Category Archives: Out This Week

This Week: Rogues’ Revenge, Legacies & More

This week sees the long-awaited release of the trade paperback of Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge. (The hardcover came out almost exactly a year ago.)

Final Crisis: Rogues’ Revenge TPB

Written by GEOFF JOHNS • Art and cover by SCOTT KOLINS

The Flash Rogues Gallery has had enough. The team of villains is ready to remind the world why they’re not to be messed with in this title collecting their return in FINAL CRISIS: ROGUES’ REVENGE #1-3 as well as stories from THE FLASH #182 and #197.

Notes: I like to think of this book as “Rogues: Rebirth.” The main reason it exists is so that Geoff Johns can correct the way the Rogues were portrayed during Countdown and say, “No, this is how the Rogues work!” The additional stories are spotlights on Captain Cold and Zoom.

I had just started writing reviews when the original miniseries came out. You can read them here:

Buy it at your local comic shop this week, at Comic-Con over the weekend, or order it from Amazon for next week.

Other Likely Flash Appearances

  • DC Universe: Legacies #3 catches up to the original Justice League era
  • Justice Society of America #41
  • Tiny Titans #30

This Week (July 14): Magog, Black Lantern Corps

I’ve gotten out of the habit of putting together the full “Out this week…” posts except when a new Flash issue is out, mostly because of the time it takes (more than you’d expect, especially if I include images), but Jesse reminded me that this week’s issue of Magog features Flash Wally West…in a cover appearance, no less!

Also this week is the collected edition of Blackest Night: The Flash!

Magog #11

Written by SCOTT KOLINS • Art and cover by SCOTT KOLINS

The Psy-cho Twins are seeing flashes of the future, and for Magog that appears to mean KINGDOM COME! In part 1 of a 5-part* story written and illustrated by Scott Kolins, Magog races across the U.S./Canadian border to stop an experiment gone wrong at S.T.A.R. Labs, and it becomes clear he’s witnessing the birth of N-I-L-8, a major player from KINGDOM COME!

Note: I told myself that my days of picking up every random appearance by my favorite character were over, but (a) it’s Scott Kolins, (b) I doubt we’re likely to see Wally much of anywhere else until Flashpoint, and (c) Jesse reports that it’s got Tina and Jerry McGee in the issue as well.

*DC canceled the book with issue #12. Instead of finishing in the pages of Magog, the story will wrap up in Kolins’ JSA Special in September.

Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol.2


The Flash, Wonder Woman and the JSA come face to face with their greatest foes and long-lost loved ones, newly undead as evil Black Lanterns, in this collection of three 3-issue BLACKEST NIGHT miniseries:

  • Blackest Night: Justice Society of America
  • Blackest Night: The Flash
  • Blackest Night: Wonder Woman

240pg. · Color · Hardcover · $24.99 US

Order from Amazon (shipping next week) or buy it at your local comic shop today!

Note: Volume 1, featuring the Blackest Night Superman, Batman and Titans miniseries, is also out this week.

This Week (June 30): Flash #3, Velocity #1, JLA #46 & More

Part Three of “The Dastardly Deaths of the Rogues” arrives in stores tomorrow.

The Flash #3

It may be BRIGHTEST DAY, but when a mysterious group of so-called heroes turns up, another Rogue ends up dead. Plus, the mystery deepens as The Flash witnesses another murder — his own!

Written by GEOFF JOHNS · Art and cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL · 1:10 variant cover by GREG HORN.

On sale JUNE 30 (rescheduled) · 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

DC has a 5-page preview online.

Other Speedy Books

  • Justice League of America #46 – Start of a JLA/JSA crossover, featuring both Jay Garrick and Jesse Quick…plus a variant cover focusing on Jesse Quick by The Flash artist Francis Manapul.
  • Justice Society of America #40 featuring Jay Garrick and Liberty Belle.
  • Teen Titans #84 featuring Kid Flash (Bart Allen)
  • Velocity #1 – DC isn’t the only publisher with speedster heroes. Velocity from Top Cow’s Cyberforce gets her own solo miniseries. Newsarama has a preview, and I’ve written a review of the issue.

This Week: Flash: Rebirth #1 New Printing

Remember, comics arrive on Thursday this week due to Memorial Day!

This week, DC reprints the first issue of Flash: Rebirth as part of its “What’s Next? Graphic Novels You Should Be Reading” series.

Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver, the team behind GREEN LANTERN: REBIRTH and THE SINESTRO CORPS WAR, create this jaw-dropping issue that reintroduced Barry Allen as The Flash, now reprinted for just $1.00! But how will this greatest of all Flashes find his place in the twenty-first century? This issue is featured in THE FLASH: REBIRTH HC (DEC090206)

I believe this marks the fifth printing the issue. Check out the covers for the first four.

Also Flash-related:

  • Final Crisis Trade Paperback (featuring Wally West, Jay Garrick, and the return of Barry Allen)
  • Justice Society of America #39 (featuring Jay Garrick and Liberty Belle)
  • JSA All-Stars #7 (featuring Liberty Belle)

This Week (May 26): Wednesday Comics HC & More

The long-awaited hardcover edition of Wednesday Comics is out this week, featuring all 15 strips from last summer’s weekly series in all their 11×17″ oversized glory:

  • ADAM STRANGE written and illustrated by Paul Pope
  • BATMAN written by Brian Azzarello with art by Eduardo Risso including additional panel art on each page!
  • METAMORPHO written by Neil Gaiman with art by Michael Allred
  • DEADMAN written by Dave Bullock and Vinton Heuck with art by Dave Bullock
  • THE DEMON AND CATWOMAN written by Walter Simonson with art by Brian Stelfreeze
  • THE FLASH written by Karl Kerschl and Brenden Fletcher with art by Karl Kerschl
  • GREEN LANTERN written by Kurt Busiek with art by Joe Quinones
  • HAWKMAN written and illustrated by Kyle Baker
  • KAMANDI written by Dave Gibbons with art by Ryan Sook
  • THE METAL MEN written by Dan DiDio with art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Kevin Nowlan
  • SGT. ROCK written by Adam Kubert with art by Joe Kubert
  • SUPERGIRL written by Jimmy Palmiotti with art by Amanda Conner
  • SUPERMAN written by John Arcudi with art by Lee Bermejo
  • TEEN TITANS written by Eddie Berganza with art by Sean Galloway
  • WONDER WOMAN written and illustrated by Ben Caldwell

The Fletcher/Kerschl Flash strip was my favorite Flash story of 2009 (yes, I liked it better than Flash: Rebirth or Blackest Night: The Flash). It was fun, full of crazy ideas and adventure, and played around with the format, making use of the fact that it was being told as a newspaper comic strip.

Wednesday Comics sells for $49.99, though you can find it for less if you shop around. (Amazon’s selling it at $31.49 to start, though since they get their inventory on a book publishing schedule, they won’t have Wednesday Comics until next Tuesday.)

Other Flash appearances this week include:

This Week: Flash #2 — Preview & Variant Cover

The Flash relaunch continues this week with…

The Flash #2

On sale MAY 12 · 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Art and cover by FRANCIS MANAPUL
1:10 variant cover by RYAN SOOK

BRIGHTEST DAY shines its light on the continuing saga of Barry Allen — The Fastest Man Alive! The Flash continues his investigation into the “Dastardly Death of the Rogues” as the case takes a dramatic turn and Barry corners a suspect — and can’t believe who it is!

This morning, DC released a five-page preview of the book at The Source, and unveiled the issue’s variant cover by Ryan Sook (after the cut): Continue reading