Tag Archives: Francis Manapul

Francis Manapul Talks Flash

Ain’t It Cool News interviews Francis Manapul about the Flash.

What have been some of the challenges having to draw a character who is basically constantly in motion?

FM: I think the challenge comes in thinking of new ways to portray his speed. I’ve been incorporating a lot of his environment to show motion aside from the Flash himself. From Barry catching Chinese food thrown in the air to putting money in the meter as he evades the villains. Geoff has also been upping his game by having Barry do different things with his speed from dissecting a car apart in mid air to learning and building an apartment in less than minute.

He talks about working with Geoff Johns, adapting his art style to the Flash, working for DC Comics, and more in the full interview.

The artist has also posted several pages of art from today’s Flash .

Flash #4 Delayed One Week

According to Diamond/Previews’ shipping updates, Flash has been pushed back one week from July 28 to August 4. (Hat tip to Jay75 on Comic Bloc)

In the discussion on Comic Bloc, trmnlvlctyyy pointed out that Francis Manapul has been traveling a lot filming a TV show, which probably interferes with his time to work on the art.

On the other hand…how many comics is Geoff Johns writing these days? Add in the fact that Brightest Day is biweekly and has to be a priority, and he’s got that new job wrangling all of DC’s media adaptations, and you’ve got to wonder just where we should be pointing the finger.

Flash is still scheduled to arrive in stores next Wednesday, as can be seen on Diamond’s upcoming releases list.

Francis Manapul Covers Jesse Quick for JLA #46

One aspect of the upcoming JLA/JSA crossover is that Liberty Belle will be moving from the Justice Society to the Justice League as Jesse Quick. Check out this this variant cover for Justice League of America #46:


I’ve mostly lost interest in the current Justice League series. From what I’ve seen of it, the book has been too focused on shuffling the roster and supporting crossovers. And after the Cry For Justice fiasco (though I get the impression that the worst of it was editorially decreed), I’d made a conscious decision to avoid James Robinson’s run.

But you know what?

I think I’m picking up this comic, if I can find a copy with the variant cover at a reasonable price.

Jesse Quick + Liberty Belle + Francis Manapul. Seriously.

Justice League of America #46 arrives in stores June 30.

Update: Francis Manapul has posted the uncolored artwork.

Jesse Quick Variant Cover Francis Manapul Original

Flash #6 Solicitation and Cover

DC’s Brightest Day solicitations for September are up, including…

The Flash

Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Art and cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
1:10 Variant cover by ALE GARZA & SANDRA HOPE

BRIGHTEST DAY dashes on with the stunning conclusion of “The Dastardly Deaths of the Rogues!” With Barry caught between the Rogues and the Renegades, the resurrected Captain Boomerang’s role in the adventure is revealed! You won’t believe how this leads to the upcoming FLASHPOINT…

On sale SEPTEMBER 22 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

So if “The Dastardly Death of the Rogues” wraps up in , but the collection covers #1 through #7, presumably we’ve got a done-in-one story coming up in October.

And they’re already starting to plug Flashpoint.

In related news, DC has rescheduled The Flash from the beginning of each month to the end. Flash #3 is now June 30, Flash #4 has been moved from July 14 to July 28, and Flash #5 is now August 25 (previously August 18) — all in keeping with the September 22 date they just gave for .

Speed Reading: To the Art

Some art-related linkblogging…

Yildiray Cinar draws an impressive Reverse Flash (via @SpeedsterSite)

There’s a new Rogue in town…a new Rogues blog, that is: The Rogues Kick Ass (via @liabrown1). So far, it’s mostly comedic scans from published comics. (Context? What context?)

This is Knutz presents: The Rogues as kittens. (via @SpeedsterSite) Hilarious!

The Best Comic Covers looks back on the 9 Best Superman vs Flash Covers.

Various people at DC Comics weigh in on their favorite DC covers. Dan Didio’s is Michael Turner’s Flash #207 (via @SpeedsterSite).

Last week, Once Upon a Geek posted a series of poster galleries, including the JSA, Flash, Green Lantern, Sandman, Crisis on Infinite Earths, and more.

Behind the Scenes

Francis Manapul has been posting a lot of Flash art on Twitter lately: the uncolored art for the Flash #5 cover and five pages from Flash #2.

Val Victory’s review of the Flash: Rebirth hardcover includes scans of Ethan Van Sciver’s discarded designs for Wally West’s new costume.

Lots of places have been posting about Wednesday Comics with the release of the hardcover this week. The Source has some of the extras, including art from Karl Kerschl’s Flash strip.

Comic Strips

OK, none of these strips are Flash-related… but I had to share them anyway.

Comic Critics points out that Gotham City is a bad place to open themed businesses.

Creebobby presents Batman after a bad night on patrol: Bat-Fail.

This Week: Flash #2 — Preview & Variant Cover

The Flash relaunch continues this week with…

The Flash

On sale MAY 12 · 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Art and cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
1:10 variant cover by RYAN SOOK

BRIGHTEST DAY shines its light on the continuing saga of Barry Allen — The Fastest Man Alive! The Flash continues his investigation into the “Dastardly Death of the Rogues” as the case takes a dramatic turn and Barry corners a suspect — and can’t believe who it is!

This morning, DC released a five-page preview of the book at The Source, and unveiled the issue’s variant cover by Ryan Sook (after the cut): Continue reading