Tag Archives: Barry Allen

Blue Lantern Barry Allen in Stores Tomorrow

The wait is finally over. The Blue Lantern Barry Allen Action Figure announced back in February (and originally scheduled for release early last month) is in stores tomorrow. I really dig the overall design of the Blue Lantern uniforms and I like them even more when mashed up with The Flash. I can’t wait till this guy arrives!


The hugely successful BLACKEST NIGHT action figure line continues with four awesome new characters!

Included in this sixth installment of the series are Hal Jordan, the personification of the Green Lantern Corps; Wonder Woman, who finds the power of love and joins the ranks of the Star Sapphires; Hawkgirl, who was one of the first heroes to lose her life to the dark power of the Black Lanterns; and The Flash, who couples the power of the blue ring with his trademark speed to carry the message of hope to all.

All four figures feature multiple points of articulation and include a display base. Character-appropriate accessories are also included.

4-color clamshell blister card packaging.

So who plans on picking this guy up?

Devin “The Flash” Johnson

Writing Speedsters

Today’s guest post is by Adam Komar.

Speedsters make me nervous, because if you play them accurately, they’re impossible to beat… The moment someone sees him coming, it’s too late. You shout, “It’s the Flash!” and you haven’t even got “It’s” out before you’re done… I could deal with Impulse because he was easily distracted. — Peter David

This quote and the mentality behind always is why speedsters are written the way they are. In case you’re not aware of how speedsters are written, I’ll sum it up in one word: Poorly. You can argue that point, but I’ll have to throw a slew of campy villains at you that the Flash has faced off against over the years and the ridiculous scenarios he’s been in to deal with them.

I’m not saying the quote is entirely wrong. There is a degree of difficulty in dealing with someone who can run from the horizon to you before you can blink. But impossible? Impossible is a word used by people who lack the creativity to resolve their issues. That may sound harsh, but it’s true.

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Flash First Impressions: Why I don’t like Joan Garrick

Today’s guest post is by Ken O of That F’ing Monkey.

I’m going to make a confession and I realize it sounds irrational, but I don’t like Joan Garrick. I know that sounds bad. You hear something like that and think, “How can you hate that nice grandmotherly lady?” Before we even get into the whys I want to clarify, I dislike her, I don’t hate her. I wasn’t cheering when she came down with fake-cancer. Besides the fact that cancer isn’t really cheer worthy, I didn’t want to see her die.

So what started all this craziness? Her first appearance. I’m not even talking about her issue as a whole; I’m talking about the first page of Flash Comics . Our hero, young scientist in training Jay Garrick meets Joan at school and asks her out to the Victory dance. Her response is, “I…I don’t thinks so, Jay…You’re…a scrub on the football team…and captain Bull Tryon’s already asked me!!”

Wow. How nasty is that? She could have easily said, “Sorry, but someone already asked me,” or anything like that. Instead she decides to bust on his football skills. And bless his heart; Jay somehow still wants to impress her. He gains super speed and immediately uses it for football. Maybe it’s because I’m not a football fan? I’ve also though of Joan as cold hearted after that.

I realize Iris didn’t come off any better. In her first panel she’s chastising Barry for being late. I’ve read a number of other people’s complaints about how nasty Iris was during all those early adventures, but for some reason I never disliked her. Maybe it is because I’ve been stood up before and I know what a soul crushing blow to the ego that can be.

How did the other women in the Flashes’ lives fare with their first appearances? Continue reading

New Flash Heroclix Releases Available Later This Month

Some big releases on the DC side of Heroclix for their 75th Anniversary Set coming later this month including several Flash-related releases that are sure to rock the socks off of Flash and Heroclix collectors alike. First up Heroclix.com released a preview yesterday of the Monarch of Motion, Barry Allen in his first solo release in his traditional uniform. We had previously seen him in his dying form from the climax of Crisis on Infinite Earths, his Blue Lantern uniform and even in a few team ups with Wally, Green Lantern, and Superman. But this is the first time we are getting classic Barry and I’m pretty elated.

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Retro Review: The Flash #268

Today’s guest post is by KC Flash.

For my first EVER comic review, I wanted to start with the comic that began my love for Flash comics so many years ago. What was it in my first comic that made me want to follow the Flash for over thirty years? Would it still “hold up,” so to speak?

The first Flash comic I remember purchasing was Flash #268. If you just look at the cover, you will discover three characters fighting over a Golden Age comic, Flash Comics #26. The cover blurbs state that this is “the comic book that holds the world’s greatest secret!” In the bottom left corner, the cover asks the question, “What amazing secret does a golden age comic hold that causes three heroes to fight for its possession?”

At first, you may be thinking that since this was a December release, that the heroes were still fighting over a “Black Friday” sale at their local comic book store. ☺ However, as you read the story you discover that “The Riddle of the Runaway Comic” is actually a crime mystery story. The story involves Barney Sands, who is a twelve-year-old comic book collector, the Flash and a gang of criminals.

A gang of criminals has “obtained” a secret spray, Formula XCV. This formula, after being sprayed on an object, allows the object to reappear at a different location. The criminals obviously want the formula for devious reasons. As the story states, “Just imagine how this formula could revolutionize crime! Squirt the invisible spray over a priceless painting or jewelry exhibit while no one’s looking and then retreat to your hideout—concentrate—and the priceless item materializes in your hands!” Yes, friends, XCV takes all the risks out of stealing!” The only problem is that the original scientist, the “late” Professor Phillip Denton was able to only effectively use the spray on one object, his son’s copy of Flash #26. Whenever someone concentrates on the book, the book magically appears. Enter our criminals dressed as Wildcat and the Golden Age Green Lantern, Alan Scott.

Without going into further details, I must say it was quite a treat to go back and reexamine this book. My interest in the history of the Golden Age began in this book. By reading this book, you will also get to see Barry Allen’s comic book collection. As Barry Allen states after finding Barney Sands’ comic book in his own collection, “Its one of the few Flashes that have eluded me –even when I managed to get rarer ones.” Just think about how much fun it would be to go over to Mr. Allen’s to share collecting tips.

Now that I think about it, Golden Age Flash Archives ends at Flash . So, yes, I am still searching for a reader copy of Flash #26 after 30 years. Hmm…Maybe, just maybe, if I think about it hard enough?


Covers c/o the Grand Comics Database.

Mayfairstivus – Celebrating Flash in the DC Heroes RPG

Today we’re featuring the first of two guest posts by fellow blogger The Irredeemable Shag (from ONCE UPON A GEEK and FIRESTORM FAN)!

Dear Speed Force readers,

Welcome to Mayfairstivus! That’s right, it’s time once again for the beloved annual celebration of Mayfair Games’ DC Heroes Role-Playing Game! This time honored tradition dates back to 1985 when the first edition of this role-playing game was released … or maybe this is a fake holiday some comic book bloggers just cooked up as an excuse to post related content from Mayfair’s long-running DC Heroes line.

Mayfair Games DC Heroes Role-Playing Game box set 1985 art by George Perez

Today we’ll look at a few different Flash entries from the role-playing game (RPG) and learn how the first box set shattered my fragile little comic reader world.

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