Category Archives: Timely

Flash Podcast Launches Supergirl Radio

Supergirl Radio



New Fan Podcast Dedicated to the Upcoming Supergirl TV Show on CBS.


Friday, Jan. 23, 2015 – The Flash Podcast, which launched in December 2013 and was the first fan podcast for CW’s The Flash, is expanding its podcast circle with the launch of its first sister podcast Supergirl Radio, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd!

Supergirl Radio is a fan podcast devoted to the upcoming Supergirl TV show on CBS, created by Arrow’s and The Flash’s Greg Berlanti and The New Normal’Ali Adler, and starring Glee’s Melissa Benoist as the titular superheroine.

Supergirl Radio will be helmed by female duo: Teresa Jusino and Rebecca Johnson, both of whom have made names for themselves analyzing pop culture individually, and will now be joining forces to celebrate the arrival of Supergirl to television.

This fan podcast will begin with a “Season Zero” – as The Flash Podcast did – from February through September 2015, where listeners will get to join the journey and discover more about Kara Zor-El a.k.a. Supergirl, the last daughter of Krypton. Once Supergirl debuts on CBS, Supergirl Radio will become your one-stop shop for all things related to the series. Andy Behbakht, host of The Flash Podcast, is a producer on the show and will work behind the scenes with our hosts.

Supergirl Radio “Season Zero” will provide an in-depth exploration of Supergirl’s history in the DC Comics Universe, dissecting both past interpretations of the character and the current New 52 version throughout the season, with episodes dedicated to iconic storylines and big events that have involved Supergirl. There will also be focus on Supergirl in other media in which she’s appeared, from movies to television and much more!

Supergirl is an upcoming superhero drama by Greg Berlanti (Arrow, The Flash) and Ali Adler (The New Normal, Glee, Chuck) that will be a new interpretation of Superman’s famous cousin as she discovers the heroine within her. Melissa Benoist (Glee, Whiplash) was cast on January 22 as the next person to take this iconic heroine to the skies.

CBS gave the Warner Bros. TV project a series commitment on September 19, 2014 and describes as following: “Born on the planet Krypton, Kara Zor-El escaped amid its destruction years ago. Since arriving on Earth, she’s been hiding the powers she shares with her famous cousin. But now at age 24, she decides to embrace her superhuman abilities and be the hero she was always meant to be.”

Site link:

Supergirl Radio is a fan dedicated podcast and is not affiliated with DC Comics, Warner Bros. Television or CBS Television. Supergirl & all logos and artwork are trademark of DC Comics and DC Entertainment.

Results! Flash Favorites of 2014 and Anticipating Next Year

What were your favorite Flash comic and TV stories of the year? And what’s got you excited about next year? Vote in our 4-question poll, then come back here to discuss!

Update: The results are in! 113 people voted in the survey, and there were some pretty clear winners.


1. What was your favorite Flash TV episode of 2014?

“The Man in the Yellow Suit” won handily with 38% of the vote, followed by “Going Rogue” (Captain Cold) at 25% and “Flash vs. Arrow” at 17%. The Arrow part of the crossover was listed separately, and came in at 7%. No one voted for “Plastique.” People like their Reverse Flashes and Rogues. (Screencap from FlashTVNews.)

Barry vs Barry

2. What’s your favorite Flash comic book story from 2014?

The Future Flash storyline by Jensen/Venditti, Booth & Rapmund took a whopping 46% of the vote, followed by “History Lessons” (Flash #27-29), the Keystone Killer storyline by Buccellato and Zircher, at 19%. I listed the Mashup Gang story that ran in parallel to the Future Flash on its own, and it only came in at 7%, after a near-tie (one vote difference) between Season Zero’s story of Mr. Bliss’ circus and the updated origin story in Secret Origins #6.

Speed Force / Convergence: Wally West and the Twins

Which Flash comic book story are you most looking forward to in the first half of 2015?

A strong consensus on this one as well: 44% voted for Convergence: Speed Force featuring pre-Flashpoint Wally West and the twins. The next one down was the stranded Barry/Future Flash story playing out in the main book right now, at 19%, then the Convergence: Flash mini featuring a Bronze-Age Barry Allen at 16%. Sad to say, fully 8% of respondents chose “Don’t you mean, which story do I dread the least?”

Mark Hamill as the Trickster (1990)

4. Which confirmed guest stars are you most excited about for the second half of Flash: Season 1?

This one’s a lot more even: Coming into first place was the Trickster at 27%, followed by the return of the Reverse Flash at 22% and the debut of Heat Wave & Captain Cold at 20%. I wonder how much of the Trickster love is for the character, and how much is for the return of Mark Hamill?

In any case, we here at Speed Force hope you had a good 2014, and wish you a happy new year!

Poll Results: Who is Harrison Wells? (Updated)

One of The Flash TV series’ mysteries is Barry Allen’s benefactor at S.T.A.R. Laboratories, Harrison Wells. He’s got secret abilities, secret knowledge, a secret agenda, and only the vaguest of backstories, and if he’s not actually a time traveler, he at least has access to future knowledge.

We ran a poll over the last week asking readers which secret identity they thought was most likely. Here are the results.

Who is Harrison Wells? Poll results

The most popular theory, so far, is that he’s the Reverse Flash. A few people wrote in to specify Hunter Zolomon or Eobard Thawne. Future Barry Allen and “exactly who he says he is” were very a close second and third. After that, it was a sharp drop.

Write-ins Abra Kadabra (a time traveler who uses a lot of future technology) and Hunter Zolomon (wheelchair-bound, obsessed with making the Flash a better hero in his own twisted way) were popular, making me wonder how many people would have chosen them if I’d remembered to include Kadabra on the list, or split the two Zooms across separate options.

Full details below. I’ve combined write-ins where appropriate. Continue reading

Los Angeles Ticket Giveaway: LACMA Hosts Greg Berlanti in Flash/Arrow Event

If you’re in the Los Angeles area, LACMA is hosting an event with Greg Berlanti about Arrow and The Flash next Wednesday, November 12 at 7:30pm.

Berlanti will sit for a conversation after a viewing of “Going Rogue,” an episode from The Flash featuring the introduction to one of the best known villains from Flash’s Rogues Gallery, and will also present sneak preview clips from upcoming episodes of Arrow and The Flash.

General admission is $25, but here’s the cool thing: Film Independent (one of the organizations co-hosting the event) is offering up to 10 tickets to Speed Force readers!

Simply send your name to lacma-event at before Friday morning at 9:00 PST and I’ll pass it along to Film Independent. First come, first served.

Keystone Kops in Gotham Central Sale at ComiXology

Gotham Central 29While the announcement makes no mention of the “Gotham” TV show launching soon, ComiXology is running a Gotham Central sale with over 100 issues of the series and other Batman books discounted to 99 cents each. That includes the 4-part “Keystone Cops” story in Gotham Central #28-31, which sees Detectives Montoya and Allen pursuing a case to Keystone City and the captive Dr. Alchemy, who may be the source of a bizarre chemical weapon used on a Gotham City police officer. Keystone City Detectives Chyre and Morillo and Rogue profiler Ashley Zolomon guest star as well.

With any luck there will be a Flash sale in the coming weeks as well, especially since DC stopped releasing the 1987-2008 series without finishing it. (Most of the Geoff Johns/Howard Porter run is missing, plus for issues of Waid/Augustyn).