Tag Archives: Iris West

Flash Fan Film: Iris

A short Flash fan film called “Iris” has been making the rounds lately. It’s a deceptively simple concept: Barry Allen and Iris West have an important conversation, and works out as a great character piece.

A second film is in the works, and I’m definitely looking forward to it. Continue reading

As Gorilla Warfare Ends, We Get Ready to Go Into…Reverse! (Review of The Flash #17)

Flash #17 Final CoverThe Flash gives us the conclusion of “Gorilla Warfare”, wrapping up several story threads while launching us headlong into new and uncharted waters for the New52 Barry Allen.  Gorilla Grodd has proven to be a more than able opponent for the Flash, who has needed the help of his Rogues Gallery just to stay on even footing…up to now.


Flash #16 Preview at IGN

Flash #16 Final Cover

IGN has a preview of Flash #16, the second-to-last chapter of “Gorilla Warfare.”

The Flash takes Grodd into the Speed Force in a last-ditch effort to defeat the mad gorilla! And…he loses?! Plus: The Rogues, the introduction of a major villain and a look at the one and only date between Barry Allen and Iris West in The New 52!

The promised glimpse at that date is part of the preview.

Francis Manapul has also posted his art process for the included pages.

Flash by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato arrives on shelves on Wednesday.

Media Blitz! Manapul and Buccellato Talk Reverse-Flash, the West Family (via Comic Vine)

The Flash creative team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato were featured in an interview posted yesterday at Comic Vine.  Within, the two talk about their plans for the title in 2013, including the fates of Iris West and her family, the introduction and genesis of the new Reverse-Flash and more!


Media Blitz! features highlights from recent Flash news items.  Follow the jump for the latest!  There are some interesting threads in the writers’ responses…

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Who is the New Reverse-Flash?

The Negative Flash

DC recently announced that a new Reverse-Flash will debut in Flash , the final chapter of “Gorilla Warfare,” and will feature in the story beginning in Flash #20. Writers Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato wouldn’t reveal much this early, though the next story is going to focus on the question of “Who is the Reverse-Flash?”

Looking back at the interview, they don’t outright say that it won’t be Eobard Thawne or Hunter Zolomon, though that’s the way Comic Book Resources took it (and in the New 52, it makes sense to take that approach).

According to Manapul, the character “is going to be a complete re-imagining of him in the same way that we kind of tinkered with what the Speed Force is. We’re going to be explaining what the opposite side of that is.” Buccellato adds, “unlike previous Reverse-Flash iterations, we really take the ‘reverse’ part of it seriously.”

Of course, we’re comics fans, so it’s never too early to start speculating about the possibilities!

Dr. Darwin Elias. Initially an ally of the Flash, a scientist who has studied the speed force and the Flash’s powers. It turns out that he has a serious problem with ethics. He turned popular opinion against the Flash just to see what it would take, and gave the Rogues super-powers just to see what would happen. He and Barry Allen both being scientists could make for an interesting dynamic. Edit: On the downside, he’s already got potential in his current form, so folding him into an existing role takes what could be two villains and cuts them down to one.

Daniel West. Iris’ brother, recently released from jail after serving time for a job that was tharted by the Flash. He’s looking for his missing sister, who vanished during one of the Flash’s battles and is now trapped inside the speed force. It’s not hard to see motive, and if he somehow finds Iris, he could easily end up connected to the speed force in some way.

Iris West. The Flash could use some more female villains, she’s in the speed force right now, and it would be interesting to have the new Reverse Flash be someone with a romantic link to the Flash. That said, that angle has already been explored a lot with Batman, Catwoman and Talia Al Ghul; Iris doesn’t really have motivation to go villainous; and it would be a major change to a long-established character. On the other hand…

Patty Spivot. She’s mad at the Flash for “killing” Barry Allen. Unlike Iris, she’s actually dated Barry seriously in this timeline. She’s met someone (Turbine) who has been in the speed force, and could conceivably end up linked to it — in fact, in the last moments of the previous DCU timeline, she was linked to it, taking up Hot Pursuit’s outfit and speed force-powered motorcycle just before Flashpoint transformed the universe. She’s had enough page time for the audience to appreciate a switch, but not as much historical inertia as Iris.

Wally West. His fans have been clamoring for his return, and DC has been very coy: either they have no plans, or they’re saving him for something big. We don’t know what he’s up to in this timeline (if he even exists), but since Flashes have a history of dimension travel, we can imagine a pre-New 52 Wally West being trapped in this timeline, wanting to repair it, and blaming Barry for wiping his family out of existence. On the downside, DC has already gone down this road with Hal Jordan as Parallax and Superboy Prime (not that they’ve ever shied away from repetition). More importantly, perhaps, DC has been very insistent on not offering any “escape hatches” that might allow fans to think the old DCU could possibly come back, ever. Having a character explicitly from that old continuity sounds like something they’d want to stay away from. This option also didn’t fare well in the polls. 71% of Wally West fans and 64% of non-Wally fans, or 70% of the total responses, were opposed to the idea.* Update: Some additional thoughts on Wally West as a candidate.

Other possibilities: Bart Allen’s unlikely, as he’ll also be appearing in the same arc. There are other people at the crime lab, like Singh or Forrest. There’s Captain Frye or even Henry Allen. I’m fairly certain that Barry Allen’s literal evil twin, Cobalt Blue, has been long-since erased from history, but the science/magic dichotomy could still play out with another character.

My bet is either Dr. Elias or Daniel West, though I’d like to see what the book might do with Iris or Patty. What do you think?

Who do you think is going to be the new Reverse-Flash?

*The poll asked people to choose whether they were “a fan of Wally West” or “not particularly a fan of Wally West,” and whether they would be “OK with” the reveal. Of 106 votes: 67 fans opposed, 28 fans OK, 7 non-fans opposed, 4 non-fans OK.

Media Blitz: West(s) of Central City

Daniel West is resisting arrest.

His role isn’t big in Flash , but this random suspect being arrested had a name that no doubt caught the eye of many a reader: Daniel West.

DC Comics confirms that he is Iris West’s brother, and describes him as “a classic case of juvenile delinquency.”

Flash co-writer Francis Manapul continues:

Unfortunately for him, his first major crime is foiled by Flash’s first ever outing as a superhero. In the present, after having served his debt to society, Daniel just wants his old life back. All he wants is to go back home. But what he finds is a city over run by apes, and a sister that’s nowhere to be found. Welcome home indeed. He’ll be setting forth to find his lost sister amidst the disastrous events of ‘Gorilla Warfare!’

In the pre-Flashpoint continuity, Iris had one brother, Rudolph West, one sister, Charlotte West. I’m not sure we ever saw Charlotte, but Rudolph “Rudy” West made many appearances as Wally West’s father. (I think it’s safe to assume given Daniel’s age that he doesn’t have a son named Wally.)

It looks like we’ll finally return to Iris and the other speed force castaways soon. That’s one missing West down…