Earth 2 #2
- MR. TERRIFIC – Michael Holt – lands on EARTH TWO!
- Don’t miss the origin of the Earth Two FLASH – and the first time he uses his powers!
- What could be a bigger threat to Earth Two than APOKOLIPS? Jay Garrick is about to find out!
Written by: James Robinson
Art by: Nicola Scott & Trevor Scott
Cover by: Ivan Reis & Joe Prado
Variant Cover by: Ivan Reis & Joe Prado
U.S. Price: $2.99
Digital Back-issues
» Flash (1987-2009) at ComiXology
I missed the fact that Flash v.2 #19-21 went up at ComiXology last Wednesday sometime over the last week. Flash #22-24 will be up this Wednesday. These six feature the (in)famous Rogues Gallery party (the Trickster invites Wally West to Captain Boomerang’s Cold’s celebration of his Suicide Squad-earned pardon, figuring the Flash wouldn’t dare show his face…and he does), the Invasion tie-in issues where the Flash and Manhunter fight shape-shifting aliens in Cuba, a creepy appearance by Abra Kadabra, and the lead-in to the Porcupine Man storyline.
Unfortunately, it looks like the two Manhunter issues that the Flash crossed over with during Invasion aren’t available yet. (Neither is Invasion!, but at least that’s available as a trade paperback.) The two Flash issues read well on their own, but Flash #21 and Manhunter #8 are an interesting pair of stories, in which you see the same events from two different perspectives.

If you ever do manage to track down the Manhunter and Invasion issues, I’d recommend reading them in this order:
Flash #20
Invasion #1
Flash #21
Manhunter #8
Invasion #2
Flash #22
Manhunter #9
Invasion #3
As usual, thanks to comics.org for the older covers.