Category Archives: Collectibles

Flash Museum for Sale on eBay

eBay seller “bflash” is selling a veritable Flash Museum on eBay. In what he has dubbed the World’s Largest Flash Collection, he has for sale over 300 rare Flash items, some of which I wasn’t aware even existed. bflash breaks it down for us:

When you think about the large Superman, Batman or even Wonder Woman collections and items that are out there, then you consider how few Flash items there are, it’s pretty amazing to think that there are over 250 separate and “Flash-only” pieces here and available all at once. This collection has been amassed over 40 years. Each decade and era of the character are represented: 1940’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and now.

Let’s take a look at this massive lot:

*Click on the thumbnail to see a larger image*

Quite the amazing haul. The Buy It Now price is $12,500.00 and the starting bid is $1,000 with a Reserve in place. When a eBay seller puts a Reserve on an auction it means that the sale item has to reach a certain amount before it can actually be called yours. bflash notes that the Buy It Now price is much less than the reserve, and well worth it:

Along with the expected toys, action figures and posters, there are several “very high value” items included: a 1942 Pinback (excellent), a 1961 Vissari Halloween costume (MIB), a 1946 Wheaties Giveaway Comic (Fine – Very Fine), a 1965 Ben Cooper Halloween Costume (MIB), a 1967 Hasbro Justice League – Flash board game (MINT) and Kenner Super Powers Prototypes and “test shot”, just to name a few. Also, in the collection are items from the 1989-91 TV show – scripts, cast and crew items and advertising pieces. These sought-after items more than justify the Buy It Now price.

Personally I have my eye on that Tiger Flash LCD Video Game from the early nineties, but unfortunately he does not sell items individually. The entire collection has to be purchased all at once and the Buy It Now price of 12k does not include shipping, although he does offer Local Pick Up. Glen Antonio had an idea about Flash collectors teaming up to purchase it and divvying up the loot accordingly. Who’s down?

There is a complete list of the items on the auction page and a rough youtube video of the collection HERE.

The auction ends in 4 days and 19 hours so that gives us a little time to have a yard sale and take out a second mortgage on the house. I would seriously have to sell every item in my Flash Collection just to afford this and that might not even be enough. If one of you guys ends up buying this, please let me know. I’m desperate for that Tiger Game.

Good Luck bidders and Keep it Flashy,

-Devin “The Flash” Johnson

eBay prices on JLU Rogues 3 Pack leveling off

For those still interested in picking up the JLU 3-Pack featuring Captain Cold and Captain Boomerang (as well as yet another Flash) the prices of the set on the secondary market are leveling off nicely. The lowest starting bid is 15.99, which isn’t rock bottom or anything, but a far cry from the 60 and 70 dollars the set was going for only a few weeks ago. Not to mention that Target raised the prices of JLU 3-Packs in September of last year to $15.99, so it’s the same price as purchasing it in the store. Of course the difference rests on the final bidding price and shipping and handling versus gas.

JLU 3 Pack feat. Cold and Boomerang

Also of equal importance to note there appears to be a lot more of these 3 packs available, which is undoubtedly contributing to the lowered prices. Punching in “captain cold boomerang” in the eBay search engine under “Action Figures” logged me 13 results. Not bad compared to the whopping “1” I got late last month putting in the same search terms. As mentioned previously the lowest price was $15.99, which is practically the same when compared to Target prices, but there are still a couple sets going for scalper prices as high as 50 and 60 dollars. Hopefully they sit on eBay for a long time.

JLU Weather Wizard

Btw good news for those still on the look out for Weather Wizard. The Livewire, Weather Wizard, and Superman 3 packs have been very plentiful on eBay lately. Unfortunately the prices are still ridiculously high, with most of the “Buy It Now” prices of the 15 results ranging between 30 and 50 dollars.

This is a good lesson in waiting. I’m just too impatient when it comes to picking these up. At the same time though with Mattel’s poor distribution it’s sad that I automatically just resort to eBay and getting it asap because I don’t know when or if it will hit this area.

In any case good luck to those still hunting.

Keep it Flashy,

Devin “The Flash” Johnson

Some Quick Flash Action Figure Updates

Hey all. A couple of cool items are coming down the pipeline very soon.

The Fwoosh has an exclusive first look at the DC Universe Classics Toys ‘R Us Exclusive Flash Repaint. Previously released in Wave 7 as part of the “Atom Smasher” series, the new deco has Barry decked out in a red uniform with gold accents; a look I think we are more used to seeing on Wally or on the old Flash TV Show.

It’s a simple repaint but I think it makes the figure look much bolder. The gold is slick and it translates to reality so much better than the yellow. But of course it’s all a matter of preference. You can find more pictures of the repaint as well as the Hal Jordan Toys ‘R Us Exclusive via The Fwoosh, HERE.

The second Flash figure was actually discovered on eBay a week or so ago by the guys over at and is also a repaint. JLU Barry Allen anyone?

Like I said it’s pretty much a repaint as far as I can tell, with a Wally head popped on top. While I would have liked a Barry specific sculpt I can completely understand the reason behind not making one; it’s just way easier to throw a Wally head on there and call it a day. Plus with the line appearing to be winding down a bit (although Target will carry Justice League Unlimited Figures through at least the rest of 2010) it doesn’t make sense to be cranking out new sculpts needlessly. I personally might just paint pupils on it myself just so I have another way to differentiate who’s who besides the belt.

With this discovery I’m now even more anxiously awaiting the rumored Jay Garrick coming up later this year. If we can get a box set with the first five Teen Titans before JLU is done completely I will be a very, very happy Flash fan. I’ve been waiting for an animated Kid Flash figure since “Lightspeed” aired a few years ago and since Teen Titans didn’t give us one it’s up to JLU. That is unless the Young Justice Action figures are in scale with JLU. Which I’m taking a wild guess and saying they won’t be.

I’ll hold off on judging them any further until I see them in person but the red and gold Flash is a must buy. The JLU Barry I will have to take another look at, but I’m fairly confident it will end up in my possession sooner rather than later.

Question: Do you prefer yellow or gold as far as the accents on a Flash costume?

Thanks for reading.

Devin “The Flash” Johnson

New Feature! Flash Collector Showcase: Glen Antonio is proud to present our newest feature, Flash Collector Showcase. We will be showcasing Flash memorabilia collectors and their collections from all over the world; whether it be comics, toys, t-shirts, collectibles or art. If it’s a collection and it’s main focus or a large part of it relates to The Flash or his Rogues, then it will be eligible to be featured.

To that end all collectors interested in having their collection possibly featured in a future Flash Collector Showcase please send your name, geographic location, a short biography, some background on your collection, and about 3 to 6 pictures to
. Be sure to mention if your collection has received special mentions or any other accolades as well although this is not a requirement.

Now on to our very first Flash Collector, Glen Antonio.

Glen hails from the Republic of the Philippines, where he is widely known as the country’s biggest Flash Memorabilia collector. His collection is so well known that he has been featured in various newspaper articles and even on a popular Filipino primetime talk show, Mel and Joey. The show’s topic was Glen and his family of fellow collectors; his wife, Rosette who collects Lord of the Rings action figures (with a focus on Legolas) and his daughter and son, Dylan and Dwayne who collect Barbie dolls and red diecast cars respectively.

You can see Glen and the rest of the family on Mel and Joey showing off their collections HERE. The language is Tag-Lish, a combination of Tagalog and English, but you get the idea.

Glen has been collecting Flash action figures and memorabilia since he was in grade school, but he didn’t really hit his stride (hehe) until around 2001. His collection now includes more than 100 versions of the Flash and several rare collectibles that can only be procured through fast food establishments in the Philippines. These collectibles alone may make his collection one of the largest and certainly more unique Flash collections in the world.

His favorite Flash just so happens to be Barry Allen. Glen believes Barry to be the noblest and the greatest of The Flashes, which admittedly is a hard case to disprove considering he sacrificed himself for the universe and all. Glen’s love for the character comes through even in the way his display is set up. With Barry’s figures taking center stage and the rest of the Speedsters carefully arranged behind him, Barry Allen is clearly the star:

Glen’s display is arranged thematically. The first section has all the Bart Allen figures on the far left of the display, then all of the Jay figures closer to the middle, with Barry figures taking center stage (Glen’s favorite speedster after all). Wally’s section is to the right of Barry, and all other Flash incarnations (Johnny Quick, Alfred E. Neuman, etc) are farther right.

The second section is reserved for the bigger items (8” and above). Plushes, various dolls, Justice League Animated 10” Figures and the 12” Giants of Justice DC Universe Flash SDCC exclusive among others, goes here.

Finally the third section (below) consists of fast food Flash collectibles, Kenner Flash action figures and the smaller scale Justice League Animated Flash Figures. The fast food collectibles are definitely some of the rarer pieces in Glen’s collection. They are considered harder to find since only certain parts of the world offered them and even then only for a limited time. He has pieces from the United States (Burger King, Jack in the Box, Subway, McDonald’s, Sunkist – Hawaii), France (McDonald’s), and the Philippines (Jollibee, a fast food chain that rivals McDonald’s popularity in the Philippines):

DC Universe Classics Barry, Crisis On Infinite Earths Barry, Silver Age Barry, Superfriends Barry, and New Frontier Barry all team up to stop the Anti-Monitors of Five Different Universes, or something cool like that:

Some of Glen’s rarer collectibles:

One more view of the largest Flash collection in the Philippines:

There are a few more items that aren’t pictured, and Glen is always adding new collectibles to what he has dubbed his “Flash Stash”, but you can see the newest pics of his “stash” on his Facebook or follow him on Twitter.

I have to say that this really feels like things are coming full circle; Glen was the guy who first inspired me to start collecting Flash memorabilia in earnest a few years ago. Up until then I had purchased a few Flash action figures here and there but nothing significant. Then one day I was checking out and I came across a post of Glen’s in the DC Comics forum where he had posted some pics of his collection and I was awestruck. From that point on my goal was to amass a collection as thorough as Mr. Antonio’s. Who else can say they have garnered national attention for their Flash collection?

This guy doesn’t skip a beat by the way. Glen will be exhibiting his full Flash collection for the upcoming 9th Annual Philippine Toycon, June 19th through June 20th, 2010. This year’s theme is the 75th Anniversary of DC Comics. With a collection that spans the Golden Age with Jay Garrick and up through the Modern Age with Bart Allen (and everything in between), there is no doubt that Glen’s collection is a great choice to be on exhibit for the 75th Anniversary celebration.

Thanks for reading. Keep a look out for more collections to be showcased here on in the future. Also remember if you or anyone you know has a Flash collection please drop me a line at
. I would love to hear from you. Be sure to include your name, geographic location, a short biography, some background on your collection, and about 3 to 6 pictures as well.

Btw and myself are on Twitter. Add @Speedforceorg and @FlashJohnson to receive the latest Flash news on the run.

Devin “The Flash” Johnson

San Diego Comic-Con 2010 Flash-related Exclusives

In case anyone wasn’t aware, one of Mattel’s exclusives for this year’s San Diego Comic-Con or SDCC is going to be Starro The Conqueror. How does this relate to The Flash? Many of you should be aware that Starro, the alien conqueror with the ability to enslave his enemies using starfish-shaped spores, debuted with the Justice League of America in the Silver Age classic, Brave and the Bold #28. As a special bonus to commemorate DC Comics’ 75th Anniversary, Mattel will be releasing Starro with all five members of the original Justice League. Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and of course, our favorite scarlet speedster, The Flash. Take a gander.

Starro Packaging

Starro and the Silver Age Justice League of America

Starro Spores that can only be acquired at the Con.

Unfortunately these guys aren’t going to be released in the DC Universe Classics(or DCUC) line. The exclusive for that line has been revealed to be Plastic Man.

These are instead done in the Infinite Heroes style which is Mattel’s 3.75-inch line of figures. Think DC Universe Classics shrunken down to the size of G.I. Joes. I don’t think the line has been as popular as Mattel had hoped. A lot of this having to do with the quality of the initial figures. Limited Articulation (Which I actually liked for the most part), poor sculpts and sloppy paint apps have plagued this line from the very beginning. The figures have been more plentiful and easier to find at retail than DCUC, but I can’t say how much of this is because of collectors not really wanting them.

These guys don’t look too bad though. Mattel went back to the drawing board a little while ago and the results weren’t terrible. Not perfect by any means but they are heading in the right direction. I have been waiting for a regular version of the Flash released in the Matty Exclusive Crisis on Infinite Earths Infinite Heroes 4-Pack for a while and while I’m not ecstatic that I have to pay 50 bucks for him I’m still happy to have him. Honestly I’m sure they are going to release him as a single card later on, I really just want it now. πŸ™‚

The packaging is probably the coolest part of this set. Well besides the Starro Spores. But you can only get those if you go to the actual con or purchase them after the fact on eBay for what I’m sure will be ridiculous prices. You can’t see it in the pictures but the packaging is set up exactly like the cover of Brave and the Bold #28. Attack of the Show had an exclusive preview of all the Mattel items coming to SDCC, including this set. The awesome set up of the cover is shown in the first video which can be seen HERE. The segment on the Starro set is about 2 minutes and 18 seconds in. This looks so cool, that it may be the one item that I keep MOC (or Mint On Card, meaning unopened and in pristine condition for the uninitiated).

Can’t wait to order these guys. I may go the extra mile for the Starro Spores as they look too freaking cool to pass up. I already have a Starro-possessed Flash Heroclix so it would be kind of cool to have a large scale version of it too. Do any of you guys plan on picking the set up? At SDCC or from Matty later on?

-Devin “The Flash” Johnson

DC Direct Solicits for December 2010

DC Direct’s Solicits for December are out and there are some great Flash related releases coming up.


The hugely successful BLACKEST NIGHT action figure line continues!

Included in this eighth installment of the series are: Black Lantern Black Flash, Professor Zoom’s reanimated corpse, holds curious sway over The Flash’s other undead rogues; Orange Lantern Lex Luthor, the new Orange Power Ring seeks out Lex Luthor for his avarice and lust for power; Indigo Tribe The Atom, with compassion and sense of duty stronger than ever, Ray Palmer serves as the binding force uniting the spectrum of power; Sinestro Corps Member Scarecrow, delights in instilling fear in others and is rewarded with the Yellow Ring of Power.

The Black Lantern Black Flash figure stands at 6.75″ high, features multiple points of articulation and includes a display base. Character-appropriate accessories are also included.

4-color clamshell blister card packaging.


Real compact – with real impact!

BLAM! A funky, chunky collection of boldly designed toys that pack a lot of punch in a squatty body!

POW! A striking, hyper-stylized twist on the world’s greatest heroes and their biggest foes. Too tough to call small – you’ll want to collect them all!

Packaged on a blister card, each measures approximately 2.5″ to 4″ tall with three points of articulation.

On Sale December 1, 2010

and his Zoom counterpart:


Real compact – with real impact!

BLAM! A funky, chunky collection of boldly designed toys that pack a lot of punch in a squatty body!

POW! A striking, hyper-stylized twist on the world’s greatest heroes and their biggest foes. Too tough to call small – you’ll want to collect them all!

Packaged on a blister card, each measures approximately 2.5″ to 4″ tall with three points of articulation.

On Sale December 1, 2010

The Black Lantern Reverse Flash is a must have for me. Especially since we have yet to get a proper Professor Zoom or Zoom in the DC Direct lines. Well except for that artist-specific, out of scale one coming up in the Classified Series. It’s a shame that I only own five Reverse Flashes. And none of them were made in the traditional sculpt. Two are from JLU(Justice Lords large and small figures), One is a Toyfare Exclusive from the 90s JLA Line, and the other two are from Infinite Heroes and DC Direct’s short lived Pocket Heroes line. I’m actually surprised we’ve yet to see a Zoom in the Minimates line either. I’m crossing my fingers that this Flash Relaunch leads to a DC Direct Flash Series similar to what they’ve been doing with Green Lantern. And then when the movie hits. Wow. I think we are in for a great next few years as far as collecting goes.

I really don’t know what these Blammoids are or what the point of them is but I will definitely be picking up both the Flash and Zoom. I have a feeling it’s going to be a slow month for Flash collectibles anyway. Unless DC Direct or Mattel kicks it up with a *crosses fingers* Flash line or Flash-heavy DCUC release.

I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of the last three heroclix I need from the recent release. Expect a full write up when they get here.

Devin “The Flash” Johnson