On Friday, I live-tweeted the Justice League/Green Lantern panel at Comic-Con International. Here are those tweets, collected in one place with a few corrections.
DC panel is starting. Geoff Johns (blocked by podium), Jim Lee, James Robinson, Nicola Scott, Scott Lobdell, Brian Cunningham(?), Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato,
Justice league 0 is big Shazam issue. Will join team next year.
JLI annual is a Booster Gold story that Dan (Jurgens, I assume) wanted to tell
(Geoff Johns covered some of the same Green Lantern ground as in the DC Now panel the day before.)
Guardians’ first army was Manhunters. Second army was Green Lanterns. Now Guardians want to try again w/Third Army
GL Corps 0 is New 52 Guy Gardner origin, sets stage for next few months
GL: Kyle showing signs of accessing other rings, may become secret weapon in upcoming war. Hope+compassion come easy to him. Rage not somuch
Kyle’s story in Third Army described as kung fu movie where hero has to master multiple styles.
Flash: We all know Barry’s origin, so were filling in gaps. Who raised him, why does he focus on justice?
FM: You guys like gorillas, right? Cause you’re going to see a lot of gorillas. Grodd invades Central City
And Flash is going to need help from Rogues to fight off Grodd’s gorilla army
Earth 2 #0: there were 8 wonders in the past, not just a trinity. 4th hero has since turned evil & is a villain in present day.
Wesley Dodds to appear as Sandman in Earth 2.
Leader of World Army in Earth 2 described as Captain Nemo meets Nick Fury.
Jeff Lemire & Geoff Johns working on JL Dark as bridge between main & Dark sides of DCU. 0 issue focuses on Constantine & Zatanna
Frankenstein, Amethyst, Tim Hunter joining Justice League Dark
Earth 2: yes, we’ll see more members. Rolling out slowly. More mystical feel to this world. Arc 2 is govt vs JSA, magic vs science
Complicated GL question. GJ answer: “You’re very astute.”
Why are all the British people evil? James Robinson: “Because we ARE all evil.”
Need to reexplore Kyle’s past now that Jade & Donna have been erased.
Fcbd followup in JL/JLDark crossover
Jim Lee: adopting TV model of choosing what to publish, how to assess changes to line.
Deadpool walks up to mike at DC panel. “Are you lost, sir?”
Q about GL of Krypton’s sector at time it exploded. I could swear someone did explore this in the 70s or 80s. (Several people point out that in the pre-Crisis DCU it was Tomar-Re)
No plans to revisit Flashpoint right now.
Flash Q: Is Barry going to revisit role as Blue Lantern? A: There is no blue in Barry’s immediate future.
Flash Q: is he ever going to find Bart or Jay? A: It’ll happen at some point.
Fan from Australia asks for Justice League Australia aka JLOz
Johns: Billy Batson’s attitude is what sets Shazam apart from Superman.
Geoff Johns plans to reintroduce the Metal Men at some point.
Lobo & Red Lantern ring prob not going to get addressed. “I just wanted to see him eat it & see what happens”
Fan asks about Wally. Buccellato: “It’s not really a panel until someone asks…. He’s somewhere.”
“He’s probably hanging out w/Ted Kord.” Audience: Oooooh. “Why must you hurt me so?” “B/c they love it.”
Some other sites covering this panel: Newsarama, CBR
UPDATE: My full Comic-Con write-up is complete!