Tag Archives: Barry Allen

Speed Reading: Rebirth and Revamps

The webcomic Comic Critics takes on Flash: Rebirth.

I’m Just Sayin’… is extremely unhappy with Flash: Rebirth #1, particularly in terms of characterization. I particularly like his point about Savitar, whose entire motivation was that he wanted to become one with the speed force. Watch out, though: the post starts with spoilers for the latest Spider-Man.

Rikdad looks at DC’s history of revamps starting with the transition from the Golden Age to the Silver Age.

The Absorbascon contemplates labeling of comics ages, concluding that the Iron Age ran from 1985-2005, and that we’re now in the Platinum Age — all about bringing back the brightness of the Silver Age that was thrown out for Iron.

Gentlemen of Leisure profiles the Flash with an emphasis on Barry Allen and his legacy.

Amalgam: Speed DemonLetterer and logo designer Todd Klein discusses the design of the Amalgam Comics logos, including the Flash/Demon/Ghost Rider mash-up Speed Demon.

Slightly off-topic: ICV2 talks about old pop culture icons — the ones who, rather than having a nearly-continuous history like Superman or Batman (or, really, the Flash, who despite a couple of breaks in publication has had a regular presence from 1960 onward), keep getting reinvented from time to time like Zorro, Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers or the Phantom.

Speed Reading: Strange Feelings, Amalgam, Animation and More

Flash #133 (Turned into a puppet!)The Absorbascon presents Strange Feelings, with Barry Allen. If you thought it was odd to be turned into a puppet

ComicBloc’s Creativeartist has put together a Flash: Rebirth animation — in Flash, of course!

Amalgam: Speed DemonThe AV Club gives Flash: Rebirth #1 a solid B, but the dissenting opinion “was reminded why I rarely read super-hero comics anymore.”

Panels on Pages asks, Remember Amalgam? Amalgam Comics was the special-event line tied to Marvel vs. DC, filled with mash-ups of Marvel and DC characters, like the Flash/Etrigan/Ghost Rider combination, Speed Demon.

Comics Should Be Good’s Greg Hatcher writes about the grail quest — or rather, the thrill of hunting for comics.

I know that searching online I could wrap up all of these in about an hour, especially if money was no object. But money is an object — part of the fun is trying to score these things for under five dollars — and more to the point, the search is part of the pleasure. Google-and-click just isn’t the same.

Mark Evanier has launched a project to Rebuild Len Wein’s Comic Book Collection, after the Swamp Thing and Wolvering co-creator lost his house in a fire earlier this month.

Flash: Rebirth #4 Solicitation

Newsarama has a preview of DC’s July solicitations, including Flash: Rebirth #4:

The Flash: Rebirth #4

Flash: Rebirth #4Written by Geoff Johns
Art and covers by Ethan Van Sciver

Barry Allen left a legacy that thrived after his death. Now his return threatens it all. What secrets does Barry hold inside him about the fate of the Flash Family? What destiny awaits Wally and his twins? What murderous force targets Bart Allen? And what does it truly mean to be a speedster?

Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Ethan Van Sciver), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Ethan Van Sciver). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.

On sale July 22 • 4 of 5 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

My take: This sums up every concern held by fans of Wally West, Bart Allen, or the legacy aspect of the character. “Guess what! We might be throwing away what you like most about the Flash! Buy this issue and find out!”

Update: See the full list of Flash appearances in July.

Flash in Blackest Night

Green Lantern #44It looks like the Flash will be more heavily involved in this summer’s epic gigantic crossover event Blackest Night than previously suspected. We knew that Barry Allen would co-star in Blackest Night #0, this year’s Free Comic Book Day (May 2) entry. We learned recently that there will be a 3-issue Blackest Night: The Flash miniseries during the second half of the event. Now IGN has the solicitations for the first month of Blackest Night comics, and it looks like he’ll be guest-starring in the Green Lantern issues that comprise the event as well.

Green Lantern #44 (July 22)

“Blackest Night” continues! As Hal Jordan and Barry Allen investigate a bizarre crime in Gotham City, they come face to face with one of their oldest allies – J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter! But their old friend is not there for reunions; he’s come for much more. Meanwhile, Sinestro seeks to rebuild his army and take his revenge on the being who would usurp it – Mongul!

Origins: Only as Complicated as You Want Them To Be

Secret Origins Annual 2Back in February, DC’s Executive Editor Dan Didio stated that one of the reasons they are bringing back Barry Allen as the primary Flash is because “you can’t tell the origin of Wally West without Barry Allen.” I have to agree with Comics Should Be Good that this isn’t a valid reason. It doesn’t take that much more time to explain Barry’s involvement in Wally West’s origin.

I had the same problem with complaints that Bart Allen’s origin was too complicated.

The origins are only complicated because we, as fans, want to include every little detail.*

Up to Speed

When it comes down to it, all you really need to explain the Flash — any Flash — is that he’s really, really fast, and he helps people (as Marc Guggenheim pointed out in his brief run on Flash: The Fastest Man Alive).

Flash v.1 #309How about an origin? For Jay Garrick, Barry Allen and Wally West, the key element is: “A laboratory accident gave him super-speed.” You can get a little more specific if you like, say, “Gained super-speed after being struck by lightning and splashed with chemicals.” As for Bart Allen? “Inherited super-speed from his grandfather” — kind of like Zatanna, who inherited her magic from her parents, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone complain that her origin is too complicated.

Sure, you can go into all the time-travel and accelerated aging for Bart, but you don’t need that for the sales pitch. It might help explain his personality during his years as Impulse, but even then, all you have to add is, “He was raised in virtual reality and has no concept of danger.”

Of course, if you’re going to tell a 7-part, 150-page epic Secret Origin story, I think there’s plenty room to cover a mentorship with a classic hero.


Flash v.2 #62Now, if you’re going to do a Wally West story that really focuses on the fact that Barry Allen was his idol, his uncle, and his mentor, then yeah, you need to explain that relationship. But for the typical Flash vs. some Rogue story, the reader doesn’t need that level of detail. It’s enough to know that he trained under the previous Flash and later succeeded him. Kind of like how Hal Jordan trained under another Green Lantern (Sinestro), and succeeded a third Green Lantern (Abin Sur). Not only does the training under Sinestro seem to factor into most retellings of Hal’s origin, but the history between Hal and Sinestro seems to be extremely important to the current Green Lantern mythology.

Green Lantern #33And yet I’ve never heard anyone claim that since you need to know Sinestro in order to know Hal Jordan’s origin, you might as well focus the Green Lantern series on Sinestro.

Or, for that matter, that since you need to know Obi-Wan Kenobi in order to understand how Luke Skywalker became a Jedi, then you really ought to focus on Obi-Wan instead of Luke. (Though given the current focus of the Star Wars franchise on the prequel era, perhaps that’s not the best example.)


So, is Barry Allen important to Wally West’s origin? Absolutely, no question about it. Does it make his origin more complicated? A little. Does it mean that DC can’t tell compelling, comprehensible stories about Wally West as the Flash? Of course not. Admittedly DC hasn’t been telling the best Flash stories possible lately, but having Barry in Wally’s background certainly didn’t stop them from telling good stories over the previous 20 years.

This is not to say that DC shouldn’t tell stories with Barry Allen instead of Wally West. Just that if they want to claim that it’s somehow necessary or better to focus on Barry, this particular rationale doesn’t hold up.

*Update: It’s not just comics fans, either. I once asked a family friend what Les Misérables was about, and she spent at least twenty minutes describing the plot of the three-hour stage version. And consider this tribute to “excruciatingly detailed” movie plot summaries on Wikipedia.) I don’t know if it’s our attention to detail, or our love of storytelling, but it’s just so easy to pile things on that a new reader doesn’t really need to worry about until a story warrants it.

(Thanks to comics.org for the cover scans.)

Geoff Johns Talks Flash: Rebirth at Newsarama

Newsarama has a new interview with Geoff Johns about Flash: Rebirth, touching on a number of items. Some highlights:

Timing: He’s keeping it vague, but the miniseries takes place after the fallout from Final Crisis has settled. And Barry has definitely been gone for several years, but not the 23 years he’s been gone in the real world. “Otherwise, Wally would be…old.”

Central City: Geoff Johns wants to explore Central City in Flash: Rebirth the way he explored Keystone City in The Flash and Coast City in Green Lantern.

Villains: The Rogues have been acting differently since Barry left, not to mention replaced some members. All the cameos in the first issue are there for a reason.

The Speed Force: an enigmatic energy that all speedsters tap into, “like gasoline.”

Issue #2 opens in Gorilla City.

And as for Barry Allen himself…

It’s hard to talk about Barry and how he sees himself as the Flash, because this is the story of how he finds himself, and who he’s going to be now. Flash: Rebirth #1 is just a piece of a bigger story of who Barry Allen is, who the Flash is going to be, and where he goes from here….It’s a detective story….This is Barry solving one big crime. A crime against speedsters.

There’s a lot more. Read the rest at Newsarama.