Tag Archives: Tweets

Tweeting Long Beach Comic-Con 2009

  • First view of the Long Beach convention center. I haven’t been here in ages.
  • Last time I was here, I don’t think there was a mall across the street!
  • Realized I’ve walked by the gold Boba Fett 4 or 5 times w/o stopping to take a photo. I am so jaded.
  • Flash news from DC Nation panel (in other post)
  • Mark Waid: if DC did an animated Flash feature, he would want Will Wheaton to voice Wally West.
  • Waid on appeal of superheroes: Nobody knows what it’s like to have super-speed, but everyone knows what it’s like to wish you were faster.
  • Waid on writing: find the method that works for you and embrace it. Don’t beat yourself up over what doesn’t.
  • Taking a break from the con to wander outside. Will head back for the Mark Waid signing at 2:30.
  • Primary goals achieved! Panels & signings by Mark Waid & Geoff Johns. Now an iced mocha, then back to the floor.

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Update: Full write-up and photos are now online!

Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-09-27

  • RT @karlkerschl: Posted page 9 inks from my Flash story! It was fun to play with all of the different styles on this one.
  • Interesting. Now it’s “Wizard World Big Apple Comic Con.” RT @WizardWorld: New Logo.
  • Can’t choose between Stan Lee and Jim Lee? Meet both at the same time at Long Beach Comic-Con!
  • One of the Flash’s Rogues must be on vacation in SoCal. Not sure I believe 103 degrees, but it is seriously warm.
  • Bought this week: Wednesday Comics, Madame Xanadu, Farscape, Final Crisis Aftermath: Dance. Of the 4, I’m only caught up on Madame Xanadu. I’ve got some reading to do tonight!
  • Funny Firefox easter egg: type “about:robots” into the location bar (via @Aeire & @IsobelWren)
  • Has Marvel ever called a Spider-Man story “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” or “Last Dance with Mary Jane”? If not, how have they missed it?
  • FlashForward: Sulu and Shakespeare team up to investigate a time-travel incident.
  • Huh. I have 1,234 posts on Comic Bloc.
  • Let’s just say I’m glad I only paid $1.75 to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. How do you make giant robots & explosions tedious?
  • Apparently, you can now buy Squee! in a tube.
  • 4 of the 6 whenever-it-comes-out comics I’m reading are just 1 issue from the conclusion. 5/7 if you include Ignition City.

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Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-09-13


  • Today I learned that you can have more than 1 longbox worth of comics & trades in piles and not realize it.
  • Anyone else find themselves driving behind a dark red Mercury Mystique and think, “Shouldn’t that be blue?”
  • Domain transfer went through just in time before getting overcharged for renewal! Now to get it set up at the new registrar.


  • The Shade.
  • Wow there were a lot of women dressed as Rogue at Dragon*Con. And people took a lot of pictures of them.
  • It’s tough to look for “flash” and “zoom” on a photo site.
  • Wow! Incredible photo set! RT @liabrown1: Awesome collection of Rogues (and Flash) cosplayer photos.
  • LOST props at D23 featuring the Flash/Green Lantern comic (the one w/the polar bear).
  • SDCC pix have mostly taken over top 10 slots on my Flickr stats, but Wondercon’s Silk Spectre & Dr Manhattan are still
  • 9 shelving units of graphic novels, & they file Sandman & V for Vendetta under superheroes?



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Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-09-06

  • RT @karlkerschl: Wed. Comics is finished! Drawn, scripted & delivered. It's as though a million tiny black holes have opened up in my heart.
  • CBR & Mark Waid talk about “technology advancing faster than Velocity on a caffeine high”
  • RT @lol_spam: Spam subject: “Mass geek suicide” – Must be reaction to the Disney/Marvel deal.
  • The term “maxiseries” needs to die. “Miniseries” does just fine for a book with a planned 12-issue run.
  • Weird comics news of the day! RT @Robot6: Taxi explodes outside DC Comics offices.
  • Some comics fans for #followfriday @SpeedsterSite @johannadc @collecteditions @onceuponageek @TheNerdyBird @RokkKrinn
  • RT @lol_spam: Spam subject: “Grow Giant Snake in Pants” Someone didn't read the Evil Overlord List. Turning into a giant snake never helps.
  • Android market has a comics category now! Sadly, it doesn’t have any comics, just novelties like canned applause.
  • There ARE comics on the Android Market – just not in the Comics category!

Website Stuff

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Quick Thoughts: Weekly Twitter for 2009-08-30

  • Cool Flash & other wallpapers at DCU Online website – prob. been there forever, but I haven’t been to the site lately
  • Long Beach Comic Con is back on Twitter @LongBeach_CC
  • RT@speedingbullet: If I had a cosmic treadmill to move through time, right now I’d use it to go to Wednesday so I could read Flash:Rebirth#4
  • This week I’ve got 5 definite comics (Flash:Rebirth, Madame Xanadu, Wednesday Comics, Dynamo 5, Unknown) & 3 maybes. Next week, just one.
  • Found a 5-year-old draft post on death and super-heroes. Post ID is 404. Seems appropriate.
  • I love it! Photoshop Filters as super-heroes via @comicsalliance
  • Mini Review: Flash: Rebirth . 3 “Oh #$%!” Moments, 1 “Oh, please…” & 3 “HELL, YEAH!”s.
  • Upcoming cons: @FanExpoCanada this weekend, Dragon*Con @daily_dragon next week, @LongBeach_CC in October #followfriday
  • Found a blog scraper site that turned “speed force” into “zip accolade.”
  • 1,999 comments approved on speedforce.org ! Who wants to be #2,000?
  • And the 2,000th comment goes to Lee H! If I’d planned this ahead of time, I’d have picked out a prize or something.
  • Flash Fact: A SIlver Age storyline index would be empty. The comics were all stand-alone stories until the 1970s.
  • Donna Troy is “one of those people a nickname doesn’t stick to, like Jean Grey” – Dan Didio #fanexpo

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