Category Archives: Timely

ComiXology’s Multiversity Sale Includes Digital Flash of Two Worlds

ComiXology is running a Multiversity Sale, putting backissues from DC Comics dealing with multiple (or just alternate) realities on discount for 99c each. In addition to the entire run of 52, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Hour, Infinite Crisis and Final Crisis, there’s a selection of alternate reality comics — Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, which inspired DC to launch the Elseworlds label, Superman: Red Son, Kingdom Come — and a smattering of one-off stories like the first meeting between the Justice League and Justice Society, and two classic Silver Age Flash issues: Flash #123, featuring the first meeting of Barry Allen and Jay Garrick, and Flash #125, “Conquerors of Time,” in which Barry Allen and Wally West battle a threat to Earth’s past, present and future. It’s notable as the first appearance of the Cosmic Treadmill.

“Conquerors of Time” has been available digitally for several years, but “Flash of Two Worlds” has just been added to the catalog today.

Flash #123: Flash of Two Worlds

A Trip to SDCC 2014

Iron Man, Flash and Red HoodThis year’s trip to Comic-Con International in San Diego went a bit better than last year, when I ended up losing an entire afternoon to an ER visit. That didn’t happen this year. Even better: we managed to catch some fascinating panels, meet some artists and writers, find some cool stuff, see people in awesome costumes, and even learn some useful information.

Sadly, I didn’t make it to the Flash pilot screenings, since they were Wednesday and Saturday, and my tickets were for Thursday and Friday. But I did get to see the extended preview and cast/crew discussion panel for iZombie, which looks like it’ll be a lot of fun in a Pushing Daisies/Veronica Mars/Buffy sort of way.

»Read my full writeup at K² Ramblings
»View photos on Flickr

Video Contest: Run to the Flash (Flash TV Talk)


The podcast Flash TV Talk is running a fan contest. Read on for more details:

While we all anxiously await the new CW Flash series, the Flash TV Talk podcast has been getting hyped with Flash Fan events and contests like the #SpeedsterShowdown, #RoguesRumble, and the “Race To 50″ drawing.

Its time to go BIG!

It’s simple. Have a friend record a video of you running across the screen (left to right) in your favorite Flash Gear! Could be a shirt, hat, or even a full fledged costume! Bonus points to Flash Fans who are able to record the run in front of a local monument or attraction (Mt Rushmore, The Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, etc.)

Select video entries will be compiled into one super sketch that will be broadcast to the world wide Flash Fan community on Youtube and sent to the show’s creators, CW, and DC Comics!

Send the video as well as your twitter handle and city/state/country to

What’s the give away!? Every entry will be added to a drawing to win the Comixology collected edition of The Flash (2011-) Vol. 1: Move Forward

Be sure to snap a picture with the hash-tag #RunToTheFlash and tweet us to let the world know we aren’t going to sit still until the Flash gets here!

All Entries must be in by July 31st

Rumor: Flash/Green Lantern Movie in the Works

Flash and Green Lantern

Take this with a huge grain of salt: Hollywood columnist Nikki Finke reports on a slew of DC movies expected to be announced at Comic-Con next month to follow up on Batman vs. Superman, including a Justice League movie, a Wonder Woman solo film, and a Flash/Green Lantern (not Ryan Reynolds) team-up in 2017. (via The Beat)

Keep in mind that Warner Bros. was expected to announce a Flash movie last year, which didn’t happen, though a few weeks later they announced the TV series. And of course even if a movie really is in the works, there’s no guarantee it will actually get made, as a Flash movie has spent a full decade in development hell since being announced back in 2004.

It’s still not clear whether DC’s Man of Steel spinoffs will be taking place in the same universe as Arrow and The Flash, but wouldn’t it be cool for a Flash/Green Lantern team-up film to hit during the mid-season hiatus of Flash season three?

(Image: Flash & Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold #1 cover by Barry Kitson.)

Mark Waid, Empire vol.2, and the Flash TV Show

Two quick updates on Mark Waid, who wrote Wally West’s adventures as The Flash for about 100 issues and almost the entire decade of the 1990s.

1. He’s seen the Flash TV pilot, and thinks it’s great.

Replying to Greg Berlanti:

Empire2. Waid and Barry Kitson’s Empire vol.2 launches next week on Thrillbent. The original miniseries told the story of what happens after when the world’s greatest super-villain conquers the planet. What’s left? The description for volume 2:

But where is his strength coming from? The sole loyalist who kept him anchored to humanity is one year gone, and on the anniversary of Golgoth’s loss, several seemingly coordinated new threats are surfacing around the globe. Each presents its own unique threat to the throne, and if Golgoth wants to maintain the crown, he will have to divide his forces–and his attentions–in dangerous new ways.

The out-of-print Empire volume 1 will also be available on Thrillbent as part of the all-you-can-read $3.99 monthly subscription for the entire catalog.