Tag Archives: Flashpoint

Flash/Flashpoint Bits from Comic-Con

I missed the Flashpoint panel at Comic-Con, but Flash-related news can be pieced together from CBR’s report, Newsarama’s liveblog (which, due to technical difficulties, was only visible after the panel ended), and @SpeedsterSite was there live-tweeting the panel.

Kid Flash Lost

Newsarama quotes Sterling Gates: “Issue #3 is sort of a love letter to the Flash family. It’s very much about Bart and his relationship with the Flash family.” CBR continues, “Bart Allen is my favorite character so it was a pleasure to write this story.”

Scott Kolins is coming in to do a few pages of Kid Flash.

Gates via CBR: “The end of issue #3 dovetails into ‘Flashpoint’ #5 in a way that I don’t think a lot of people are expecting, and we do something with the Speed Force that’s never been done before”

On the Unexpected: CBR: “Gates said he was excited for the unexpected matchups possible in Flashpoint.‘”Where else do you get to see Kid Flash fight Brainiac?'” Newsarama: “Nome says that Gates threw a lot of ‘crazy stuff’ at him in the scripting of the Kid Flash miniseries.”

Other Flashes


So there was a reason to include John Fox in that Flash Secret Files book last year.


Newsarama says a question about Wally West “got a lot of applause,” and noted that he would appear in Kid Flash #3. According to CBR, Gates stated that “Wally will show up in ‘Kid Flash’ #3, and not in the way you expect.”

Citizen Cold

A fan asked: why Captain Cold? Newsarama: “Berganza noted Geoff Johns’ fondness for Captain Cold as motivation.”

Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost #2 Preview is Out

DC has released a preview of next week’s Flashpoint: Kid Flash Lost #2:

Lost in the speed force, Kid Flash is trapped in a distorted future world. After a startling revelation, Bart Allen realizes he must surrender himself to the criminal mastermind, Braniac. Only then will he be able to manipulate his way back to a point in time that he (at least somewhat) recognizes and seek out his grandfather. But what happens if Braniac catches on to Bart’s plan?

Set one thousand years after the Flashpoint, FLASHPOINT: KID FLASH LOST #2 is by Sterling Gates, Oliver Nome, Trevor Scott, and Brian Buccellato. Look for it when it hits stores on Wednesday.

And check out this amazing splash page representing the heroes of the normal and Flashpoint timelines:

Flash Action Figure Photos from Comic-Con: Flashpoint, The New 52 and…Mad Magazine?

New 52 Flash Figure

Whenever I first arrive on the exhibit hall at a new Comic-Con, I find myself at the DC Comics booth. Whether it’s to check out the signing schedule, or the demonstrations, or the displays, or even just see what this year’s decoration theme is. (It’s the New 52 first-issue covers, blown up to about 8 feet tall.) Continue reading

Action Figure Based On DCnU Flash Revamp Announced & Other Collectible News

Hey Speed Readers,

As you should surely be aware of by now the biggest comic book convention of the year, San Diego Comic Con 2011 is well under way and there are some exciting announcements concerning Flash collectibles.

DC Direct has already announced a wave of action figures based on the upcoming DC Universe reboot. The Flash is one of the figures further along in development and Toynewsi had some awesome pictures and news from the DC Direct booth:

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Preview: Flashpoint: Legion of Doom #2

DC has released a 4-page preview of next week’s Flashpoint: Legion of Doom #2, along with more detailed teaser text:

When Cyborg locked Mick Rory away in the Hall of Doom for murdering Firestorm, little did he know the risk that comes from being the target of Heatwave’s vengeance. With help from Eel, a.k.a Plastic Man, Heatwave generates an escape plan. But in order to be successful and gain back the weapons that fuel him, he must get past Atomic Skull and the Meta Gang, Animal Man, and Atom to name a few. And when his monstrous plan for revenge is ultimately revealed, Cyborg will have to worry about saving much more than just himself.

Written by Adam Glass and with art by Rodney Buchemi, Jose Marzan Jr. and Artur Fujita, FLASHPOINT: LEGION OF DOOM #2 blazes into stores next week.