook and Buzz).

What I found particularly interesting: Not one person reported discovering the site though StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, or another link sharing site. I get a fair amount of traffic from StumbleUpon and Reddit, but it seems that even if they’re good at bringing in casual viewers, they’re not terribly effective at creating regular readers.

Thanks again, everyone!

Full results after the cut:

Update: I’ve pulled in the comments from the announcement post, since it’s really one discussion.

Update 2: Twtpoll has purged the results, and I didn’t think to copy them over first. :grumble: